diff --git a/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/go.dbscheme b/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/go.dbscheme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4bd57e093275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/go.dbscheme
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+/** Auto-generated dbscheme; do not edit. Run `make gen` in directory `go/` to regenerate. */
+/** Duplicate code **/
+ unique int id : @duplication,
+ varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
+ int equivClass : int ref);
+ unique int id : @similarity,
+ varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
+ int equivClass : int ref);
+@duplication_or_similarity = @duplication | @similarity;
+ int id : @duplication_or_similarity ref,
+ int offset : int ref,
+ int beginLine : int ref,
+ int beginColumn : int ref,
+ int endLine : int ref,
+ int endColumn : int ref);
+/** External data **/
+ int id : @externalDataElement,
+ varchar(900) path : string ref,
+ int column: int ref,
+ varchar(900) value : string ref
+snapshotDate(unique date snapshotDate : date ref);
+sourceLocationPrefix(varchar(900) prefix : string ref);
+ * XML Files
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ string encoding: string ref
+ unique int id: @xmldtd,
+ string root: string ref,
+ string publicId: string ref,
+ string systemId: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlelement,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlattribute,
+ int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int id: @xmlnamespace,
+ string prefixName: string ref,
+ string URI: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
+ int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcomment,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int isCDATA: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
+@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
+ int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
+compilations(unique int id: @compilation, string cwd: string ref);
+#keyset[id, num]
+compilation_args(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, string arg: string ref);
+#keyset[id, num, kind]
+compilation_time(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int kind: int ref, float secs: float ref);
+diagnostic_for(unique int diagnostic: @diagnostic ref, int compilation: @compilation ref, int file_number: int ref, int file_number_diagnostic_number: int ref);
+compilation_finished(unique int id: @compilation ref, float cpu_seconds: float ref, float elapsed_seconds: float ref);
+#keyset[id, num]
+compilation_compiling_files(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int file: @file ref);
+diagnostics(unique int id: @diagnostic, int severity: int ref, string error_tag: string ref, string error_message: string ref,
+ string full_error_message: string ref, int location: @location ref);
+locations_default(unique int id: @location_default, int file: @file ref, int beginLine: int ref, int beginColumn: int ref,
+ int endLine: int ref, int endColumn: int ref);
+numlines(int element_id: @sourceline ref, int num_lines: int ref, int num_code: int ref, int num_comment: int ref);
+files(unique int id: @file, string name: string ref);
+folders(unique int id: @folder, string name: string ref);
+containerparent(int parent: @container ref, unique int child: @container ref);
+has_location(unique int locatable: @locatable ref, int location: @location ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+comment_groups(unique int id: @comment_group, int parent: @file ref, int idx: int ref);
+comments(unique int id: @comment, int kind: int ref, int parent: @comment_group ref, int idx: int ref, string text: string ref);
+doc_comments(unique int node: @documentable ref, int comment: @comment_group ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+exprs(unique int id: @expr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @exprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+literals(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string raw: string ref);
+constvalues(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string exact: string ref);
+fields(unique int id: @field, int parent: @fieldparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+typeparamdecls(unique int id: @typeparamdecl, int parent: @typeparamdeclparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+stmts(unique int id: @stmt, int kind: int ref, int parent: @stmtparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+decls(unique int id: @decl, int kind: int ref, int parent: @declparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+specs(unique int id: @spec, int kind: int ref, int parent: @gendecl ref, int idx: int ref);
+scopes(unique int id: @scope, int kind: int ref);
+scopenesting(unique int inner: @scope ref, int outer: @scope ref);
+scopenodes(unique int node: @scopenode ref, int scope: @localscope ref);
+objects(unique int id: @object, int kind: int ref, string name: string ref);
+objectscopes(unique int object: @object ref, int scope: @scope ref);
+objecttypes(unique int object: @object ref, int tp: @type ref);
+methodreceivers(unique int method: @object ref, int receiver: @object ref);
+fieldstructs(unique int field: @object ref, int struct: @structtype ref);
+methodhosts(int method: @object ref, int host: @namedtype ref);
+defs(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
+uses(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
+types(unique int id: @type, int kind: int ref);
+type_of(unique int expr: @expr ref, int tp: @type ref);
+typename(unique int tp: @type ref, string name: string ref);
+key_type(unique int map: @maptype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+element_type(unique int container: @containertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+base_type(unique int ptr: @pointertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+underlying_type(unique int named: @namedtype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+#keyset[parent, index]
+component_types(int parent: @compositetype ref, int index: int ref, string name: string ref, int tp: @type ref);
+#keyset[parent, index]
+struct_tags(int parent: @structtype ref, int index: int ref, string tag: string ref);
+#keyset[interface, index]
+interface_private_method_ids(int interface: @interfacetype ref, int index: int ref, string id: string ref);
+array_length(unique int tp: @arraytype ref, string len: string ref);
+type_objects(unique int tp: @type ref, int object: @object ref);
+packages(unique int id: @package, string name: string ref, string path: string ref, int scope: @packagescope ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+modexprs(unique int id: @modexpr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @modexprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+modtokens(string token: string ref, int parent: @modexpr ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[package, idx]
+errors(unique int id: @error, int kind: int ref, string msg: string ref, string rawpos: string ref,
+ string file: string ref, int line: int ref, int col: int ref, int package: @package ref, int idx: int ref);
+has_ellipsis(int id: @callorconversionexpr ref);
+variadic(int id: @signaturetype ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+typeparam(unique int tp: @typeparamtype ref, string name: string ref, int bound: @compositetype ref,
+ int parent: @typeparamparentobject ref, int idx: int ref);
+@container = @file | @folder;
+@locatable = @xmllocatable | @node | @localscope;
+@node = @documentable | @exprparent | @modexprparent | @fieldparent | @stmtparent | @declparent | @typeparamdeclparent
+ | @scopenode | @comment_group | @comment;
+@documentable = @file | @field | @typeparamdecl | @spec | @gendecl | @funcdecl | @modexpr;
+@exprparent = @funcdef | @file | @expr | @field | @stmt | @decl | @typeparamdecl | @spec;
+@modexprparent = @file | @modexpr;
+@fieldparent = @decl | @structtypeexpr | @functypeexpr | @interfacetypeexpr;
+@stmtparent = @funcdef | @stmt | @decl;
+@declparent = @file | @declstmt;
+@typeparamdeclparent = @funcdecl | @typespec;
+@funcdef = @funclit | @funcdecl;
+@scopenode = @file | @functypeexpr | @blockstmt | @ifstmt | @caseclause | @switchstmt | @commclause | @loopstmt;
+@location = @location_default;
+@sourceline = @locatable;
+case @comment.kind of
+ 0 = @slashslashcomment
+| 1 = @slashstarcomment;
+case @expr.kind of
+ 0 = @badexpr
+| 1 = @ident
+| 2 = @ellipsis
+| 3 = @intlit
+| 4 = @floatlit
+| 5 = @imaglit
+| 6 = @charlit
+| 7 = @stringlit
+| 8 = @funclit
+| 9 = @compositelit
+| 10 = @parenexpr
+| 11 = @selectorexpr
+| 12 = @indexexpr
+| 13 = @genericfunctioninstantiationexpr
+| 14 = @generictypeinstantiationexpr
+| 15 = @sliceexpr
+| 16 = @typeassertexpr
+| 17 = @callorconversionexpr
+| 18 = @starexpr
+| 19 = @keyvalueexpr
+| 20 = @arraytypeexpr
+| 21 = @structtypeexpr
+| 22 = @functypeexpr
+| 23 = @interfacetypeexpr
+| 24 = @maptypeexpr
+| 25 = @typesetliteralexpr
+| 26 = @plusexpr
+| 27 = @minusexpr
+| 28 = @notexpr
+| 29 = @complementexpr
+| 30 = @derefexpr
+| 31 = @addressexpr
+| 32 = @arrowexpr
+| 33 = @lorexpr
+| 34 = @landexpr
+| 35 = @eqlexpr
+| 36 = @neqexpr
+| 37 = @lssexpr
+| 38 = @leqexpr
+| 39 = @gtrexpr
+| 40 = @geqexpr
+| 41 = @addexpr
+| 42 = @subexpr
+| 43 = @orexpr
+| 44 = @xorexpr
+| 45 = @mulexpr
+| 46 = @quoexpr
+| 47 = @remexpr
+| 48 = @shlexpr
+| 49 = @shrexpr
+| 50 = @andexpr
+| 51 = @andnotexpr
+| 52 = @sendchantypeexpr
+| 53 = @recvchantypeexpr
+| 54 = @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
+@basiclit = @intlit | @floatlit | @imaglit | @charlit | @stringlit;
+@operatorexpr = @logicalexpr | @arithmeticexpr | @bitwiseexpr | @unaryexpr | @binaryexpr;
+@logicalexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @logicalbinaryexpr;
+@arithmeticexpr = @arithmeticunaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr;
+@bitwiseexpr = @bitwiseunaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr;
+@unaryexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @bitwiseunaryexpr | @arithmeticunaryexpr | @derefexpr | @addressexpr | @arrowexpr;
+@logicalunaryexpr = @notexpr;
+@bitwiseunaryexpr = @complementexpr;
+@arithmeticunaryexpr = @plusexpr | @minusexpr;
+@binaryexpr = @logicalbinaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr | @comparison;
+@logicalbinaryexpr = @lorexpr | @landexpr;
+@bitwisebinaryexpr = @shiftexpr | @orexpr | @xorexpr | @andexpr | @andnotexpr;
+@arithmeticbinaryexpr = @addexpr | @subexpr | @mulexpr | @quoexpr | @remexpr;
+@shiftexpr = @shlexpr | @shrexpr;
+@comparison = @equalitytest | @relationalcomparison;
+@equalitytest = @eqlexpr | @neqexpr;
+@relationalcomparison = @lssexpr | @leqexpr | @gtrexpr | @geqexpr;
+@chantypeexpr = @sendchantypeexpr | @recvchantypeexpr | @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
+case @stmt.kind of
+ 0 = @badstmt
+| 1 = @declstmt
+| 2 = @emptystmt
+| 3 = @labeledstmt
+| 4 = @exprstmt
+| 5 = @sendstmt
+| 6 = @incstmt
+| 7 = @decstmt
+| 8 = @gostmt
+| 9 = @deferstmt
+| 10 = @returnstmt
+| 11 = @breakstmt
+| 12 = @continuestmt
+| 13 = @gotostmt
+| 14 = @fallthroughstmt
+| 15 = @blockstmt
+| 16 = @ifstmt
+| 17 = @caseclause
+| 18 = @exprswitchstmt
+| 19 = @typeswitchstmt
+| 20 = @commclause
+| 21 = @selectstmt
+| 22 = @forstmt
+| 23 = @rangestmt
+| 24 = @assignstmt
+| 25 = @definestmt
+| 26 = @addassignstmt
+| 27 = @subassignstmt
+| 28 = @mulassignstmt
+| 29 = @quoassignstmt
+| 30 = @remassignstmt
+| 31 = @andassignstmt
+| 32 = @orassignstmt
+| 33 = @xorassignstmt
+| 34 = @shlassignstmt
+| 35 = @shrassignstmt
+| 36 = @andnotassignstmt;
+@incdecstmt = @incstmt | @decstmt;
+@assignment = @simpleassignstmt | @compoundassignstmt;
+@simpleassignstmt = @assignstmt | @definestmt;
+@compoundassignstmt = @addassignstmt | @subassignstmt | @mulassignstmt | @quoassignstmt | @remassignstmt
+ | @andassignstmt | @orassignstmt | @xorassignstmt | @shlassignstmt | @shrassignstmt | @andnotassignstmt;
+@branchstmt = @breakstmt | @continuestmt | @gotostmt | @fallthroughstmt;
+@switchstmt = @exprswitchstmt | @typeswitchstmt;
+@loopstmt = @forstmt | @rangestmt;
+case @decl.kind of
+ 0 = @baddecl
+| 1 = @importdecl
+| 2 = @constdecl
+| 3 = @typedecl
+| 4 = @vardecl
+| 5 = @funcdecl;
+@gendecl = @importdecl | @constdecl | @typedecl | @vardecl;
+case @spec.kind of
