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Ray Tracing Extensions


wgpu supports an experimental version of ray tracing which is subject to change. The extensions allow for acceleration structures to be created and built (with Features::EXPERIMENTAL_RAY_TRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE enabled) and interacted with in shaders. Currently naga only supports ray queries (accessible with Features::EXPERIMENTAL_RAY_QUERY enabled in wgpu).

Note: The features documented here may have major bugs in them and are expected to be subject to breaking changes, suggestions for the API exposed by this should be posted on the ray-tracing issue. Large changes may mean that this documentation may be out of date.

This is not an introduction to raytracing, and assumes basic prior knowledge, to look at the fundamentals look at an introduction.

wgpu's raytracing API:

The documentation and specific details of the functions and structures provided can be found with their definitions.

A Blas can be created with Device::create_blas. A Tlas can be created with Device::create_tlas.

Unless one is planning on using the unsafe building API (not recommended for beginners) a Tlas should be put inside a TlasPackage. After that a reference to the Tlas can be retrieved by calling TlasPackage::tlas. This reference can be placed in a bind group to be used in a shader. A reference to a Blas can be used to create TlasInstance alongside a transformation matrix, a custom index (this can be any data that should be given to the shader on a hit) which only the first 24 bits may be set, and a mask to filter hits in the shader.

A Blas must be built in either the same build as any Tlas it is used to build or an earlier build call. Before a Tlas is used in a shader it must

  • have been built
  • have all Blases that it was last built with to have last been built in either the same build as this Tlas or an earlier build call.

naga's raytracing API:

naga supports ray queries (also known as inline raytracing) only. Ray tracing pipelines are currently unsupported. Naming is mostly taken from vulkan.

// - Initializes the `ray_query` to check where (if anywhere) the ray defined by `ray_desc` hits in `acceleration_structure
rayQueryInitialize(rq: ptr<function, ray_query>, acceleration_structure: acceleration_structure, ray_desc: RayDesc)
// Overload.
rayQueryInitialize(rq: ptr<function, ray_query<vertex_return>>, acceleration_structure: acceleration_structure<vertex_return>, ray_desc: RayDesc)

// - Traces the ray in the initialized ray_query (partially) through the scene.
// - Returns true if a triangle that was hit by the ray was in a `Blas` that is not marked as opaque.
// - Returns false if all triangles that were hit by the ray were in `Blas`es that were marked as opaque.
// - The hit is considered `Candidate` if this function returns true, and the hit is considered `Committed` if
//   this function returns false.
// - A `Candidate` intersection interrupts the ray traversal.
// - A `Candidate` intersection may happen anywhere along the ray, it should not be relied on to give the closest hit. A
//   `Candidate` intersection is to allow the user themselves to decide if that intersection is valid*. If one wants to get
//   the closest hit a `Committed` intersection should be used.
// - Calling this function multiple times will cause the ray traversal to continue if it was interrupted by a `Candidate`
//   intersection.
rayQueryProceed(rq: ptr<function, ray_query>) -> bool
// Overload.
rayQueryProceed(rq: ptr<function, ray_query<vertex_return>>) -> bool

// - Generates a hit from procedural geometry at a particular distance.
rayQueryGenerateIntersection(hit_t: f32)

// - Commits a hit from triangular non-opaque geometry.

// - Aborts the query.

// - Returns intersection details about a hit considered `Committed`.
rayQueryGetCommittedIntersection(rq: ptr<function, ray_query>) -> RayIntersection
// Overload.
rayQueryGetCommittedIntersection(rq: ptr<function, ray_query<vertex_return>>) -> RayIntersection

// - Returns intersection details about a hit considered `Candidate`.
rayQueryGetCandidateIntersection(rq: ptr<function, ray_query>) -> RayIntersection
// Overload.
rayQueryGetCandidateIntersection(rq: ptr<function, ray_query<vertex_return>>) -> RayIntersection

// - Returns the vertices of the hit triangle considered `Committed`.
getCommittedHitVertexPositions(rq: ptr<function, ray_query<vertex_return>>) -> array<vec3<f32>, 3>

// - Returns the vertices of the hit triangle considered `Candidate`.
getCandidateHitVertexPositions(rq: ptr<function, ray_query<vertex_return>>) -> array<vec3<f32>, 3>


⚠️Undefined behavior ⚠️:

