Hey, I have a "feature request": For the triage bot, where we get these messages:
Hey! You have some tickets to triage:
Is there a way - or could we get a way - to re-request this manually? It would be great if I could write something in the respective channel, e.g. "triage bot update" or whatever, and it would post up-to-date triage data.
The reason being that e.g. in the JS SDKs, we have quite a high volume of triaging issues. So in the morning you'd get a message that e.g. these 15 issues should be triaged. Now, if you look at this list at lunch, it can be hard to know which ones still need attention, and which don't. (We can look at it in GH but then you don't see the remaining time etc. so it is not that easy to gauge which issues are most important to look at).
Essentially, we want to give people a command to run /list-triage-issues or something to display all issues that need triaging