We do not have an event dashboard on eventyay-common yet. Please create one based on eventyay-tickets.
After creating an event automatically direct to the dashboard (instead of the settings which is the current implementation).
- Left sidebar
- Event name - link to eventyay-common dashboard
- Settings
Content on main area similar to basic content on eventyay-tickets, but with links to tickets, talk, video dashboards.
Create 3 component boxes
Box 1
Heading: Tickets
Link Text: Set up and configure ticketing for your event and sell add-ons such as premium access or Swag.
Link to ticket dashboard
Box 2
Heading: Talks and Speakers
Link Text: Setup and configure content for your event, create calls for speakers and project and build a schedule.
Link to talk dashboard
Box 3
Heading: Video
Link Text: Setup and configure video streams, online workshops and live chats
Link to video dashboard