File tree
1,297 files changed
lines changed- assets
- images
- javascripts
- lunr
- min
- workers
- stylesheets
- contribute
- assets
- code
- assets
- build-shards
- run-shards
- contributing-changes
- docs
- assets
- start-documenting
- write-documentation
- getting-started
- wiki
- assets
- download
- assets
- learn
- assets
- shards
- assets
- primer
- assets
- coding-with-shards
- the-flow
- what-is-shards
- working-with-data
- tutorials
- assets
- images
- glod-game
- full-game
- GlodImages
- Character_Idle
- Idle_Left
- Idle_Right
- Character_Walking
- Walking_Left
- Walking_Right
- Coin
- CoinEffect
- Damage_Effect
- SpikeBall
- introduction
- steps
- assets
- step-1
- step-2
- step-3
- step-4
- step-5
- step-6
- step-7
- snake
- full-game
- introduction
- steps
- step-1
- step-2
- step-3
- step-4
- step-5
- yes-no-game
- full-game
- data/cats
- introduction
- steps
- assets
- step-1
- step-2
- step-3
- step-4
- step-5
- step-6
- reference
- assets
- shards
- assets
- enums
- Anchor
- AstType
- BindGroupId
- BlendFactor
- BlendOperation
- BranchFailure
- BufferAddressSpace
- BuiltinFeatureId
- BuiltinMeshType
- ColorMask
- CompareFunction
- ConstraintSpace
- DependencyType
- FilterMode
- FontFamily
- IfExists
- Interpolation
- LayoutAlign
- LayoutDirection
- LayoutFrame
- LogLevel
- MLFormats
- MLModels
- MarkerShape
- Mean
- ModifierKey
- Order
- OrthographicSizeType
- PhysicsDOF
- PhysicsDebugShapeColor
- PhysicsDebugSoftBodyConstraintColor
- PhysicsMotion
- PopupLocation
- ProgrammableGraphicsStage
- RequiredAttributes
- RunWireMode
- ScrollVisibility
- ShaderFieldBaseType
- ShaderLiteralType
- SortMode
- TensorType
- TextStyle
- TextWrap
- TextureAddressing
- TextureDimension
- TextureFiltering
- TextureFormat
- TextureSampleType
- TextureType
- Type
- UIProperty
- WaitUntil
- Waveform
- WindingOrder
- WindowFlags
- lisp
- collections
- macros
- misc
- operators
- standard-output
- strings
- values
- overview
- shards
- Animation
- Duration
- Interpolated
- Play
- Timer
- Argon2id
- Hash
- Verify
- Assert
- Is
- IsAlmost
- IsNot
- IsStatic
- IsVariable
- Audio
- Channel
- Cones
- Device
- Direction
- Engine
- Oscillator
- Pan
- Pause
- Pitch
- Position
- ReadFile
- ReadFileBytes
- Resample
- Sound
- Start
- Stop
- Velocity
- Volume
- WriteFile
- BigInt
- Abs
- Add
- And
- Divide
- FromFloat
- Is
- IsLess
- IsLessEqual
- IsMore
- IsMoreEqual
- IsNot
- Max
- Min
- Mod
- Multiply
- Or
- Pow
- Shift
- Sqrt
- Subtract
- ToBytes
- ToFloat
- ToHex
- ToInt
- ToString
- Xor
- Brotli
- Compress
- Decompress
- Bytes/Join
- Read
- Write
- ChaChaPoly
- Decrypt
- Encrypt
- DB
- Backup
- LoadExtension
- Query
- RawQuery
- Transaction
- Date/Format
- Debug
- Break
- DumpEnv
- LastError
- Noop
- WireStack
- Desktop
- Bounds
- CaptureFrame
- CursorBitmap
- GetMousePos
- HasWindow
- IsForeground
- LastInput
- LeftClick
- MiddleClick
- Move
- MoveMouse
- NotForeground
- Pixel
- Pixels
- Resize
- RightClick
- ScrollHorizontal
- ScrollVertical
- SendKeyEvent
- SetBorderless
- SetClickthrough
- SetForeground
- SetMousePos
- SetTimerResolution
- SetTitle
- SetTopmost
- Size
- Tap
- UnsetClickthrough
- UnsetTopmost
- WaitKeyEvent
- WaitWindow
- PublicKey
- Recover
- Seed
- Sign
- Ed25519
- PublicKey
- Sign
- Verify
- Events
- Check
- Emit
- Receive
- Send
- Update
- FS
- Absolute
- Copy
- CreateDirectories
- Extension
- FileDialog
- Filename
- Is
- IsAbsolute
- IsAny
- IsDirectory
- IsFile
- IsNotAny
- Iterate
- Join
- LastWriteTime
