- This specification provides several key pieces of language-sensitive functionality that are required in most applications: String comparison (collation), number formatting, date and time formatting, relative time formatting, display names, list formatting, locale selection and operation, pluralization rules, case conversion, and text segmentation. While the ECMAScript 2025 Language Specification provides functions for this basic functionality (on <emu-xref href="#sec-array.prototype">Array.prototype</emu-xref>: `toLocaleString`; on <emu-xref href="#sec-string.prototype">String.prototype</emu-xref>: `localeCompare`, `toLocaleLowerCase`, `toLocaleUpperCase`; on <emu-xref href="#sec-number.prototype">Number.prototype</emu-xref>: `toLocaleString`; on <emu-xref href="#sec-date.prototype">Date.prototype</emu-xref>: `toLocaleString`, `toLocaleDateString`, and `toLocaleTimeString`), their actual behaviour is left largely implemenation-defined. This specification provides additional functionality, control over the language and over details of the behaviour to be used, and a more complete specification of required functionality.
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