taiko-screencast fails to record a screencast for me with the following error:
❯ taiko --observe ptf-demo.js --plugin taiko-screencast
✔ Browser opened
✔ Navigated to URL https://admin.oas.…
✔ Clicked element matching text "Login" 1 times
✔ Clicked element matching text "Login with OAS" 1 times
✔ Wrote demo into the textBox with label Username
✔ Wrote ***** into the textBox with label Password
✔ Clicked element matching text "Remember me" 1 times
✔ Clicked element matching text "Sign in" 1 times
✔ Clicked link below nextcloud 1 times
✔ Clicked element matching text "Log in with OpenAppStack" 1 times
✔ Clicked element matching text "Continue with demo" 1 times
✔ Pressed the Escape key
✔ Clicked link with text Documents 1 times
(node:91768) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 21 handlerActingOnNewSession listeners added to [EventEmitter]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Error: Unsupported action removeListener on client
at Object.get (/home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:159:15)
at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:510:17)
at EventEmitter.emit (node:events:406:35)
at initCRI (/home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/connection.js:88:18)
at async /home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/connection.js:106:19
at async /home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/connection.js:106:19
at async /home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/connection.js:106:19
at async /home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/connection.js:106:19
at async /home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/connection.js:106:19
at async /home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/connection.js:106:19
✔ Browser closed
Without taiko-screencats, the script runs successful. Here's the demo.js.txt
No labels