I would like to request a new feature that assigns a unique video conference link (e.g., Microsoft Teams link) to each room within Eventyay. This link would remain consistent for every session scheduled in that particular room.
Use Case:
- Simplifies the process for attendees and speakers by providing a single, consistent link for all sessions in a given room.
- Reduces confusion and ensures that participants can easily join the sessions without needing to find a new link for each session.
- Streamlines the event management process, making it easier for organizers to manage and distribute session links.
Proposed Implementation:
- Room Configuration:
- Allow event organizers to assign a unique video conference link to each room during the event creation in the sessions and speakers tab.
- Session Integration:
- Automatically link each session scheduled in a room to the room's video conference link.
- Display the room-specific link prominently on each session's detail page and in session reminder emails.
- User Interface:
- Add a field in the room configuration section for the video conference link.
- Ensure that this link is displayed on the session pages, both on the website and in the event app.
- Enhances user experience by reducing the number of unique links attendees need to manage.
- Ensures consistency and reliability in joining sessions.
- Eases the administrative burden on event organizers.
Additional Notes:
The feature should support various video conferencing platforms, with a default preference for Microsoft Teams.
Consider adding a validation step to ensure that the video conference link is correctly formatted and accessible.
Thank you for considering this feature request. I believe it will greatly improve the usability and efficiency of the Eventyay platform for both organizers and participants.
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