Expected Behaviour:
The App does not Crash, if the user manipulates the Clipart Code
Seen Behaviour
Removing a Clipart code between <<>> or typing a long number results in a Crash
Midigation Strategies:
- When switching back to the "Create Badge Screen" encode The Clipart in the Field correctly (does not solve number issues in the code)
- Catch invalid inputs for clipart id's
- Open The Bade Magic app
- select a Clipart for the Text
- tap the burger menu
- tap create clipart
- tap the burger menu again
- tap Create Badge (The selected Clipart is now encoded as <>)
7.a: Remove the Number between <<>>
7.b:type random numbers between the <<>> till the app crashes
7.c: (untested) add chars to the <>
7.d: (untested) use a negativ index
App Crashed