+ 0 = @importspec
+| 1 = @valuespec
+| 2 = @typedefspec
+| 3 = @aliasspec;
+@typespec = @typedefspec | @aliasspec;
+case @object.kind of
+ 0 = @pkgobject
+| 1 = @decltypeobject
+| 2 = @builtintypeobject
+| 3 = @declconstobject
+| 4 = @builtinconstobject
+| 5 = @declvarobject
+| 6 = @declfunctionobject
+| 7 = @builtinfunctionobject
+| 8 = @labelobject;
+@typeparamparentobject = @decltypeobject | @declfunctionobject;
+@declobject = @decltypeobject | @declconstobject | @declvarobject | @declfunctionobject;
+@builtinobject = @builtintypeobject | @builtinconstobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
+@typeobject = @decltypeobject | @builtintypeobject;
+@valueobject = @constobject | @varobject | @functionobject;
+@constobject = @declconstobject | @builtinconstobject;
+@varobject = @declvarobject;
+@functionobject = @declfunctionobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
+case @scope.kind of
+ 0 = @universescope
+| 1 = @packagescope
+| 2 = @localscope;
+case @type.kind of
+ 0 = @invalidtype
+| 1 = @boolexprtype
+| 2 = @inttype
+| 3 = @int8type
+| 4 = @int16type
+| 5 = @int32type
+| 6 = @int64type
+| 7 = @uinttype
+| 8 = @uint8type
+| 9 = @uint16type
+| 10 = @uint32type
+| 11 = @uint64type
+| 12 = @uintptrtype
+| 13 = @float32type
+| 14 = @float64type
+| 15 = @complex64type
+| 16 = @complex128type
+| 17 = @stringexprtype
+| 18 = @unsafepointertype
+| 19 = @boolliteraltype
+| 20 = @intliteraltype
+| 21 = @runeliteraltype
+| 22 = @floatliteraltype
+| 23 = @complexliteraltype
+| 24 = @stringliteraltype
+| 25 = @nilliteraltype
+| 26 = @typeparamtype
+| 27 = @arraytype
+| 28 = @slicetype
+| 29 = @structtype
+| 30 = @pointertype
+| 31 = @interfacetype
+| 32 = @tupletype
+| 33 = @signaturetype
+| 34 = @maptype
+| 35 = @sendchantype
+| 36 = @recvchantype
+| 37 = @sendrcvchantype
+| 38 = @namedtype
+| 39 = @typesetliteraltype;
+@basictype = @booltype | @numerictype | @stringtype | @literaltype | @invalidtype | @unsafepointertype;
+@booltype = @boolexprtype | @boolliteraltype;
+@numerictype = @integertype | @floattype | @complextype;
+@integertype = @signedintegertype | @unsignedintegertype;
+@signedintegertype = @inttype | @int8type | @int16type | @int32type | @int64type | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype;
+@unsignedintegertype = @uinttype | @uint8type | @uint16type | @uint32type | @uint64type | @uintptrtype;
+@floattype = @float32type | @float64type | @floatliteraltype;
+@complextype = @complex64type | @complex128type | @complexliteraltype;
+@stringtype = @stringexprtype | @stringliteraltype;
+@literaltype = @boolliteraltype | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype | @floatliteraltype | @complexliteraltype
+ | @stringliteraltype | @nilliteraltype;
+@compositetype = @typeparamtype | @containertype | @structtype | @pointertype | @interfacetype | @tupletype
+ | @signaturetype | @namedtype | @typesetliteraltype;
+@containertype = @arraytype | @slicetype | @maptype | @chantype;
+@chantype = @sendchantype | @recvchantype | @sendrcvchantype;
+case @modexpr.kind of
+ 0 = @modcommentblock
+| 1 = @modline
+| 2 = @modlineblock
+| 3 = @modlparen
+| 4 = @modrparen;
+case @error.kind of
+ 0 = @unknownerror
+| 1 = @listerror
+| 2 = @parseerror
+| 3 = @typeerror;
diff --git a/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/old.dbscheme b/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/old.dbscheme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3da71c3ac20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/old.dbscheme
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+/** Auto-generated dbscheme; do not edit. Run `make gen` in directory `go/` to regenerate. */
+/** Duplicate code **/
+ unique int id : @duplication,
+ varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
+ int equivClass : int ref);
+ unique int id : @similarity,
+ varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
+ int equivClass : int ref);
+@duplication_or_similarity = @duplication | @similarity;
+ int id : @duplication_or_similarity ref,
+ int offset : int ref,
+ int beginLine : int ref,
+ int beginColumn : int ref,
+ int endLine : int ref,
+ int endColumn : int ref);
+/** External data **/
+ int id : @externalDataElement,
+ varchar(900) path : string ref,
+ int column: int ref,
+ varchar(900) value : string ref
+snapshotDate(unique date snapshotDate : date ref);
+sourceLocationPrefix(varchar(900) prefix : string ref);
+ * XML Files
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ string encoding: string ref
+ unique int id: @xmldtd,
+ string root: string ref,
+ string publicId: string ref,
+ string systemId: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlelement,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlattribute,
+ int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int id: @xmlnamespace,
+ string prefixName: string ref,
+ string URI: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
+ int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcomment,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int isCDATA: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
+@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
+ int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
+compilations(unique int id: @compilation, string cwd: string ref);
+#keyset[id, num]
+compilation_args(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, string arg: string ref);
+#keyset[id, num, kind]
+compilation_time(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int kind: int ref, float secs: float ref);
+diagnostic_for(unique int diagnostic: @diagnostic ref, int compilation: @compilation ref, int file_number: int ref, int file_number_diagnostic_number: int ref);
+compilation_finished(unique int id: @compilation ref, float cpu_seconds: float ref, float elapsed_seconds: float ref);
+#keyset[id, num]
+compilation_compiling_files(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int file: @file ref);
+diagnostics(unique int id: @diagnostic, int severity: int ref, string error_tag: string ref, string error_message: string ref,
+ string full_error_message: string ref, int location: @location ref);
+locations_default(unique int id: @location_default, int file: @file ref, int beginLine: int ref, int beginColumn: int ref,
+ int endLine: int ref, int endColumn: int ref);
+numlines(int element_id: @sourceline ref, int num_lines: int ref, int num_code: int ref, int num_comment: int ref);
+files(unique int id: @file, string name: string ref);
+folders(unique int id: @folder, string name: string ref);
+containerparent(int parent: @container ref, unique int child: @container ref);
+has_location(unique int locatable: @locatable ref, int location: @location ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+comment_groups(unique int id: @comment_group, int parent: @file ref, int idx: int ref);
+comments(unique int id: @comment, int kind: int ref, int parent: @comment_group ref, int idx: int ref, string text: string ref);
+doc_comments(unique int node: @documentable ref, int comment: @comment_group ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+exprs(unique int id: @expr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @exprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+literals(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string raw: string ref);
+constvalues(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string exact: string ref);
+fields(unique int id: @field, int parent: @fieldparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+typeparamdecls(unique int id: @typeparamdecl, int parent: @typeparamdeclparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+stmts(unique int id: @stmt, int kind: int ref, int parent: @stmtparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+decls(unique int id: @decl, int kind: int ref, int parent: @declparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+specs(unique int id: @spec, int kind: int ref, int parent: @gendecl ref, int idx: int ref);
+scopes(unique int id: @scope, int kind: int ref);
+scopenesting(unique int inner: @scope ref, int outer: @scope ref);
+scopenodes(unique int node: @scopenode ref, int scope: @localscope ref);
+objects(unique int id: @object, int kind: int ref, string name: string ref);
+objectscopes(unique int object: @object ref, int scope: @scope ref);
+objecttypes(unique int object: @object ref, int tp: @type ref);
+methodreceivers(unique int method: @object ref, int receiver: @object ref);
+fieldstructs(unique int field: @object ref, int struct: @structtype ref);
+methodhosts(int method: @object ref, int host: @definedtype ref);
+defs(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
+uses(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
+types(unique int id: @type, int kind: int ref);
+type_of(unique int expr: @expr ref, int tp: @type ref);
+typename(unique int tp: @type ref, string name: string ref);
+key_type(unique int map: @maptype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+element_type(unique int container: @containertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+base_type(unique int ptr: @pointertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+underlying_type(unique int defined: @definedtype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+#keyset[parent, index]
+component_types(int parent: @compositetype ref, int index: int ref, string name: string ref, int tp: @type ref);
+#keyset[parent, index]
+struct_tags(int parent: @structtype ref, int index: int ref, string tag: string ref);
+#keyset[interface, index]
+interface_private_method_ids(int interface: @interfacetype ref, int index: int ref, string id: string ref);
+array_length(unique int tp: @arraytype ref, string len: string ref);
+type_objects(unique int tp: @type ref, int object: @object ref);
+packages(unique int id: @package, string name: string ref, string path: string ref, int scope: @packagescope ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+modexprs(unique int id: @modexpr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @modexprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+modtokens(string token: string ref, int parent: @modexpr ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[package, idx]
+errors(unique int id: @error, int kind: int ref, string msg: string ref, string rawpos: string ref,
+ string file: string ref, int line: int ref, int col: int ref, int package: @package ref, int idx: int ref);
+has_ellipsis(int id: @callorconversionexpr ref);
+variadic(int id: @signaturetype ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+typeparam(unique int tp: @typeparamtype ref, string name: string ref, int bound: @compositetype ref,
+ int parent: @typeparamparentobject ref, int idx: int ref);
+@container = @file | @folder;
+@locatable = @xmllocatable | @node | @localscope;
+@node = @documentable | @exprparent | @modexprparent | @fieldparent | @stmtparent | @declparent | @typeparamdeclparent
+ | @scopenode | @comment_group | @comment;
+@documentable = @file | @field | @typeparamdecl | @spec | @gendecl | @funcdecl | @modexpr;
+@exprparent = @funcdef | @file | @expr | @field | @stmt | @decl | @typeparamdecl | @spec;
+@modexprparent = @file | @modexpr;
+@fieldparent = @decl | @structtypeexpr | @functypeexpr | @interfacetypeexpr;
+@stmtparent = @funcdef | @stmt | @decl;
+@declparent = @file | @declstmt;
+@typeparamdeclparent = @funcdecl | @typespec;
+@funcdef = @funclit | @funcdecl;
+@scopenode = @file | @functypeexpr | @blockstmt | @ifstmt | @caseclause | @switchstmt | @commclause | @loopstmt;
+@location = @location_default;
+@sourceline = @locatable;
+case @comment.kind of
+ 0 = @slashslashcomment
+| 1 = @slashstarcomment;
+case @expr.kind of
+ 0 = @badexpr
+| 1 = @ident
+| 2 = @ellipsis
+| 3 = @intlit
+| 4 = @floatlit
+| 5 = @imaglit
+| 6 = @charlit
+| 7 = @stringlit
+| 8 = @funclit
+| 9 = @compositelit
+| 10 = @parenexpr
+| 11 = @selectorexpr
+| 12 = @indexexpr
+| 13 = @genericfunctioninstantiationexpr
+| 14 = @generictypeinstantiationexpr
+| 15 = @sliceexpr
+| 16 = @typeassertexpr
+| 17 = @callorconversionexpr
+| 18 = @starexpr
+| 19 = @keyvalueexpr
+| 20 = @arraytypeexpr
+| 21 = @structtypeexpr
+| 22 = @functypeexpr
+| 23 = @interfacetypeexpr
+| 24 = @maptypeexpr
+| 25 = @typesetliteralexpr
+| 26 = @plusexpr
+| 27 = @minusexpr
+| 28 = @notexpr
+| 29 = @complementexpr