  • Calling rayQueryGetCommittedIntersection or rayQueryGetCandidateIntersection when rayQueryProceed has not been called on this ray query since it was initialized (or if the ray query has not been previously initialized).
  • Calling rayQueryGetCommittedIntersection when rayQueryProceed's latest return on this ray query is considered Candidate.
  • Calling rayQueryGetCandidateIntersection when rayQueryProceed's latest return on this ray query is considered Committed.
  • Calling getCommittedHitVertexPositions when rayQueryProceed's latest return on this ray query is considered Candidate.
  • Calling getCandidateHitVertexPositions when rayQueryProceed's latest return on this ray query is considered Committed.
  • Calling get*HitVertexPositions when the last rayQueryProceed did not hit a triangle
  • Calling rayQueryProceed when rayQueryInitialize has not previously been called on this ray query
  • Calling rayQueryGenerateIntersection on a query with last intersection kind not being RAY_QUERY_INTERSECTION_AABB,
  • Calling rayQueryGenerateIntersection with hit_t outside of RayDesc::t_min .. RayDesc::t_max range. or when rayQueryProceed's latest return on this ray query is not considered Candidate.
  • Calling rayQueryConfirmIntersection on a query with last intersection kind not being RAY_QUERY_INTERSECTION_TRIANGLE, or when rayQueryProceed's latest return on this ray query is not considered Candidate.

*this is only known undefined behaviour, and will be worked around in the future.

struct RayDesc {
    // Contains flags to use for this ray (e.g. consider all `Blas`es opaque)
    flags: u32,
    // If the bitwise and of this and any `TlasInstance`'s `mask` is not zero then the object inside
    // the `Blas` contained within that `TlasInstance` may be hit.
    cull_mask: u32,
    // Only points on the ray whose t is greater than this may be hit.
    t_min: f32,
    // Only points on the ray whose t is less than this may be hit.
    t_max: f32,
    // The origin of the ray.
    origin: vec3<f32>,
    // The direction of the ray, t is calculated as the length down the ray divided by the length of `dir`.
    dir: vec3<f32>,

struct RayIntersection {
    // the kind of the hit, no other member of this structure is useful if this is equal
    // to constant `RAY_QUERY_INTERSECTION_NONE`.
    kind: u32,
    // Distance from starting point, measured in units of `RayDesc::dir`.
    t: f32,
    // Corresponds to `instance.custom_data` where `instance` is the `TlasInstance`
    // that the intersected object was contained in.
    instance_custom_data: u32,
    // The index into the `TlasPackage` to get the `TlasInstance` that the hit object is in
    instance_index: u32,
    // The offset into the shader binding table. Currently, this value is always 0.
    sbt_record_offset: u32,
    // The index into the `Blas`'s build descriptor (e.g. if `BlasBuildEntry::geometry` is
    // `BlasGeometries::TriangleGeometries` then it is the index into that contained vector).
    geometry_index: u32,
    // The object hit's index into the provided buffer (e.g. if the object is a triangle
    // then this is the triangle index)
    primitive_index: u32,
    // Two of the barycentric coordinates, the third can be calculated (only useful if this is a triangle).
    barycentrics: vec2<f32>,
    // Whether the hit face is the front (only useful if this is a triangle).
    front_face: bool,
    // Matrix for converting from object-space to world-space.
    // This matrix needs to be on the left side of the multiplication. Using it the other way round will not work.
    // Use it this way: `let transformed_vector = intersecion.object_to_world * vec4<f32>(x, y, z, transform_multiplier);
    object_to_world: mat4x3<f32>,
    // Matrix for converting from world-space to object-space
    // This matrix needs to be on the left side of the multiplication. Using it the other way round will not work.
    // Use it this way: `let transformed_vector = intersecion.world_to_object * vec4<f32>(x, y, z, transform_multiplier);
    world_to_object: mat4x3<f32>,

/// -- Flags for `RayDesc::flags` --

// All `Blas`es are marked as opaque.
const FORCE_OPAQUE = 0x1;

// All `Blas`es are marked as non-opaque.
const FORCE_NO_OPAQUE = 0x2;

// Instead of searching for the closest hit return the first hit.

// Unused: implemented for raytracing pipelines.

// If `RayIntersection::front_face` is false do not return a hit.
const CULL_BACK_FACING = 0x10;

// If `RayIntersection::front_face` is true do not return a hit.
const CULL_FRONT_FACING = 0x20;

// If the `Blas` a intersection is checking is marked as opaque do not return a hit.
const CULL_OPAQUE = 0x40;

// If the `Blas` a intersection is checking is not marked as opaque do not return a hit.
const CULL_NO_OPAQUE = 0x80;

// If the `Blas` a intersection is checking contains triangles do not return a hit.
const SKIP_TRIANGLES = 0x100;

// If the `Blas` a intersection is checking contains AABBs do not return a hit.
const SKIP_AABBS = 0x200;

/// -- Constants for `RayIntersection::kind` --

// The ray hit nothing.

// The ray hit a triangle.

// The ray hit a custom object, this will only happen in a committed intersection
// if a ray which intersected a bounding box for a custom object which was then committed.

// The ray hit a AABB, this will only happen in a candidate intersection
// if the ray intersects the bounding box for a custom object.