Issue Description
I'm seeing across multiple unrelated apps/projects this behavior where Sidekiq jobs are being grouped into the same parent trace, even though the job runs are completely unrelated:
Project A:

Project B:

You end up getting traces that are days long:

I think this really messes with sampling, as now I can end up with massive traces from Sidekiq using tons and tons of spans, which means I have to decrease my sample rate overall to compensate, meaning I get less spans from web requests.
Reproduction Steps
Unsure at this point. I don't know how this behavior works in Sentry so I don't know how to repro.
I think this only happens when a Sidekiq job is run and a web request was not the parent (i.e. a job triggered by a cron). This
Expected Behavior
Unrelated job runs should not be grouped into the same transaction.
Actual Behavior
They are.
Ruby Version
SDK Version
Multiple, but includes 5.22.1
Integration and Its Version
No response
Sentry Config
Multiple, no common thread in the config AFAICT
No status