+| 30 = @derefexpr
+| 31 = @addressexpr
+| 32 = @arrowexpr
+| 33 = @lorexpr
+| 34 = @landexpr
+| 35 = @eqlexpr
+| 36 = @neqexpr
+| 37 = @lssexpr
+| 38 = @leqexpr
+| 39 = @gtrexpr
+| 40 = @geqexpr
+| 41 = @addexpr
+| 42 = @subexpr
+| 43 = @orexpr
+| 44 = @xorexpr
+| 45 = @mulexpr
+| 46 = @quoexpr
+| 47 = @remexpr
+| 48 = @shlexpr
+| 49 = @shrexpr
+| 50 = @andexpr
+| 51 = @andnotexpr
+| 52 = @sendchantypeexpr
+| 53 = @recvchantypeexpr
+| 54 = @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
+@basiclit = @intlit | @floatlit | @imaglit | @charlit | @stringlit;
+@operatorexpr = @logicalexpr | @arithmeticexpr | @bitwiseexpr | @unaryexpr | @binaryexpr;
+@logicalexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @logicalbinaryexpr;
+@arithmeticexpr = @arithmeticunaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr;
+@bitwiseexpr = @bitwiseunaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr;
+@unaryexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @bitwiseunaryexpr | @arithmeticunaryexpr | @derefexpr | @addressexpr | @arrowexpr;
+@logicalunaryexpr = @notexpr;
+@bitwiseunaryexpr = @complementexpr;
+@arithmeticunaryexpr = @plusexpr | @minusexpr;
+@binaryexpr = @logicalbinaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr | @comparison;
+@logicalbinaryexpr = @lorexpr | @landexpr;
+@bitwisebinaryexpr = @shiftexpr | @orexpr | @xorexpr | @andexpr | @andnotexpr;
+@arithmeticbinaryexpr = @addexpr | @subexpr | @mulexpr | @quoexpr | @remexpr;
+@shiftexpr = @shlexpr | @shrexpr;
+@comparison = @equalitytest | @relationalcomparison;
+@equalitytest = @eqlexpr | @neqexpr;
+@relationalcomparison = @lssexpr | @leqexpr | @gtrexpr | @geqexpr;
+@chantypeexpr = @sendchantypeexpr | @recvchantypeexpr | @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
+case @stmt.kind of
+ 0 = @badstmt
+| 1 = @declstmt
+| 2 = @emptystmt
+| 3 = @labeledstmt
+| 4 = @exprstmt
+| 5 = @sendstmt
+| 6 = @incstmt
+| 7 = @decstmt
+| 8 = @gostmt
+| 9 = @deferstmt
+| 10 = @returnstmt
+| 11 = @breakstmt
+| 12 = @continuestmt
+| 13 = @gotostmt
+| 14 = @fallthroughstmt
+| 15 = @blockstmt
+| 16 = @ifstmt
+| 17 = @caseclause
+| 18 = @exprswitchstmt
+| 19 = @typeswitchstmt
+| 20 = @commclause
+| 21 = @selectstmt
+| 22 = @forstmt
+| 23 = @rangestmt
+| 24 = @assignstmt
+| 25 = @definestmt
+| 26 = @addassignstmt
+| 27 = @subassignstmt
+| 28 = @mulassignstmt
+| 29 = @quoassignstmt
+| 30 = @remassignstmt
+| 31 = @andassignstmt
+| 32 = @orassignstmt
+| 33 = @xorassignstmt
+| 34 = @shlassignstmt
+| 35 = @shrassignstmt
+| 36 = @andnotassignstmt;
+@incdecstmt = @incstmt | @decstmt;
+@assignment = @simpleassignstmt | @compoundassignstmt;
+@simpleassignstmt = @assignstmt | @definestmt;
+@compoundassignstmt = @addassignstmt | @subassignstmt | @mulassignstmt | @quoassignstmt | @remassignstmt
+ | @andassignstmt | @orassignstmt | @xorassignstmt | @shlassignstmt | @shrassignstmt | @andnotassignstmt;
+@branchstmt = @breakstmt | @continuestmt | @gotostmt | @fallthroughstmt;
+@switchstmt = @exprswitchstmt | @typeswitchstmt;
+@loopstmt = @forstmt | @rangestmt;
+case @decl.kind of
+ 0 = @baddecl
+| 1 = @importdecl
+| 2 = @constdecl
+| 3 = @typedecl
+| 4 = @vardecl
+| 5 = @funcdecl;
+@gendecl = @importdecl | @constdecl | @typedecl | @vardecl;
+case @spec.kind of
+ 0 = @importspec
+| 1 = @valuespec
+| 2 = @typedefspec
+| 3 = @aliasspec;
+@typespec = @typedefspec | @aliasspec;
+case @object.kind of
+ 0 = @pkgobject
+| 1 = @decltypeobject
+| 2 = @builtintypeobject
+| 3 = @declconstobject
+| 4 = @builtinconstobject
+| 5 = @declvarobject
+| 6 = @declfunctionobject
+| 7 = @builtinfunctionobject
+| 8 = @labelobject;
+@typeparamparentobject = @decltypeobject | @declfunctionobject;
+@declobject = @decltypeobject | @declconstobject | @declvarobject | @declfunctionobject;
+@builtinobject = @builtintypeobject | @builtinconstobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
+@typeobject = @decltypeobject | @builtintypeobject;
+@valueobject = @constobject | @varobject | @functionobject;
+@constobject = @declconstobject | @builtinconstobject;
+@varobject = @declvarobject;
+@functionobject = @declfunctionobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
+case @scope.kind of
+ 0 = @universescope
+| 1 = @packagescope
+| 2 = @localscope;
+case @type.kind of
+ 0 = @invalidtype
+| 1 = @boolexprtype
+| 2 = @inttype
+| 3 = @int8type
+| 4 = @int16type
+| 5 = @int32type
+| 6 = @int64type
+| 7 = @uinttype
+| 8 = @uint8type
+| 9 = @uint16type
+| 10 = @uint32type
+| 11 = @uint64type
+| 12 = @uintptrtype
+| 13 = @float32type
+| 14 = @float64type
+| 15 = @complex64type
+| 16 = @complex128type
+| 17 = @stringexprtype
+| 18 = @unsafepointertype
+| 19 = @boolliteraltype
+| 20 = @intliteraltype
+| 21 = @runeliteraltype
+| 22 = @floatliteraltype
+| 23 = @complexliteraltype
+| 24 = @stringliteraltype
+| 25 = @nilliteraltype
+| 26 = @typeparamtype
+| 27 = @arraytype
+| 28 = @slicetype
+| 29 = @structtype
+| 30 = @pointertype
+| 31 = @interfacetype
+| 32 = @tupletype
+| 33 = @signaturetype
+| 34 = @maptype
+| 35 = @sendchantype
+| 36 = @recvchantype
+| 37 = @sendrcvchantype
+| 38 = @definedtype
+| 39 = @typesetliteraltype;
+@basictype = @booltype | @numerictype | @stringtype | @literaltype | @invalidtype | @unsafepointertype;
+@booltype = @boolexprtype | @boolliteraltype;
+@numerictype = @integertype | @floattype | @complextype;
+@integertype = @signedintegertype | @unsignedintegertype;
+@signedintegertype = @inttype | @int8type | @int16type | @int32type | @int64type | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype;
+@unsignedintegertype = @uinttype | @uint8type | @uint16type | @uint32type | @uint64type | @uintptrtype;
+@floattype = @float32type | @float64type | @floatliteraltype;
+@complextype = @complex64type | @complex128type | @complexliteraltype;
+@stringtype = @stringexprtype | @stringliteraltype;
+@literaltype = @boolliteraltype | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype | @floatliteraltype | @complexliteraltype
+ | @stringliteraltype | @nilliteraltype;
+@compositetype = @typeparamtype | @containertype | @structtype | @pointertype | @interfacetype | @tupletype
+ | @signaturetype | @definedtype | @typesetliteraltype;
+@containertype = @arraytype | @slicetype | @maptype | @chantype;
+@chantype = @sendchantype | @recvchantype | @sendrcvchantype;
+case @modexpr.kind of
+ 0 = @modcommentblock
+| 1 = @modline
+| 2 = @modlineblock
+| 3 = @modlparen
+| 4 = @modrparen;
+case @error.kind of
+ 0 = @unknownerror
+| 1 = @listerror
+| 2 = @parseerror
+| 3 = @typeerror;
diff --git a/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/upgrade.properties b/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/upgrade.properties
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..73db35e7e1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/downgrades/b3da71c3ac204b557c86e9d9c26012360bdbdccb/upgrade.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+description: Rename @definedtype to @namedtype
+compatibility: full
diff --git a/go/extractor/dbscheme/tables.go b/go/extractor/dbscheme/tables.go
index aa44c6248424..665ecdcc240f 100644
--- a/go/extractor/dbscheme/tables.go
+++ b/go/extractor/dbscheme/tables.go
@@ -694,13 +694,13 @@ var BuiltinObjectType = NewUnionType("@builtinobject")
// PkgObjectType is the type of imported packages
var PkgObjectType = ObjectKind.NewBranch("@pkgobject")
-// TypeObjectType is the type of declared or built-in named types
+// TypeObjectType is the type of named types (predeclared types, defined types, type parameters and aliases which refer to those things)
var TypeObjectType = NewUnionType("@typeobject")
-// DeclTypeObjectType is the type of declared named types
+// DeclTypeObjectType is the type of defined types, type parameters and aliases which refer to named types
var DeclTypeObjectType = ObjectKind.NewBranch("@decltypeobject", TypeObjectType, DeclObjectType, TypeParamParentObjectType)
-// BuiltinTypeObjectType is the type of built-in named types
+// BuiltinTypeObjectType is the type of built-in types (predeclared types)
var BuiltinTypeObjectType = ObjectKind.NewBranch("@builtintypeobject", TypeObjectType, BuiltinObjectType)
// ValueObjectType is the type of declared or built-in variables or constants
@@ -855,8 +855,8 @@ var ChanTypes = map[gotypes.ChanDir]*BranchType{
gotypes.SendRecv: TypeKind.NewBranch("@sendrcvchantype", ChanType),
-// NamedType is the type of named types
-var NamedType = TypeKind.NewBranch("@namedtype", CompositeType)
+// DefinedType is the type of defined types
+var DefinedType = TypeKind.NewBranch("@definedtype", CompositeType)
// TypeSetLiteral is the type of type set literals
var TypeSetLiteral = TypeKind.NewBranch("@typesetliteraltype", CompositeType)
@@ -1080,10 +1080,10 @@ var FieldStructsTable = NewTable("fieldstructs",
EntityColumn(StructType, "struct"),
-// MethodHostsTable maps interface methods to the named type they belong to
+// MethodHostsTable maps interface methods to the defined type they belong to
var MethodHostsTable = NewTable("methodhosts",
EntityColumn(ObjectType, "method"),
- EntityColumn(NamedType, "host"),
+ EntityColumn(DefinedType, "host"),
// DefsTable maps identifiers to the objects they define
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ var TypeOfTable = NewTable("type_of",
EntityColumn(TypeType, "tp"),
-// TypeNameTable is the table associating named types with their names
+// TypeNameTable is the table associating defined types with their names
var TypeNameTable = NewTable("typename",
EntityColumn(TypeType, "tp").Unique(),
@@ -1135,10 +1135,10 @@ var BaseTypeTable = NewTable("base_type",
EntityColumn(TypeType, "tp"),
-// UnderlyingTypeTable is the table associating named types with their
+// UnderlyingTypeTable is the table associating defined types with their
// underlying type
var UnderlyingTypeTable = NewTable("underlying_type",
- EntityColumn(NamedType, "named").Unique(),
+ EntityColumn(DefinedType, "defined").Unique(),
EntityColumn(TypeType, "tp"),
diff --git a/go/extractor/extractor.go b/go/extractor/extractor.go
index d09717fac4f6..f687f54c9777 100644
--- a/go/extractor/extractor.go
+++ b/go/extractor/extractor.go
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ func extractObjects(tw *trap.Writer, scope *types.Scope, scopeLabel trap.Label)
populateTypeParamParents(funcObj.Type().(*types.Signature).TypeParams(), obj)
populateTypeParamParents(funcObj.Type().(*types.Signature).RecvTypeParams(), obj)
- // Populate type parameter parents for named types.
+ // Populate type parameter parents for defined types and alias types.
if typeNameObj, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName); ok {
// `types.TypeName` represents a type with a name: a defined
// type, an alias type, a type parameter, or a predeclared
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ func extractObject(tw *trap.Writer, obj types.Object, lbl trap.Label) {
// For more information on objects, see:
// https://github.com/golang/example/blob/master/gotypes/README.md#objects
func extractObjectTypes(tw *trap.Writer) {
- // calling `extractType` on a named type will extract all methods defined
+ // calling `extractType` on a defined type will extract all methods defined
// on it, which will add new objects. Therefore we need to do this first
// before we loop over all objects and emit them.
changed := true
@@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@ func extractType(tw *trap.Writer, tp types.Type) trap.Label {
extractElementType(tw, lbl, tp.Elem())
case *types.Named:
origintp := tp.Origin()
- kind = dbscheme.NamedType.Index()
+ kind = dbscheme.DefinedType.Index()
dbscheme.TypeNameTable.Emit(tw, lbl, origintp.Obj().Name())
underlying := origintp.Underlying()
extractUnderlyingType(tw, lbl, underlying)
@@ -1767,9 +1767,9 @@ func extractType(tw *trap.Writer, tp types.Type) trap.Label {
// Type labels refer to global keys to ensure that if the same type is
// encountered during the extraction of different files it is still ultimately
// mapped to the same entity. In particular, this means that keys for compound
-// types refer to the labels of their component types. For named types, the key
+// types refer to the labels of their component types. For defined types, the key
// is constructed from their globally unique ID. This prevents cyclic type keys
-// since type recursion in Go always goes through named types.
