I'd like to improve several reports related to the Perl language and ecosystem, I cannot submit the form because the improvement form has the ecosystem as a required field, and there is not entry for "Other" or some such.
I suggest some combination of these:
- Do not require an environment value to improve a report. The allows someone to improve a report even without a listed ecosystem.
- Use an "Unknown" or "Other" value for the ecosystem, which could either be a virtual ecosystem or simply uses no value (the current state) but still allows the form field to be required but have a null value.
- Add Perl as an ecosystem. There are plenty of people who would help categorize the backlog of over 200,000 uncategorized reports.
- Even without a "Perl" ecosystem, I'd still like to improve the values in the ecosystem section of the improvement form to note the versions affected, package name, and so on. In general, any improvement, even if incomplete, is valuable.
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