- Normalize
- Parent
- Read
- RelativeTo
- Remove
- RemoveAll
- Rename
- SaveFileDialog
- SetWriteTime
- Watch
- Write
- Buffer
- BuiltinFeature
- BuiltinMesh
- ClearQueue
- CopyPass
- Draw
- DrawQueue
- Drawable
- DrawablePass
- DynDrawText
- DynDrawTextPlacement
- DynDrawTextWorldSpace
- DynMesh
- DynToMesh
- EffectPass
- EndFrame
- Feature
- FontMap
- FontSpaceSize
- MainWindow
- Material
- Mesh
- MoveWindow
- QueueDrawables
- ReadBuffer
- ReadTexture
- Render
- RenderInto
- RenderTarget
- RenderTargetTexture
- Renderer
- ResizeWindow
- TextPlacement
- Texture
- UIPass
- UIScaleFactor
- View
- ViewMatrix
- ViewProjectionMatrix
- ViewRange
- Viewport
- WindowFocused
- WindowInsets
- WindowPosition
- WindowSize
- WriteBuffer
- assets
- glTF
- General
- Abs
- Acos
- Add
- And
- AppendTo
- Asin
- Assoc
- Atan
- AudioToBytes
- Await
- BigInt
- BitSwap32
- BitSwap64
- Branch
- Broadcast
- Browse
- BytesBuffer
- BytesToAudio
- BytesToInts
- BytesToString
- CaptureLog
- Ceil
- Clamp
- Clear
- Comment
- Complete
- Cond
- Const
- Consume
- Convolve
- Cos
- Count
- DShard
- Dec
- DecCounter
- DegreesToRadians
- DemultiplyAlpha
- Detach
- Div
- Do
- DoMany
- Drop
- DropFront
- Env
- Erase
- Evolve
- Exit
- Expand
- Expect
- ExpectAudio
- ExpectAudioSeq
- ExpectBool
- ExpectBoolSeq
- ExpectBytes
- ExpectBytesSeq
- ExpectColor
- ExpectColorSeq
- ExpectFloat
- ExpectFloat2
- ExpectFloat2Seq
- ExpectFloat3
- ExpectFloat3Seq
- ExpectFloat4
- ExpectFloat4Seq
- ExpectFloatSeq
- ExpectImage
- ExpectImageSeq
- ExpectInt
- ExpectInt16
- ExpectInt16Seq
- ExpectInt2
- ExpectInt2Seq
- ExpectInt3
- ExpectInt3Seq
- ExpectInt4
- ExpectInt4Seq
- ExpectInt8
- ExpectInt8Seq
- ExpectIntSeq
- ExpectLike
- ExpectNone
- ExpectSeq
- ExpectString
- ExpectStringSeq
- ExpectTable
- ExpectWire
- ExpectWireSeq
- Extend
- Fail
- FastSqrt
- FillAlpha
- First
- Flatten
- FloatsToImage
- Floor
- Flush
- FlushLog
- Fold
- ForEach
- ForRange
- FreeCamera
- FromBase58
- FromBase64
- FromBytes
- FromJson
- FromLEB128
- Get
- GetCounter
- GetFlag
- GetImagePixel
- GlobalOnce
- Hash
- HexToBytes
- Highest
- If
- ImageSize
- ImageToBytes
- ImageToFloats
- Inc
- IncCounter
- IndexOf
- Input
- Insert
- IntRange
- IntsToBytes
- Is
- IsAll
- IsAllLess
- IsAllLessEqual
- IsAllMore
- IsAllMoreEqual
- IsAllNot
- IsAlmost
- IsAny
- IsAnyLess
- IsAnyLessEqual
- IsAnyMore
- IsAnyMoreEqual
- IsAnyNot
- IsAudio
- IsBool
- IsBytes
- IsColor
- IsFalse
- IsFloat
- IsFloat2
- IsFloat3
- IsFloat4
- IsImage
- IsInt
- IsInt16
- IsInt2
- IsInt3
- IsInt4
- IsInt8
- IsLess
- IsLessEqual
- IsMore
- IsMoreEqual
- IsNone
- IsNot
- IsNotNone
- IsRunning
- IsSeq
- IsString
- IsTable
- IsTrue
- IsValidNumber
- IsWire
- Isolate
- Iterate
- Last
- LastError
- Lerp
- Limit
- Listen
- LoadImage
- Log
- LogType
- Lowest
- MakeColor
- MakeFloat2
- MakeFloat3
- MakeFloat4
- MakeInt16
- MakeInt2
- MakeInt3
- MakeInt4
- MakeInt8
- MakeTrait
- Map
- Match
- Max
- Maybe
- Memoize
- Merge
- Min
- Msg
- Mul
- Mutant
- NaNTo0
- NanoID
- Not
- Once
- Or
- Output
- Pack
- ParseFloat
- ParseInt
- Pass
- Pause
- PauseMs
- Peek
- Percentile
- Pop
- PopFront
- Pow
- PremultiplyAlpha
- PrependTo
- Produce
- Profile
- PtrToString
- Push
- RLimit
- RTake
- RadiansToDegrees
- RandomBytes
- RandomFloat
- RandomInt
- ReadFile
- Recur
- Reduce
- Ref
- Remove
- Repeat
- Replace
- ResizeImage
- Restart
- Resume
- Return
- Reverse
- Run
- Schedule
- Sequence
- Set
- SetCounter
- SetFlag
- SetLogLevel
- Shuffle
- Sin
- SleepBlocking!