+// since type recursion in Go always goes through defined types.
func getTypeLabel(tw *trap.Writer, tp types.Type) (trap.Label, bool) {
tp = resolveTypeAlias(tp)
lbl, exists := tw.Labeler.TypeLabels[tp]
@@ -1874,12 +1874,12 @@ func getTypeLabel(tw *trap.Writer, tp types.Type) (trap.Label, bool) {
origintp := tp.Origin()
entitylbl, exists := tw.Labeler.LookupObjectID(origintp.Obj(), lbl)
if entitylbl == trap.InvalidLabel {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot construct label for named type %v (underlying object is %v).\n", origintp, origintp.Obj()))
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot construct label for defined type %v (underlying object is %v).\n", origintp, origintp.Obj()))
if !exists {
extractObject(tw, origintp.Obj(), entitylbl)
- lbl = tw.Labeler.GlobalID(fmt.Sprintf("{%s};namedtype", entitylbl))
+ lbl = tw.Labeler.GlobalID(fmt.Sprintf("{%s};definedtype", entitylbl))
case *types.TypeParam:
parentlbl := getTypeParamParentLabel(tw, tp)
idx := tp.Index()
@@ -1921,9 +1921,9 @@ func extractBaseType(tw *trap.Writer, ptr trap.Label, base types.Type) {
// extractUnderlyingType extracts `underlying` as the underlying type of the
-// named type `named`
-func extractUnderlyingType(tw *trap.Writer, named trap.Label, underlying types.Type) {
- dbscheme.UnderlyingTypeTable.Emit(tw, named, extractType(tw, underlying))
+// defined type `defined`
+func extractUnderlyingType(tw *trap.Writer, defined trap.Label, underlying types.Type) {
+ dbscheme.UnderlyingTypeTable.Emit(tw, defined, extractType(tw, underlying))
// extractComponentType extracts `component` as the `idx`th component type of `parent` with name `name`
@@ -2173,8 +2173,8 @@ func checkObjectNotSpecialized(obj types.Object) {
log.Fatalf("Encountered unexpected specialization %s of generic variable object %s", varObj.String(), varObj.Origin().String())
if typeNameObj, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName); ok {
- if namedType, ok := typeNameObj.Type().(*types.Named); ok && namedType != namedType.Origin() {
- log.Fatalf("Encountered type object for specialization %s of named type %s", namedType.String(), namedType.Origin().String())
+ if definedType, ok := typeNameObj.Type().(*types.Named); ok && definedType != definedType.Origin() {
+ log.Fatalf("Encountered type object for specialization %s of defined type %s", definedType.String(), definedType.Origin().String())
diff --git a/go/extractor/trap/labels.go b/go/extractor/trap/labels.go
index 6052149c183d..79ac9192e026 100644
--- a/go/extractor/trap/labels.go
+++ b/go/extractor/trap/labels.go
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ func findMethodWithGivenReceiver(object types.Object) *types.Func {
// findMethodWithGivenReceiver finds a method on type `tp` with `object` as its receiver, if one exists
func findMethodOnTypeWithGivenReceiver(tp types.Type, object types.Object) *types.Func {
- if namedType, ok := tp.(*types.Named); ok {
- for i := 0; i < namedType.NumMethods(); i++ {
- meth := namedType.Method(i)
+ if definedType, ok := tp.(*types.Named); ok {
+ for i := 0; i < definedType.NumMethods(); i++ {
+ meth := definedType.Method(i)
if object == meth.Type().(*types.Signature).Recv() {
return meth
diff --git a/go/ql/examples/snippets/incompleteswitchoverenum.ql b/go/ql/examples/snippets/incompleteswitchoverenum.ql
index 1ded8d0a1ab1..4777b26386a3 100644
--- a/go/ql/examples/snippets/incompleteswitchoverenum.ql
+++ b/go/ql/examples/snippets/incompleteswitchoverenum.ql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import go
-from ExpressionSwitchStmt ss, DeclaredConstant c, NamedType t
+from ExpressionSwitchStmt ss, DeclaredConstant c, DefinedType t
t.getUnderlyingType() instanceof IntegerType and
t = ss.getExpr().getType() and
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/change-notes/2025-02-12-deprecate-namedtype.md b/go/ql/lib/change-notes/2025-02-12-deprecate-namedtype.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ded0fa491ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/ql/lib/change-notes/2025-02-12-deprecate-namedtype.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+category: deprecated
+* The class `NamedType` has been deprecated. Use the new class `DefinedType` instead. This better matches the terminology used in the Go language specification, which was changed in Go 1.9.
+* The member predicate `getNamedType` on `GoMicro::ServiceInterfaceType` has been deprecated. Use the new member predicate `getDefinedType` instead.
+* The member predicate `getNamedType` on `Twirp::ServiceInterfaceType` has been deprecated. Use the new member predicate `getDefinedType` instead.
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/go.dbscheme b/go/ql/lib/go.dbscheme
index 4bd57e093275..b3da71c3ac20 100644
--- a/go/ql/lib/go.dbscheme
+++ b/go/ql/lib/go.dbscheme
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ methodreceivers(unique int method: @object ref, int receiver: @object ref);
fieldstructs(unique int field: @object ref, int struct: @structtype ref);
-methodhosts(int method: @object ref, int host: @namedtype ref);
+methodhosts(int method: @object ref, int host: @definedtype ref);
defs(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ element_type(unique int container: @containertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
base_type(unique int ptr: @pointertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
-underlying_type(unique int named: @namedtype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+underlying_type(unique int defined: @definedtype ref, int tp: @type ref);
#keyset[parent, index]
component_types(int parent: @compositetype ref, int index: int ref, string name: string ref, int tp: @type ref);
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ case @type.kind of
| 35 = @sendchantype
| 36 = @recvchantype
| 37 = @sendrcvchantype
-| 38 = @namedtype
+| 38 = @definedtype
| 39 = @typesetliteraltype;
@basictype = @booltype | @numerictype | @stringtype | @literaltype | @invalidtype | @unsafepointertype;
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ case @type.kind of
| @stringliteraltype | @nilliteraltype;
@compositetype = @typeparamtype | @containertype | @structtype | @pointertype | @interfacetype | @tupletype
- | @signaturetype | @namedtype | @typesetliteraltype;
+ | @signaturetype | @definedtype | @typesetliteraltype;
@containertype = @arraytype | @slicetype | @maptype | @chantype;
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/go.dbscheme.stats b/go/ql/lib/go.dbscheme.stats
index a602a143ee0c..126bbff00f7f 100644
--- a/go/ql/lib/go.dbscheme.stats
+++ b/go/ql/lib/go.dbscheme.stats
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
- @namedtype
+ @definedtype
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Decls.qll b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Decls.qll
index 6c66b085575b..785a09b25499 100644
--- a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Decls.qll
+++ b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Decls.qll
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class MethodDecl extends FuncDecl {
* is `Rectangle`.
- NamedType getReceiverBaseType() { result = lookThroughPointerType(this.getReceiverType()) }
+ DefinedType getReceiverBaseType() { result = lookThroughPointerType(this.getReceiverType()) }
* Gets the receiver variable of this method.
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Scopes.qll b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Scopes.qll
index c3671c74b5cd..edea24c184fc 100644
--- a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Scopes.qll
+++ b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Scopes.qll
@@ -194,19 +194,22 @@ class BuiltinEntity extends Entity, @builtinobject { }
/** An imported package. */
class PackageEntity extends Entity, @pkgobject { }
-/** A built-in or declared named type. */
+ * A named type: predeclared types, defined types, type parameters, and type
+ * aliases.
+ */
class TypeEntity extends Entity, @typeobject { }
/** The parent of a type parameter type, either a declared type or a declared function. */
class TypeParamParentEntity extends Entity, @typeparamparentobject { }
-/** A declared named type. */
+/** A named type which has a declaration. */
class DeclaredType extends TypeEntity, DeclaredEntity, TypeParamParentEntity, @decltypeobject {
/** Gets the declaration specifier declaring this type. */
TypeSpec getSpec() { result.getNameExpr() = this.getDeclaration() }
-/** A built-in named type. */
+/** A built-in type. */
class BuiltinType extends TypeEntity, BuiltinEntity, @builtintypeobject { }
/** A built-in or declared constant, variable, field, method or function. */
@@ -522,7 +525,7 @@ class Method extends Function {
Type getReceiverBaseType() { result = lookThroughPointerType(this.getReceiverType()) }
/** Holds if this method has name `m` and belongs to the method set of type `tp` or `*tp`. */
- private predicate isIn(NamedType tp, string m) {
+ private predicate isIn(DefinedType tp, string m) {
this = tp.getMethod(m) or
this = tp.getPointerType().getMethod(m)
@@ -536,7 +539,7 @@ class Method extends Function {
* distinguishes between the method sets of `T` and `*T`, while the former does not.
override predicate hasQualifiedName(string tp, string m) {
- exists(NamedType t |
+ exists(DefinedType t |
this.isIn(t, m) and
tp = t.getQualifiedName()
@@ -552,7 +555,7 @@ class Method extends Function {
predicate hasQualifiedName(string pkg, string tp, string m) {
- exists(NamedType t |
+ exists(DefinedType t |
this.isIn(t, m) and
t.hasQualifiedName(pkg, tp)
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Types.qll b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Types.qll
index 1f1234aa1ded..4eb3a3e03029 100644
--- a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Types.qll
+++ b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/Types.qll
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Type extends @type {
* Gets the qualified name of this type, if any.
- * Only (defined) named types like `io.Writer` have a qualified name. Basic types like `int`,
+ * Only defined types like `io.Writer` have a qualified name. Basic types like `int`,
* pointer types like `*io.Writer`, and other composite types do not have a qualified name.
string getQualifiedName() { result = this.getEntity().getQualifiedName() }
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class Type extends @type {
* Holds if this type is declared in a package with path `pkg` and has name `name`.
- * Only (defined) named types like `io.Writer` have a qualified name. Basic types like `int`,
+ * Only defined types like `io.Writer` have a qualified name. Basic types like `int`,
* pointer types like `*io.Writer`, and other composite types do not have a qualified name.
predicate hasQualifiedName(string pkg, string name) {
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Type extends @type {
* Gets the method `m` belonging to the method set of this type, if any.
* Note that this predicate never has a result for struct types. Methods are associated
- * with the corresponding named type instead.
+ * with the corresponding defined type instead.
Method getMethod(string m) {
result.getReceiverType() = this and
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ class StructType extends @structtype, CompositeType {
if n = ""
then (
isEmbedded = true and
- name = lookThroughPointerType(tp).(NamedType).getName()
+ name = lookThroughPointerType(tp).(DefinedType).getName()
) else (
isEmbedded = false and
name = n
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ class StructType extends @structtype, CompositeType {
// embeddedParent is a field of 'this' at depth 'depth - 1'
this.hasFieldCand(_, embeddedParent, depth - 1, true) and
// embeddedParent's type has the result field. Note that it is invalid Go
- // to have an embedded field with a named type whose underlying type is a
+ // to have an embedded field with a defined type whose underlying type is a
// pointer, so we don't have to have
// `lookThroughPointerType(embeddedParent.getType().getUnderlyingType())`.
result =
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ class PointerType extends @pointertype, CompositeType {
// promoted methods from embedded types
exists(StructType s, Type embedded |
- s = this.getBaseType().(NamedType).getUnderlyingType() and
+ s = this.getBaseType().(DefinedType).getUnderlyingType() and
s.hasOwnField(_, _, embedded, true) and
// ensure that `m` can be promoted
not s.hasOwnField(_, m, _, _) and
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ class EmptyInterfaceType extends BasicInterfaceType {
* The predeclared `comparable` type.
