Discord report:
The gist of it seems to be that embedded palettes are not read properly, and an image with an embedded palette that uses color #0 on any pixel causes the code that displays a palette to segfault. Here's the output for
rgbgfx -o segfault.2bpp -c embedded segfault.png
:error: Failed to fit tile colors [$1527, $15cc, $1ab4] in specified palettes note: The following palette was specified: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If I modify the image to not use color #0 from the embedded palette, I get a similar failure but with no segfault, so the code successfully prints... no palette:
error: Failed to fit tile colors [$1527, $15cc, $1ab4] in specified palettes note: The following palette was specified: [] Conversion aborted after 1 error