Bug report
thor commands for Vulkan scaper fail with SSL cert is not okay. I have verified the cert on the remote host. I also noticed an old PR suffered the same error due to changes in attribution methods. Since it has been 2 years I was wondering if something similar has changed causing these issues with the Vulkan scraper.
> bundle exec thor docs:page vulkan
C:/Users/******/dev/devdocs/lib/docs/core/scrapers/url_scraper.rb:49:in `process_response?': Error status code (0): SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK (RuntimeError)
OS information
Windows 10
Steps to reproduce
On the main branch, execute:
bundle exec thor docs:page vulkan
More resources
Possible fix
I discovered this issue attempting to update vulkan version here. Testing on main exhibited the issue as well so it was not related to my change. Unknown cause or fix.