-class ComparableType extends NamedType {
+class ComparableType extends DefinedType {
ComparableType() { this.getName() = "comparable" }
@@ -1028,8 +1028,11 @@ class SendRecvChanType extends @sendrcvchantype, ChanType {
override string toString() { result = "send-receive-channel type" }
-/** A named type. */
-class NamedType extends @namedtype, CompositeType {
+/** DEPRECATED: Use `DefinedType` instead. */
+deprecated class NamedType = DefinedType;
+/** A defined type. */
+class DefinedType extends @definedtype, CompositeType {
/** Gets the type which this type is defined to be. */
Type getBaseType() { underlying_type(this, result) }
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/frameworks/GoMicro.qll b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/frameworks/GoMicro.qll
index 116ebee030ea..b10cca793368 100644
--- a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/frameworks/GoMicro.qll
+++ b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/frameworks/GoMicro.qll
@@ -47,28 +47,31 @@ module GoMicro {
* A Server Interface type.
class ServiceInterfaceType extends InterfaceType {
- NamedType namedType;
+ DefinedType definedType;
ServiceInterfaceType() {
- this = namedType.getUnderlyingType() and
- namedType.hasLocationInfo(any(ProtocGeneratedFile f).getAbsolutePath(), _, _, _, _)
+ this = definedType.getUnderlyingType() and
+ definedType.hasLocationInfo(any(ProtocGeneratedFile f).getAbsolutePath(), _, _, _, _)
* Gets the name of the interface.
- override string getName() { result = namedType.getName() }
+ override string getName() { result = definedType.getName() }
+ /** DEPRECATED: Use `getDefinedType` instead. */
+ deprecated DefinedType getNamedType() { result = definedType }
- * Gets the named type on top of this interface type.
+ * Gets the defined type on top of this interface type.
- NamedType getNamedType() { result = namedType }
+ DefinedType getDefinedType() { result = definedType }
* A Service server handler type.
- class ServiceServerType extends NamedType {
+ class ServiceServerType extends DefinedType {
ServiceServerType() {
this.implements(any(ServiceInterfaceType i)) and
this.getName().regexpMatch("(?i).*Handler") and
@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ module GoMicro {
* A Client server handler type.
- class ClientServiceType extends NamedType {
+ class ClientServiceType extends DefinedType {
ClientServiceType() {
this.implements(any(ServiceInterfaceType i)) and
this.getName().regexpMatch("(?i).*Service") and
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ module GoMicro {
private predicate implementsServiceType(Method m) {
- m.implements(any(ServiceInterfaceType i).getNamedType().getMethod(_))
+ m.implements(any(ServiceInterfaceType i).getDefinedType().getMethod(_))
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/frameworks/Twirp.qll b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/frameworks/Twirp.qll
index 7f338816b383..10c8106f4017 100644
--- a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/frameworks/Twirp.qll
+++ b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/frameworks/Twirp.qll
@@ -44,22 +44,25 @@ module Twirp {
/** An interface type representing a Twirp service. */
class ServiceInterfaceType extends InterfaceType {
- NamedType namedType;
+ DefinedType definedType;
ServiceInterfaceType() {
- namedType.getUnderlyingType() = this and
- namedType.hasLocationInfo(any(ServicesGeneratedFile f).getAbsolutePath(), _, _, _, _)
+ definedType.getUnderlyingType() = this and
+ definedType.hasLocationInfo(any(ServicesGeneratedFile f).getAbsolutePath(), _, _, _, _)
/** Gets the name of the interface. */
- override string getName() { result = namedType.getName() }
+ override string getName() { result = definedType.getName() }
- /** Gets the named type on top of this interface type. */
- NamedType getNamedType() { result = namedType }
+ /** DEPRECATED: Use `getDefinedType` instead. */
+ deprecated DefinedType getNamedType() { result = this.getDefinedType() }
+ /** Gets the defined type on top of this interface type. */
+ DefinedType getDefinedType() { result = definedType }
/** A Twirp client. */
- class ServiceClientType extends NamedType {
+ class ServiceClientType extends DefinedType {
ServiceClientType() {
exists(ServiceInterfaceType i, PointerType p |
p.implements(i) and
@@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ module Twirp {
/** A Twirp server. */
- class ServiceServerType extends NamedType {
+ class ServiceServerType extends DefinedType {
ServiceServerType() {
exists(ServiceInterfaceType i |
this.implements(i) and
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ module Twirp {
class ServerConstructor extends Function {
ServerConstructor() {
this.getName().regexpMatch("(?i)new" + any(ServiceServerType c).getName()) and
- this.getParameterType(0) = any(ServiceInterfaceType i).getNamedType() and
+ this.getParameterType(0) = any(ServiceInterfaceType i).getDefinedType() and
this.hasLocationInfo(any(ServicesGeneratedFile f).getAbsolutePath(), _, _, _, _)
@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ module Twirp {
private predicate implementsServiceType(Method m) {
- m.implements(any(ServiceInterfaceType i).getNamedType().getMethod(_))
+ m.implements(any(ServiceInterfaceType i).getDefinedType().getMethod(_))
/** A service handler. */
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/security/AllocationSizeOverflowCustomizations.qll b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/security/AllocationSizeOverflowCustomizations.qll
index 13c76a9566a6..60841b048f43 100644
--- a/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/security/AllocationSizeOverflowCustomizations.qll
+++ b/go/ql/lib/semmle/go/security/AllocationSizeOverflowCustomizations.qll
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ module AllocationSizeOverflow {
t instanceof BasicType and
not t instanceof StringType
- isSmallType(t.(NamedType).getUnderlyingType())
+ isSmallType(t.(DefinedType).getUnderlyingType())
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/go.dbscheme b/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/go.dbscheme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3da71c3ac20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/go.dbscheme
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+/** Auto-generated dbscheme; do not edit. Run `make gen` in directory `go/` to regenerate. */
+/** Duplicate code **/
+ unique int id : @duplication,
+ varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
+ int equivClass : int ref);
+ unique int id : @similarity,
+ varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
+ int equivClass : int ref);
+@duplication_or_similarity = @duplication | @similarity;
+ int id : @duplication_or_similarity ref,
+ int offset : int ref,
+ int beginLine : int ref,
+ int beginColumn : int ref,
+ int endLine : int ref,
+ int endColumn : int ref);
+/** External data **/
+ int id : @externalDataElement,
+ varchar(900) path : string ref,
+ int column: int ref,
+ varchar(900) value : string ref
+snapshotDate(unique date snapshotDate : date ref);
+sourceLocationPrefix(varchar(900) prefix : string ref);
+ * XML Files
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ string encoding: string ref
+ unique int id: @xmldtd,
+ string root: string ref,
+ string publicId: string ref,
+ string systemId: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlelement,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlattribute,
+ int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int id: @xmlnamespace,
+ string prefixName: string ref,
+ string URI: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
+ int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcomment,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int isCDATA: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
+@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
+ int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
+compilations(unique int id: @compilation, string cwd: string ref);
+#keyset[id, num]
+compilation_args(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, string arg: string ref);
+#keyset[id, num, kind]
+compilation_time(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int kind: int ref, float secs: float ref);
+diagnostic_for(unique int diagnostic: @diagnostic ref, int compilation: @compilation ref, int file_number: int ref, int file_number_diagnostic_number: int ref);
+compilation_finished(unique int id: @compilation ref, float cpu_seconds: float ref, float elapsed_seconds: float ref);
+#keyset[id, num]
+compilation_compiling_files(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int file: @file ref);
+diagnostics(unique int id: @diagnostic, int severity: int ref, string error_tag: string ref, string error_message: string ref,
+ string full_error_message: string ref, int location: @location ref);
+locations_default(unique int id: @location_default, int file: @file ref, int beginLine: int ref, int beginColumn: int ref,
+ int endLine: int ref, int endColumn: int ref);
+numlines(int element_id: @sourceline ref, int num_lines: int ref, int num_code: int ref, int num_comment: int ref);
+files(unique int id: @file, string name: string ref);
+folders(unique int id: @folder, string name: string ref);
+containerparent(int parent: @container ref, unique int child: @container ref);
+has_location(unique int locatable: @locatable ref, int location: @location ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+comment_groups(unique int id: @comment_group, int parent: @file ref, int idx: int ref);
+comments(unique int id: @comment, int kind: int ref, int parent: @comment_group ref, int idx: int ref, string text: string ref);
+doc_comments(unique int node: @documentable ref, int comment: @comment_group ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+exprs(unique int id: @expr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @exprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+literals(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string raw: string ref);
+constvalues(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string exact: string ref);
+fields(unique int id: @field, int parent: @fieldparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+typeparamdecls(unique int id: @typeparamdecl, int parent: @typeparamdeclparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+stmts(unique int id: @stmt, int kind: int ref, int parent: @stmtparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+decls(unique int id: @decl, int kind: int ref, int parent: @declparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+specs(unique int id: @spec, int kind: int ref, int parent: @gendecl ref, int idx: int ref);
+scopes(unique int id: @scope, int kind: int ref);
+scopenesting(unique int inner: @scope ref, int outer: @scope ref);
+scopenodes(unique int node: @scopenode ref, int scope: @localscope ref);
+objects(unique int id: @object, int kind: int ref, string name: string ref);
+objectscopes(unique int object: @object ref, int scope: @scope ref);
+objecttypes(unique int object: @object ref, int tp: @type ref);
+methodreceivers(unique int method: @object ref, int receiver: @object ref);
+fieldstructs(unique int field: @object ref, int struct: @structtype ref);
+methodhosts(int method: @object ref, int host: @definedtype ref);
+defs(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
+uses(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
+types(unique int id: @type, int kind: int ref);
+type_of(unique int expr: @expr ref, int tp: @type ref);
+typename(unique int tp: @type ref, string name: string ref);
+key_type(unique int map: @maptype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+element_type(unique int container: @containertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+base_type(unique int ptr: @pointertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+underlying_type(unique int defined: @definedtype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+#keyset[parent, index]
+component_types(int parent: @compositetype ref, int index: int ref, string name: string ref, int tp: @type ref);
+#keyset[parent, index]
+struct_tags(int parent: @structtype ref, int index: int ref, string tag: string ref);
+#keyset[interface, index]
+interface_private_method_ids(int interface: @interfacetype ref, int index: int ref, string id: string ref);
+array_length(unique int tp: @arraytype ref, string len: string ref);
+type_objects(unique int tp: @type ref, int object: @object ref);
