The attached test ROM fails to exit the following loop in GB Online, and continues to show an X, because the vblank interrupt fires before the ldh a,[rLY] instruction is processed, and the handler takes enough time that when it returns LY is $91. The loop can be fixed by changing the jr nz
to jr nc
, but the emulator should be fixed to process the ldh
before dispatching the interrupt. This bug was identified as the reason for Adjustris not working in the emulator.
ldh a,[rLY]
cp $90
jr nz,.waitForLY
On real hardware and many other emulators the test ROM will show a checkmark as it properly exits the wait loop. Some investigation was done by gekkio on 2018-04-03 using his test bench. Some of the findings are as follows:
on real hardware it reads $8F fourteen times
then it reads $90
and then interrupt dispatching starts
so the $FF44 read that returns $90 is the last instruction before the interrupt dispatching happens
ok looks like 16412 NOPs are needed to see LY=90
ld a, $81
ldh (<LCDC), a
; 16412 NOPs
ldh a, (<LY)
; A is now $90
so that's relative to the initial LCDC write
if you put 16411 NOPs instead, A is still $8F
LY=LYC interrupt also happens after LY=$90 appears
ld a, $81
ldh (<LCDC), a
; 16412 NOPs
; 3 NOPs so same duration as ldh a, (<LY)
; <-- interrupt dispatching starts