- Slice
- Snowflake
- Sort
- Spawn
- Sqrt
- Step
- Stop
- StringToBytes
- StripAlpha
- Sub
- SubFlow
- Suspend
- Swap
- SwitchTo
- Table
- Take
- Tan
- TargetCamera
- Tensor
- ToAny
- ToBase58
- ToBase64
- ToBytes
- ToColor
- ToFloat
- ToFloat2
- ToFloat3
- ToFloat4
- ToHex
- ToInt
- ToInt16
- ToInt2
- ToInt3
- ToInt4
- ToInt8
- ToJson
- ToLEB128
- ToString
- TraitId
- TryMany
- TypeOf
- UI
- Unpack
- UnsafeActivate!
- Update
- VarAddr
- VarPtr
- Wait
- When
- WhenDone
- WhenNot
- WireRunner
- WriteFile
- WriteJPG
- WritePNG
- Zip
- _ExportStrings
- Gizmos
- Arrow
- Box
- Circle
- Context
- Debug
- Disc
- Grid
- Highlight
- Line
- Point
- Rect
- RefspaceGridOverlay
- Rotation
- Scaling
- ScreenScale
- ScreenXY
- SolidRect
- Text
- Translation
- Hash
- Blake2-128
- Blake2-256
- Keccak-256
- Keccak-512
- Sha2-256
- Sha2-512
- Sha3-256
- Sha3-512
- XXH-128
- XXH-64
- XXH3-128
- XXH3-64
- Http
- Chunk
- Delete
- Get
- Head
- Patch
- Post
- Put
- Read
- Response
- SendFile
- Server
- Stream
- Inputs
- DebugUI
- Detached
- GetContext
- HandleURL
- IsKeyDown
- KeyDown
- KeyUp
- MatchModifier
- MouseDelta
- MouseDown
- MousePixelPos
- MousePos
- MouseUp
- PixelSize
- Size
- Jwt
- Decode
- Encode
- Verify
- Context
- Detokenize
- Embed
- Model
- Tokenize
- ML
- AudioToMel
- Detokenize
- DetokenizeWithTimestamps
- Forward
- Model
- PrepareAudioTokens
- SpeechToText
- Tokenizer
- Tokens
- Markdown
- FromHTML
- Parse
- Math
- Abs
- Acos
- Acosh
- Add
- And
- Asin
- Asinh
- Atan
- Atanh
- AxisAngleX
- AxisAngleY
- AxisAngleZ
- Cbrt
- Ceil
- Compose
- Cos
- Cosh
- Cross
- Dec
- Decompose
- DegreesToRadians
- Divide
- Dot
- Erf
- Erfc
- Exp
- Exp2
- Expm1
- FastInvSqrt
- FastSqrt
- Floor
- Inc
- Inverse
- LGamma
- LShift
- Length
- LengthSquared
- Lerp
- Log
- Log10
- Log1p
- Log2
- LookAt
- MatIdentity
- MatMul
- Mean
- Mod
- Multiply
- Negate
- Normalize
- Or
- Orthographic
- Percentile
- Pow
- Project
- QuatMultiply
- QuatRotate
- RShift
- RadiansToDegrees
- Rotation
- Round
- Scaling
- Sin
- Sinh
- Slerp
- Sqrt
- Subtract
- TGamma
- Tan
- Tanh
- Translation
- Transpose
- Trunc
- Unproject
- Xor
- Mnemonic
- Generate
- ToSeed
- Network
- Broadcast
- Client
- Peer
- PeerID
- Send
- SendRaw
- Server
- WS.Client
- WS.Server
- PDF/ToText
- Physics
- AngularVelocity
- ApplyForce
- ApplyForceAt
- ApplyImpulse
- Body
- BoxShape
- CapsuleShape
- CenterOfMass
- Collisions
- Context
- DebugDraw
- DistanceConstraint
- Dump
- End
- FixedConstraint
- HullShape
- InverseMass
- LinearVelocity
- Location
- MotionType
- Rotation
- SetPose
- SetVelocity
- SliderConstraint
- SoftBody
- SoftBodyShape
- SphereShape
- WithContext
- Process
- Exe
- Run
- Shell
- StackTrace
- Random/Name
- Reflect
- Get
- Name
- Shards
- Regex
- Match
- Replace
- Search
- SVG/ToImage
- Shader
- LinearizeDepth
- Literal
- ReadBuffer
- ReadGlobal
- ReadInput
- RefBuffer
- RefSampler
