- GET_CTMU_VOLTAGE (feat: ctmu functions and buffer fill/clear #123)
- GET_CAP_RANGE (feat: get capacitor range #135)
- START_CTMU (feat: ctmu functions and buffer fill/clear #123)
- STOP_CTMU (feat: ctmu functions and buffer fill/clear #123)
- GET_CAPACITANCE (feat: ctmu capacitance measurement #104)
- START_COUNTING (feat: interval measurements and counters #115)
- FETCH_COUNT (feat: interval measurements and counters #115)
- GET_HIGH_FREQUENCY (feat: frequency measurements #126)
- GET_ALTERNATE_HIGH_FREQUENCY (feat: frequency measurements #126)
- GET_FREQUENCY (feat: frequency measurements #126)
- GET_VERSION (Reimplement main state machine #75)
- RETRIEVE_BUFFER (feat: oscilloscope capture one channel #101)
- CLEAR_BUFFER (feat: ctmu functions and buffer fill/clear #123)
- FILL_BUFFER (feat: ctmu functions and buffer fill/clear #123)
- SETRGB (feat: rgb led functions #125)
- SETRGB2 (feat: rgb led functions #125)
- SETRGB3 (feat: rgb led functions #125)
READ_PROGRAM_ADDRESSWRITE_PROGRAM_ADDRESS- READ_DATA_ADDRESS (feat: device registers related functions #114)
- WRITE_DATA_ADDRESS (feat: device registers related functions #114)
READ_LOG- RESTORE_STANDALONE (feat: device registers related functions #114)