+packages(unique int id: @package, string name: string ref, string path: string ref, int scope: @packagescope ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+modexprs(unique int id: @modexpr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @modexprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+modtokens(string token: string ref, int parent: @modexpr ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[package, idx]
+errors(unique int id: @error, int kind: int ref, string msg: string ref, string rawpos: string ref,
+ string file: string ref, int line: int ref, int col: int ref, int package: @package ref, int idx: int ref);
+has_ellipsis(int id: @callorconversionexpr ref);
+variadic(int id: @signaturetype ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+typeparam(unique int tp: @typeparamtype ref, string name: string ref, int bound: @compositetype ref,
+ int parent: @typeparamparentobject ref, int idx: int ref);
+@container = @file | @folder;
+@locatable = @xmllocatable | @node | @localscope;
+@node = @documentable | @exprparent | @modexprparent | @fieldparent | @stmtparent | @declparent | @typeparamdeclparent
+ | @scopenode | @comment_group | @comment;
+@documentable = @file | @field | @typeparamdecl | @spec | @gendecl | @funcdecl | @modexpr;
+@exprparent = @funcdef | @file | @expr | @field | @stmt | @decl | @typeparamdecl | @spec;
+@modexprparent = @file | @modexpr;
+@fieldparent = @decl | @structtypeexpr | @functypeexpr | @interfacetypeexpr;
+@stmtparent = @funcdef | @stmt | @decl;
+@declparent = @file | @declstmt;
+@typeparamdeclparent = @funcdecl | @typespec;
+@funcdef = @funclit | @funcdecl;
+@scopenode = @file | @functypeexpr | @blockstmt | @ifstmt | @caseclause | @switchstmt | @commclause | @loopstmt;
+@location = @location_default;
+@sourceline = @locatable;
+case @comment.kind of
+ 0 = @slashslashcomment
+| 1 = @slashstarcomment;
+case @expr.kind of
+ 0 = @badexpr
+| 1 = @ident
+| 2 = @ellipsis
+| 3 = @intlit
+| 4 = @floatlit
+| 5 = @imaglit
+| 6 = @charlit
+| 7 = @stringlit
+| 8 = @funclit
+| 9 = @compositelit
+| 10 = @parenexpr
+| 11 = @selectorexpr
+| 12 = @indexexpr
+| 13 = @genericfunctioninstantiationexpr
+| 14 = @generictypeinstantiationexpr
+| 15 = @sliceexpr
+| 16 = @typeassertexpr
+| 17 = @callorconversionexpr
+| 18 = @starexpr
+| 19 = @keyvalueexpr
+| 20 = @arraytypeexpr
+| 21 = @structtypeexpr
+| 22 = @functypeexpr
+| 23 = @interfacetypeexpr
+| 24 = @maptypeexpr
+| 25 = @typesetliteralexpr
+| 26 = @plusexpr
+| 27 = @minusexpr
+| 28 = @notexpr
+| 29 = @complementexpr
+| 30 = @derefexpr
+| 31 = @addressexpr
+| 32 = @arrowexpr
+| 33 = @lorexpr
+| 34 = @landexpr
+| 35 = @eqlexpr
+| 36 = @neqexpr
+| 37 = @lssexpr
+| 38 = @leqexpr
+| 39 = @gtrexpr
+| 40 = @geqexpr
+| 41 = @addexpr
+| 42 = @subexpr
+| 43 = @orexpr
+| 44 = @xorexpr
+| 45 = @mulexpr
+| 46 = @quoexpr
+| 47 = @remexpr
+| 48 = @shlexpr
+| 49 = @shrexpr
+| 50 = @andexpr
+| 51 = @andnotexpr
+| 52 = @sendchantypeexpr
+| 53 = @recvchantypeexpr
+| 54 = @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
+@basiclit = @intlit | @floatlit | @imaglit | @charlit | @stringlit;
+@operatorexpr = @logicalexpr | @arithmeticexpr | @bitwiseexpr | @unaryexpr | @binaryexpr;
+@logicalexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @logicalbinaryexpr;
+@arithmeticexpr = @arithmeticunaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr;
+@bitwiseexpr = @bitwiseunaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr;
+@unaryexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @bitwiseunaryexpr | @arithmeticunaryexpr | @derefexpr | @addressexpr | @arrowexpr;
+@logicalunaryexpr = @notexpr;
+@bitwiseunaryexpr = @complementexpr;
+@arithmeticunaryexpr = @plusexpr | @minusexpr;
+@binaryexpr = @logicalbinaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr | @comparison;
+@logicalbinaryexpr = @lorexpr | @landexpr;
+@bitwisebinaryexpr = @shiftexpr | @orexpr | @xorexpr | @andexpr | @andnotexpr;
+@arithmeticbinaryexpr = @addexpr | @subexpr | @mulexpr | @quoexpr | @remexpr;
+@shiftexpr = @shlexpr | @shrexpr;
+@comparison = @equalitytest | @relationalcomparison;
+@equalitytest = @eqlexpr | @neqexpr;
+@relationalcomparison = @lssexpr | @leqexpr | @gtrexpr | @geqexpr;
+@chantypeexpr = @sendchantypeexpr | @recvchantypeexpr | @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
+case @stmt.kind of
+ 0 = @badstmt
+| 1 = @declstmt
+| 2 = @emptystmt
+| 3 = @labeledstmt
+| 4 = @exprstmt
+| 5 = @sendstmt
+| 6 = @incstmt
+| 7 = @decstmt
+| 8 = @gostmt
+| 9 = @deferstmt
+| 10 = @returnstmt
+| 11 = @breakstmt
+| 12 = @continuestmt
+| 13 = @gotostmt
+| 14 = @fallthroughstmt
+| 15 = @blockstmt
+| 16 = @ifstmt
+| 17 = @caseclause
+| 18 = @exprswitchstmt
+| 19 = @typeswitchstmt
+| 20 = @commclause
+| 21 = @selectstmt
+| 22 = @forstmt
+| 23 = @rangestmt
+| 24 = @assignstmt
+| 25 = @definestmt
+| 26 = @addassignstmt
+| 27 = @subassignstmt
+| 28 = @mulassignstmt
+| 29 = @quoassignstmt
+| 30 = @remassignstmt
+| 31 = @andassignstmt
+| 32 = @orassignstmt
+| 33 = @xorassignstmt
+| 34 = @shlassignstmt
+| 35 = @shrassignstmt
+| 36 = @andnotassignstmt;
+@incdecstmt = @incstmt | @decstmt;
+@assignment = @simpleassignstmt | @compoundassignstmt;
+@simpleassignstmt = @assignstmt | @definestmt;
+@compoundassignstmt = @addassignstmt | @subassignstmt | @mulassignstmt | @quoassignstmt | @remassignstmt
+ | @andassignstmt | @orassignstmt | @xorassignstmt | @shlassignstmt | @shrassignstmt | @andnotassignstmt;
+@branchstmt = @breakstmt | @continuestmt | @gotostmt | @fallthroughstmt;
+@switchstmt = @exprswitchstmt | @typeswitchstmt;
+@loopstmt = @forstmt | @rangestmt;
+case @decl.kind of
+ 0 = @baddecl
+| 1 = @importdecl
+| 2 = @constdecl
+| 3 = @typedecl
+| 4 = @vardecl
+| 5 = @funcdecl;
+@gendecl = @importdecl | @constdecl | @typedecl | @vardecl;
+case @spec.kind of
+ 0 = @importspec
+| 1 = @valuespec
+| 2 = @typedefspec
+| 3 = @aliasspec;
+@typespec = @typedefspec | @aliasspec;
+case @object.kind of
+ 0 = @pkgobject
+| 1 = @decltypeobject
+| 2 = @builtintypeobject
+| 3 = @declconstobject
+| 4 = @builtinconstobject
+| 5 = @declvarobject
+| 6 = @declfunctionobject
+| 7 = @builtinfunctionobject
+| 8 = @labelobject;
+@typeparamparentobject = @decltypeobject | @declfunctionobject;
+@declobject = @decltypeobject | @declconstobject | @declvarobject | @declfunctionobject;
+@builtinobject = @builtintypeobject | @builtinconstobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
+@typeobject = @decltypeobject | @builtintypeobject;
+@valueobject = @constobject | @varobject | @functionobject;
+@constobject = @declconstobject | @builtinconstobject;
+@varobject = @declvarobject;
+@functionobject = @declfunctionobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
+case @scope.kind of
+ 0 = @universescope
+| 1 = @packagescope
+| 2 = @localscope;
+case @type.kind of
+ 0 = @invalidtype
+| 1 = @boolexprtype
+| 2 = @inttype
+| 3 = @int8type
+| 4 = @int16type
+| 5 = @int32type
+| 6 = @int64type
+| 7 = @uinttype
+| 8 = @uint8type
+| 9 = @uint16type
+| 10 = @uint32type
+| 11 = @uint64type
+| 12 = @uintptrtype
+| 13 = @float32type
+| 14 = @float64type
+| 15 = @complex64type
+| 16 = @complex128type
+| 17 = @stringexprtype
+| 18 = @unsafepointertype
+| 19 = @boolliteraltype
+| 20 = @intliteraltype
+| 21 = @runeliteraltype
+| 22 = @floatliteraltype
+| 23 = @complexliteraltype
+| 24 = @stringliteraltype
+| 25 = @nilliteraltype
+| 26 = @typeparamtype
+| 27 = @arraytype
+| 28 = @slicetype
+| 29 = @structtype
+| 30 = @pointertype
+| 31 = @interfacetype
+| 32 = @tupletype
+| 33 = @signaturetype
+| 34 = @maptype
+| 35 = @sendchantype
+| 36 = @recvchantype
+| 37 = @sendrcvchantype
+| 38 = @definedtype
+| 39 = @typesetliteraltype;
+@basictype = @booltype | @numerictype | @stringtype | @literaltype | @invalidtype | @unsafepointertype;
+@booltype = @boolexprtype | @boolliteraltype;
+@numerictype = @integertype | @floattype | @complextype;
+@integertype = @signedintegertype | @unsignedintegertype;
+@signedintegertype = @inttype | @int8type | @int16type | @int32type | @int64type | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype;
+@unsignedintegertype = @uinttype | @uint8type | @uint16type | @uint32type | @uint64type | @uintptrtype;
+@floattype = @float32type | @float64type | @floatliteraltype;
+@complextype = @complex64type | @complex128type | @complexliteraltype;
+@stringtype = @stringexprtype | @stringliteraltype;
+@literaltype = @boolliteraltype | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype | @floatliteraltype | @complexliteraltype
+ | @stringliteraltype | @nilliteraltype;
+@compositetype = @typeparamtype | @containertype | @structtype | @pointertype | @interfacetype | @tupletype
+ | @signaturetype | @definedtype | @typesetliteraltype;
+@containertype = @arraytype | @slicetype | @maptype | @chantype;
+@chantype = @sendchantype | @recvchantype | @sendrcvchantype;
+case @modexpr.kind of
+ 0 = @modcommentblock
+| 1 = @modline
+| 2 = @modlineblock
+| 3 = @modlparen
+| 4 = @modrparen;
+case @error.kind of
+ 0 = @unknownerror
+| 1 = @listerror
+| 2 = @parseerror
+| 3 = @typeerror;
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/old.dbscheme b/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/old.dbscheme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4bd57e093275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/old.dbscheme
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+/** Auto-generated dbscheme; do not edit. Run `make gen` in directory `go/` to regenerate. */
+/** Duplicate code **/
+ unique int id : @duplication,
+ varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
+ int equivClass : int ref);
+ unique int id : @similarity,
+ varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
+ int equivClass : int ref);
+@duplication_or_similarity = @duplication | @similarity;
+ int id : @duplication_or_similarity ref,
+ int offset : int ref,
+ int beginLine : int ref,
+ int beginColumn : int ref,
+ int endLine : int ref,
+ int endColumn : int ref);
+/** External data **/
+ int id : @externalDataElement,
+ varchar(900) path : string ref,
+ int column: int ref,
+ varchar(900) value : string ref
+snapshotDate(unique date snapshotDate : date ref);
+sourceLocationPrefix(varchar(900) prefix : string ref);
+ * XML Files
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ string encoding: string ref
+ unique int id: @xmldtd,
+ string root: string ref,
+ string publicId: string ref,
+ string systemId: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlelement,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlattribute,
+ int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int id: @xmlnamespace,
+ string prefixName: string ref,
+ string URI: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
+ int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcomment,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int isCDATA: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
+@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
+ int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
+compilations(unique int id: @compilation, string cwd: string ref);
+#keyset[id, num]
+compilation_args(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, string arg: string ref);
+#keyset[id, num, kind]
+compilation_time(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int kind: int ref, float secs: float ref);
+diagnostic_for(unique int diagnostic: @diagnostic ref, int compilation: @compilation ref, int file_number: int ref, int file_number_diagnostic_number: int ref);
+compilation_finished(unique int id: @compilation ref, float cpu_seconds: float ref, float elapsed_seconds: float ref);
+#keyset[id, num]
+compilation_compiling_files(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int file: @file ref);
+diagnostics(unique int id: @diagnostic, int severity: int ref, string error_tag: string ref, string error_message: string ref,
+ string full_error_message: string ref, int location: @location ref);
+locations_default(unique int id: @location_default, int file: @file ref, int beginLine: int ref, int beginColumn: int ref,
+ int endLine: int ref, int endColumn: int ref);
+numlines(int element_id: @sourceline ref, int num_lines: int ref, int num_code: int ref, int num_comment: int ref);
+files(unique int id: @file, string name: string ref);
+folders(unique int id: @folder, string name: string ref);
+containerparent(int parent: @container ref, unique int child: @container ref);