- RefTexture
- SampleTexture
- SampleTextureCoord
- WithInput
- WithTexture
- WriteGlobal
- WriteOutput
- Shards
- Distill
- EnumTypeHelp
- EnumTypes
- Enumerate
- Errors
- Help
- ObjectTypeHelp
- ObjectTypes
- Print
- Read
- Snappy
- Compress
- Decompress
- Spatial/assets
- Sr25519
- PublicKey
- Sign
- Verify
- String
- CodePoints
- Contains
- DecodeURI
- EncodeURI
- Ends
- Format
- FromCodePoints
- Join
- Split
- Starts
- ToLower
- ToUpper
- Trim
- TargetCamera
- FromLookAt
- Matrix
- Tensor
- Add
- Div
- MatMul
- Mul
- Pow
- Reshape
- Shape
- Slice
- Split
- Stack
- Sub
- Sum
- ToFloat
- ToFloats
- ToInts
- ToString
- Transpose
- ZerosLike
- Time
- Delta
- DeltaMs
- Epoch
- EpochLocal
- EpochLocalMs
- EpochMs
- MovingAverage
- Now
- NowMs
- ToString
- Tracy/Message
- UI
- AddFonts
- Area
- AutoGrid
- BottomPanel
- Button
- Canvas
- CentralPanel
- Checkbox
- CloseMenu
- CodeEditor
- Collapsing
- ColorInput
- Columns
- Combo
- Console
- Disable
- DockArea
- DragAndDrop
- Float2Input
- Float2Slider
- Float3Input
- Float3Slider
- Float4Input
- Float4Slider
- FloatInput
- FloatSlider
- Frame
- GetClipboard
- Grid
- Group
- HexViewer
- Horizontal
- Hyperlink
- Image
- ImageButton
- Indent
- Inspection
- Int2Input
- Int2Slider
- Int3Input
- Int3Slider
- Int4Input
- Int4Slider
- IntInput
- IntSlider
- Label
- Layout
- LayoutClass
- LeftPanel
- Link
- ListBox
- MarkdownViewer
- Menu
- MenuBar
- NextRow
- Overlay
- PaintCircle
- Plot
- PlotBar
- PlotLine
- PlotPoints
- PopupWrapper
- ProgressBar
- Property
- RadioButton
- Render
- RenderTarget
- Reset
- RestoreState
- RightPanel
- SaveState
- Scope
- ScrollArea
- Selectable
- Separator
- SetClipboard
- Settings
- Shards
- Sized
- Space
- Spinner
- Style
- SubArea
- Tab
- Table
- TableHeader
- TextField
- Tooltip
- TopPanel
- Variable
- Vertical
- WidgetStyle
- Window
- Convert
- ToBytes
- ToString
- Wasm/Run
- X509
- PublicKey
- Verify
- Yaml
- FromJson
- ToJson
- _Callgrind
- Start
- Stop
- _Inputs/DiscardTempFiles
- types
- search
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,297 files changed
lines changedWhitespace-only changes.
Large diffs are not rendered by default.
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + |
52.8 KB
48.4 KB
35.3 KB
1.83 KB
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Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about customizing how changed files appear on GitHub.
Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about customizing how changed files appear on GitHub.
Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about customizing how changed files appear on GitHub.
Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about customizing how changed files appear on GitHub.
Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about customizing how changed files appear on GitHub.
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