+has_location(unique int locatable: @locatable ref, int location: @location ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+comment_groups(unique int id: @comment_group, int parent: @file ref, int idx: int ref);
+comments(unique int id: @comment, int kind: int ref, int parent: @comment_group ref, int idx: int ref, string text: string ref);
+doc_comments(unique int node: @documentable ref, int comment: @comment_group ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+exprs(unique int id: @expr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @exprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+literals(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string raw: string ref);
+constvalues(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string exact: string ref);
+fields(unique int id: @field, int parent: @fieldparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+typeparamdecls(unique int id: @typeparamdecl, int parent: @typeparamdeclparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+stmts(unique int id: @stmt, int kind: int ref, int parent: @stmtparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+decls(unique int id: @decl, int kind: int ref, int parent: @declparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+specs(unique int id: @spec, int kind: int ref, int parent: @gendecl ref, int idx: int ref);
+scopes(unique int id: @scope, int kind: int ref);
+scopenesting(unique int inner: @scope ref, int outer: @scope ref);
+scopenodes(unique int node: @scopenode ref, int scope: @localscope ref);
+objects(unique int id: @object, int kind: int ref, string name: string ref);
+objectscopes(unique int object: @object ref, int scope: @scope ref);
+objecttypes(unique int object: @object ref, int tp: @type ref);
+methodreceivers(unique int method: @object ref, int receiver: @object ref);
+fieldstructs(unique int field: @object ref, int struct: @structtype ref);
+methodhosts(int method: @object ref, int host: @namedtype ref);
+defs(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
+uses(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
+types(unique int id: @type, int kind: int ref);
+type_of(unique int expr: @expr ref, int tp: @type ref);
+typename(unique int tp: @type ref, string name: string ref);
+key_type(unique int map: @maptype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+element_type(unique int container: @containertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+base_type(unique int ptr: @pointertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+underlying_type(unique int named: @namedtype ref, int tp: @type ref);
+#keyset[parent, index]
+component_types(int parent: @compositetype ref, int index: int ref, string name: string ref, int tp: @type ref);
+#keyset[parent, index]
+struct_tags(int parent: @structtype ref, int index: int ref, string tag: string ref);
+#keyset[interface, index]
+interface_private_method_ids(int interface: @interfacetype ref, int index: int ref, string id: string ref);
+array_length(unique int tp: @arraytype ref, string len: string ref);
+type_objects(unique int tp: @type ref, int object: @object ref);
+packages(unique int id: @package, string name: string ref, string path: string ref, int scope: @packagescope ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+modexprs(unique int id: @modexpr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @modexprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+modtokens(string token: string ref, int parent: @modexpr ref, int idx: int ref);
+#keyset[package, idx]
+errors(unique int id: @error, int kind: int ref, string msg: string ref, string rawpos: string ref,
+ string file: string ref, int line: int ref, int col: int ref, int package: @package ref, int idx: int ref);
+has_ellipsis(int id: @callorconversionexpr ref);
+variadic(int id: @signaturetype ref);
+#keyset[parent, idx]
+typeparam(unique int tp: @typeparamtype ref, string name: string ref, int bound: @compositetype ref,
+ int parent: @typeparamparentobject ref, int idx: int ref);
+@container = @file | @folder;
+@locatable = @xmllocatable | @node | @localscope;
+@node = @documentable | @exprparent | @modexprparent | @fieldparent | @stmtparent | @declparent | @typeparamdeclparent
+ | @scopenode | @comment_group | @comment;
+@documentable = @file | @field | @typeparamdecl | @spec | @gendecl | @funcdecl | @modexpr;
+@exprparent = @funcdef | @file | @expr | @field | @stmt | @decl | @typeparamdecl | @spec;
+@modexprparent = @file | @modexpr;
+@fieldparent = @decl | @structtypeexpr | @functypeexpr | @interfacetypeexpr;
+@stmtparent = @funcdef | @stmt | @decl;
+@declparent = @file | @declstmt;
+@typeparamdeclparent = @funcdecl | @typespec;
+@funcdef = @funclit | @funcdecl;
+@scopenode = @file | @functypeexpr | @blockstmt | @ifstmt | @caseclause | @switchstmt | @commclause | @loopstmt;
+@location = @location_default;
+@sourceline = @locatable;
+case @comment.kind of
+ 0 = @slashslashcomment
+| 1 = @slashstarcomment;
+case @expr.kind of
+ 0 = @badexpr
+| 1 = @ident
+| 2 = @ellipsis
+| 3 = @intlit
+| 4 = @floatlit
+| 5 = @imaglit
+| 6 = @charlit
+| 7 = @stringlit
+| 8 = @funclit
+| 9 = @compositelit
+| 10 = @parenexpr
+| 11 = @selectorexpr
+| 12 = @indexexpr
+| 13 = @genericfunctioninstantiationexpr
+| 14 = @generictypeinstantiationexpr
+| 15 = @sliceexpr
+| 16 = @typeassertexpr
+| 17 = @callorconversionexpr
+| 18 = @starexpr
+| 19 = @keyvalueexpr
+| 20 = @arraytypeexpr
+| 21 = @structtypeexpr
+| 22 = @functypeexpr
+| 23 = @interfacetypeexpr
+| 24 = @maptypeexpr
+| 25 = @typesetliteralexpr
+| 26 = @plusexpr
+| 27 = @minusexpr
+| 28 = @notexpr
+| 29 = @complementexpr
+| 30 = @derefexpr
+| 31 = @addressexpr
+| 32 = @arrowexpr
+| 33 = @lorexpr
+| 34 = @landexpr
+| 35 = @eqlexpr
+| 36 = @neqexpr
+| 37 = @lssexpr
+| 38 = @leqexpr
+| 39 = @gtrexpr
+| 40 = @geqexpr
+| 41 = @addexpr
+| 42 = @subexpr
+| 43 = @orexpr
+| 44 = @xorexpr
+| 45 = @mulexpr
+| 46 = @quoexpr
+| 47 = @remexpr
+| 48 = @shlexpr
+| 49 = @shrexpr
+| 50 = @andexpr
+| 51 = @andnotexpr
+| 52 = @sendchantypeexpr
+| 53 = @recvchantypeexpr
+| 54 = @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
+@basiclit = @intlit | @floatlit | @imaglit | @charlit | @stringlit;
+@operatorexpr = @logicalexpr | @arithmeticexpr | @bitwiseexpr | @unaryexpr | @binaryexpr;
+@logicalexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @logicalbinaryexpr;
+@arithmeticexpr = @arithmeticunaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr;
+@bitwiseexpr = @bitwiseunaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr;
+@unaryexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @bitwiseunaryexpr | @arithmeticunaryexpr | @derefexpr | @addressexpr | @arrowexpr;
+@logicalunaryexpr = @notexpr;
+@bitwiseunaryexpr = @complementexpr;
+@arithmeticunaryexpr = @plusexpr | @minusexpr;
+@binaryexpr = @logicalbinaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr | @comparison;
+@logicalbinaryexpr = @lorexpr | @landexpr;
+@bitwisebinaryexpr = @shiftexpr | @orexpr | @xorexpr | @andexpr | @andnotexpr;
+@arithmeticbinaryexpr = @addexpr | @subexpr | @mulexpr | @quoexpr | @remexpr;
+@shiftexpr = @shlexpr | @shrexpr;
+@comparison = @equalitytest | @relationalcomparison;
+@equalitytest = @eqlexpr | @neqexpr;
+@relationalcomparison = @lssexpr | @leqexpr | @gtrexpr | @geqexpr;
+@chantypeexpr = @sendchantypeexpr | @recvchantypeexpr | @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
+case @stmt.kind of
+ 0 = @badstmt
+| 1 = @declstmt
+| 2 = @emptystmt
+| 3 = @labeledstmt
+| 4 = @exprstmt
+| 5 = @sendstmt
+| 6 = @incstmt
+| 7 = @decstmt
+| 8 = @gostmt
+| 9 = @deferstmt
+| 10 = @returnstmt
+| 11 = @breakstmt
+| 12 = @continuestmt
+| 13 = @gotostmt
+| 14 = @fallthroughstmt
+| 15 = @blockstmt
+| 16 = @ifstmt
+| 17 = @caseclause
+| 18 = @exprswitchstmt
+| 19 = @typeswitchstmt
+| 20 = @commclause
+| 21 = @selectstmt
+| 22 = @forstmt
+| 23 = @rangestmt
+| 24 = @assignstmt
+| 25 = @definestmt
+| 26 = @addassignstmt
+| 27 = @subassignstmt
+| 28 = @mulassignstmt
+| 29 = @quoassignstmt
+| 30 = @remassignstmt
+| 31 = @andassignstmt
+| 32 = @orassignstmt
+| 33 = @xorassignstmt
+| 34 = @shlassignstmt
+| 35 = @shrassignstmt
+| 36 = @andnotassignstmt;
+@incdecstmt = @incstmt | @decstmt;
+@assignment = @simpleassignstmt | @compoundassignstmt;
+@simpleassignstmt = @assignstmt | @definestmt;
+@compoundassignstmt = @addassignstmt | @subassignstmt | @mulassignstmt | @quoassignstmt | @remassignstmt
+ | @andassignstmt | @orassignstmt | @xorassignstmt | @shlassignstmt | @shrassignstmt | @andnotassignstmt;
+@branchstmt = @breakstmt | @continuestmt | @gotostmt | @fallthroughstmt;
+@switchstmt = @exprswitchstmt | @typeswitchstmt;
+@loopstmt = @forstmt | @rangestmt;
+case @decl.kind of
+ 0 = @baddecl
+| 1 = @importdecl
+| 2 = @constdecl
+| 3 = @typedecl
+| 4 = @vardecl
+| 5 = @funcdecl;
+@gendecl = @importdecl | @constdecl | @typedecl | @vardecl;
+case @spec.kind of
+ 0 = @importspec
+| 1 = @valuespec
+| 2 = @typedefspec
+| 3 = @aliasspec;
+@typespec = @typedefspec | @aliasspec;
+case @object.kind of
+ 0 = @pkgobject
+| 1 = @decltypeobject
+| 2 = @builtintypeobject
+| 3 = @declconstobject
+| 4 = @builtinconstobject
+| 5 = @declvarobject
+| 6 = @declfunctionobject
+| 7 = @builtinfunctionobject
+| 8 = @labelobject;
+@typeparamparentobject = @decltypeobject | @declfunctionobject;
+@declobject = @decltypeobject | @declconstobject | @declvarobject | @declfunctionobject;
+@builtinobject = @builtintypeobject | @builtinconstobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
+@typeobject = @decltypeobject | @builtintypeobject;
+@valueobject = @constobject | @varobject | @functionobject;
+@constobject = @declconstobject | @builtinconstobject;
+@varobject = @declvarobject;
+@functionobject = @declfunctionobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
+case @scope.kind of
+ 0 = @universescope
+| 1 = @packagescope
+| 2 = @localscope;
+case @type.kind of
+ 0 = @invalidtype
+| 1 = @boolexprtype
+| 2 = @inttype
+| 3 = @int8type
+| 4 = @int16type
+| 5 = @int32type
+| 6 = @int64type
+| 7 = @uinttype
+| 8 = @uint8type
+| 9 = @uint16type
+| 10 = @uint32type
+| 11 = @uint64type
+| 12 = @uintptrtype
+| 13 = @float32type
+| 14 = @float64type
+| 15 = @complex64type
+| 16 = @complex128type
+| 17 = @stringexprtype
+| 18 = @unsafepointertype
+| 19 = @boolliteraltype
+| 20 = @intliteraltype
+| 21 = @runeliteraltype
+| 22 = @floatliteraltype
+| 23 = @complexliteraltype
+| 24 = @stringliteraltype
+| 25 = @nilliteraltype
+| 26 = @typeparamtype
+| 27 = @arraytype
+| 28 = @slicetype
+| 29 = @structtype
+| 30 = @pointertype
+| 31 = @interfacetype
+| 32 = @tupletype
+| 33 = @signaturetype
+| 34 = @maptype
+| 35 = @sendchantype
+| 36 = @recvchantype
+| 37 = @sendrcvchantype
+| 38 = @namedtype
+| 39 = @typesetliteraltype;
+@basictype = @booltype | @numerictype | @stringtype | @literaltype | @invalidtype | @unsafepointertype;
+@booltype = @boolexprtype | @boolliteraltype;
+@numerictype = @integertype | @floattype | @complextype;
+@integertype = @signedintegertype | @unsignedintegertype;
+@signedintegertype = @inttype | @int8type | @int16type | @int32type | @int64type | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype;
+@unsignedintegertype = @uinttype | @uint8type | @uint16type | @uint32type | @uint64type | @uintptrtype;
+@floattype = @float32type | @float64type | @floatliteraltype;
+@complextype = @complex64type | @complex128type | @complexliteraltype;
+@stringtype = @stringexprtype | @stringliteraltype;
+@literaltype = @boolliteraltype | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype | @floatliteraltype | @complexliteraltype
+ | @stringliteraltype | @nilliteraltype;
+@compositetype = @typeparamtype | @containertype | @structtype | @pointertype | @interfacetype | @tupletype
+ | @signaturetype | @namedtype | @typesetliteraltype;
+@containertype = @arraytype | @slicetype | @maptype | @chantype;
+@chantype = @sendchantype | @recvchantype | @sendrcvchantype;
+case @modexpr.kind of
+ 0 = @modcommentblock
+| 1 = @modline
+| 2 = @modlineblock
+| 3 = @modlparen
+| 4 = @modrparen;
+case @error.kind of
+ 0 = @unknownerror
+| 1 = @listerror
+| 2 = @parseerror
+| 3 = @typeerror;
diff --git a/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/upgrade.properties b/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/upgrade.properties
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca2da0c9fc78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/ql/lib/upgrades/4bd57e093275e5e892dfb16b55ed4bd76ea662be/upgrade.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+description: Rename @namedtype to @definedtype
+compatibility: full
diff --git a/go/ql/src/InconsistentCode/LengthComparisonOffByOne.ql b/go/ql/src/InconsistentCode/LengthComparisonOffByOne.ql
index fbb1965c5f62..05a468b85179 100644
--- a/go/ql/src/InconsistentCode/LengthComparisonOffByOne.ql
+++ b/go/ql/src/InconsistentCode/LengthComparisonOffByOne.ql
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ predicate elementRead(
predicate isRegexpMethodCall(DataFlow::MethodCallNode c) {
- exists(NamedType regexp, Type recvtp |
+ exists(DefinedType regexp, Type recvtp |
regexp.getName() = "Regexp" and recvtp = c.getReceiver().getType()
lookThroughPointerType(recvtp) = regexp
diff --git a/go/ql/src/Security/CWE-020/IncompleteUrlSchemeCheck.ql b/go/ql/src/Security/CWE-020/IncompleteUrlSchemeCheck.ql
index 99513825892e..37912437a582 100644
--- a/go/ql/src/Security/CWE-020/IncompleteUrlSchemeCheck.ql
+++ b/go/ql/src/Security/CWE-020/IncompleteUrlSchemeCheck.ql
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class DangerousScheme extends string {
/** Gets a data-flow node that checks an instance of `g` against the given `scheme`. */
DataFlow::Node schemeCheck(GVN g, DangerousScheme scheme) {
// check of the form `nd.Scheme == scheme`
- exists(NamedType url, DataFlow::FieldReadNode fr, DataFlow::Node s |
+ exists(DefinedType url, DataFlow::FieldReadNode fr, DataFlow::Node s |
url.hasQualifiedName("net/url", "URL") and
fr.readsField(g.getANode(), url.getField("Scheme")) and
s.getStringValue() = scheme and
diff --git a/go/ql/src/Security/CWE-322/InsecureHostKeyCallback.ql b/go/ql/src/Security/CWE-322/InsecureHostKeyCallback.ql
index 2c292785f7f1..c0b5898601c9 100644
--- a/go/ql/src/Security/CWE-322/InsecureHostKeyCallback.ql
+++ b/go/ql/src/Security/CWE-322/InsecureHostKeyCallback.ql
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ class InsecureIgnoreHostKey extends Function {
/** An SSH host-key checking function. */
class HostKeyCallbackFunc extends DataFlow::Node {
HostKeyCallbackFunc() {
- exists(NamedType nt | nt.hasQualifiedName(cryptoSshPackage(), "HostKeyCallback") |
- this.getType().getUnderlyingType() = nt.getUnderlyingType()
+ exists(DefinedType dt | dt.hasQualifiedName(cryptoSshPackage(), "HostKeyCallback") |
+ this.getType().getUnderlyingType() = dt.getUnderlyingType()
) and
// Restrict possible sources to either function definitions or
// the result of some external function call (e.g. InsecureIgnoreHostKey())
diff --git a/go/ql/src/experimental/Unsafe/WrongUsageOfUnsafe.ql b/go/ql/src/experimental/Unsafe/WrongUsageOfUnsafe.ql
index e0f0098be4e0..f3e40f1e20b5 100644
--- a/go/ql/src/experimental/Unsafe/WrongUsageOfUnsafe.ql
+++ b/go/ql/src/experimental/Unsafe/WrongUsageOfUnsafe.ql
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
import go
- * Returns the type after all aliases, named types, and pointer
+ * Returns the type after all aliases, defined types, and pointer
* types have been replaced with the actual underlying type.
diff --git a/go/ql/test/extractor-tests/go1.14/interfaces.ql b/go/ql/test/extractor-tests/go1.14/interfaces.ql
index 323713bfb632..1b611451abd9 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/extractor-tests/go1.14/interfaces.ql
+++ b/go/ql/test/extractor-tests/go1.14/interfaces.ql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import go
-from NamedType t
+from DefinedType t
where t.getPackage().getName().matches("%main")
select t, t.getName(), t.getMethod(_)
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/GenericTypeInstantiationExpr.expected b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/GenericTypeInstantiationExpr.expected
index acf596f607ba..36d2f2e2332a 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/GenericTypeInstantiationExpr.expected
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/GenericTypeInstantiationExpr.expected
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
| generic.go:60:12:60:28 | generic type instantiation expression | generic.go:60:12:60:22 | GenericMap2 | 0 | generic.go:60:24:60:24 | U |
| generic.go:60:12:60:28 | generic type instantiation expression | generic.go:60:12:60:22 | GenericMap2 | 1 | generic.go:60:27:60:27 | U |
| generic.go:61:12:61:28 | generic type instantiation expression | generic.go:61:12:61:25 | GenericChannel | 0 | generic.go:61:27:61:27 | U |
-| generic.go:62:12:62:26 | generic type instantiation expression | generic.go:62:12:62:23 | GenericNamed | 0 | generic.go:62:25:62:25 | U |
+| generic.go:62:12:62:28 | generic type instantiation expression | generic.go:62:12:62:25 | GenericDefined | 0 | generic.go:62:27:62:27 | U |
| generic.go:70:42:70:64 | generic type instantiation expression | generic.go:70:42:70:57 | GenericInterface | 0 | generic.go:70:59:70:63 | int32 |
| generic.go:74:41:74:62 | generic type instantiation expression | generic.go:74:41:74:54 | GenericStruct1 | 0 | generic.go:74:56:74:61 | string |
| generic.go:82:18:82:34 | generic type instantiation expression | generic.go:82:18:82:29 | GenericArray | 0 | generic.go:82:31:82:33 | int |
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/InterfaceMethodIds.ql b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/InterfaceMethodIds.ql
index 356bc85c931b..c34f47abc29b 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/InterfaceMethodIds.ql
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/InterfaceMethodIds.ql
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import go
-from NamedType nt, InterfaceType it, Type methodType, string id
+from DefinedType dt, InterfaceType it, Type methodType, string id
- nt.getName() = "MixedExportedAndNot" and
- it = nt.getUnderlyingType() and
+ dt.getName() = "MixedExportedAndNot" and
+ it = dt.getUnderlyingType() and
it.hasPrivateMethodWithQualifiedName(_, id, methodType)
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/MethodTypes.expected b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/MethodTypes.expected
index d143fb3121e4..f5af1c53e406 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/MethodTypes.expected
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/MethodTypes.expected
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | dummy14 | func() GenericMap1 |
| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | dummy15 | func() GenericMap2 |
| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | dummy17 | func() GenericChannel |
-| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | dummy18 | func() GenericNamed |
+| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | dummy18 | func() GenericDefined |
| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | dummy19 | func() MyFuncType1 |
| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | dummy20 | func() MyFuncType2 |
| interface.go:28:6:28:7 | i6 | String | func() string |
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/MethodTypes.ql b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/MethodTypes.ql
index 74a597615890..f9eae96b5296 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/MethodTypes.ql
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/MethodTypes.ql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import go
-from NamedType t, string m, Type tp
+from DefinedType t, string m, Type tp
exists(t.getEntity().getDeclaration()) and
t.getBaseType().hasMethod(m, tp)
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/QualifiedNames.expected b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/QualifiedNames.expected
index 918f82d01d29..ef350d71e760 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/QualifiedNames.expected
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/QualifiedNames.expected
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
| generic.go:40:6:40:16 | GenericMap2 | codeql-go-types.GenericMap2 |
| generic.go:41:6:41:19 | GenericChannel | codeql-go-types.GenericChannel |
| generic.go:42:6:42:14 | MyMapType | codeql-go-types.MyMapType |
-| generic.go:43:6:43:17 | GenericNamed | codeql-go-types.GenericNamed |
+| generic.go:43:6:43:19 | GenericDefined | codeql-go-types.GenericDefined |
| generic.go:44:6:44:16 | MyFuncType1 | codeql-go-types.MyFuncType1 |
| generic.go:45:6:45:16 | MyFuncType2 | codeql-go-types.MyFuncType2 |
| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | codeql-go-types.MyInterface |
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/StructFields.ql b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/StructFields.ql
index 0e0b93b230e3..4509cd610f2d 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/StructFields.ql
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/StructFields.ql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import go
-from StructTypeExpr ste, NamedType named, string name, Type tp
+from StructTypeExpr ste, DefinedType defined, string name, Type tp
- named.getUnderlyingType() = ste.getType() and
+ defined.getUnderlyingType() = ste.getType() and
ste.getType().(StructType).hasField(name, tp)
-select named, ste, name, tp.pp()
+select defined, ste, name, tp.pp()
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/Types.expected b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/Types.expected
index 2a057f0354a3..e79906180bba 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/Types.expected
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/Types.expected
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
| generic.go:40:6:40:16 | GenericMap2 | GenericMap2 |
| generic.go:41:6:41:19 | GenericChannel | GenericChannel |
| generic.go:42:6:42:14 | MyMapType | MyMapType |
-| generic.go:43:6:43:17 | GenericNamed | GenericNamed |
+| generic.go:43:6:43:19 | GenericDefined | GenericDefined |
| generic.go:44:6:44:16 | MyFuncType1 | MyFuncType1 |
| generic.go:45:6:45:16 | MyFuncType2 | MyFuncType2 |
| generic.go:47:6:47:16 | MyInterface | MyInterface |
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/aliases.go b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/aliases.go
index 7ef658136b9c..05827f8ef372 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/aliases.go
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/aliases.go
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ func G(Afs2 aliasesS2) int {
return Afs2.x
-// This is a named type, not an alias
+// This is a defined type, not an alias
type S3 struct{ x int }
// This is a type alias
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/generic.go b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/generic.go
index 66c739f70614..e4daba4551af 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/generic.go
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/Types/generic.go
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ type GenericMap1[V any] map[string]V
type GenericMap2[K comparable, V any] map[K]V
type GenericChannel[T comparable] chan<- T
type MyMapType map[string]int
-type GenericNamed[T comparable] MyMapType
+type GenericDefined[T comparable] MyMapType
type MyFuncType1[T any] func(T)
type MyFuncType2[T1 any, T2 any] func(T1) T2
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ type MyInterface[U comparable] interface {
dummy14() GenericMap1[U]
dummy15() GenericMap2[U, U]
dummy17() GenericChannel[U]
- dummy18() GenericNamed[U]
+ dummy18() GenericDefined[U]
dummy19() MyFuncType1[U]
dummy20() MyFuncType2[U, U]
diff --git a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/frameworks/Twirp/tests.ql b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/frameworks/Twirp/tests.ql
index 563cb149a9a0..5866b6ff3eda 100644
--- a/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/frameworks/Twirp/tests.ql
+++ b/go/ql/test/library-tests/semmle/go/frameworks/Twirp/tests.ql
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ query predicate passingPositiveTests(string res, string expectation, InlineTest
exists(Twirp::ProtobufMessageType n | t.inType(n))
expectation = "serviceInterface" and
- exists(Twirp::ServiceInterfaceType n | t.inType(n.getNamedType()))
+ exists(Twirp::ServiceInterfaceType n | t.inType(n.getDefinedType()))
expectation = "serviceClient" and
exists(Twirp::ServiceClientType n | t.inType(n))
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ query predicate failingPositiveTests(string res, string expectation, InlineTest
not exists(Twirp::ProtobufMessageType n | t.inType(n))
expectation = "serviceInterface" and
- not exists(Twirp::ServiceInterfaceType n | t.inType(n.getNamedType()))
+ not exists(Twirp::ServiceInterfaceType n | t.inType(n.getDefinedType()))
expectation = "serviceClient" and
not exists(Twirp::ServiceClientType n | t.inType(n))