diff --git a/content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-course-to-a-classroom.md b/content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-course-to-a-classroom.md
index 7a12a921f5fc..b6ee9e954f25 100644
--- a/content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-course-to-a-classroom.md
+++ b/content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/connect-a-learning-management-system-course-to-a-classroom.md
@@ -32,6 +32,19 @@ To configure an LMS to connect to {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %
{% data reusables.classroom.supported-lmses %}
+## Linking a Blackboard course with a classroom
+You can link your Blackboard course with a classroom in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. For more information about Blackboard, see the [Blackboard website](https://www.anthology.com/products/teaching-and-learning/learning-effectiveness/blackboard).
+An administrator needs to register your LMS instance with classroom before you can link an LMS course. For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/register-a-learning-management-system-with-github-classroom#configuring-blackboard-for-github-classroom).
+1. Sign into your **Blackboard** instance.
+1. Select the Blackboard course or organization to integrate with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}.
+1. In the rigth sidebar on the course page, click **Books & Tools**, then click **GitHub Classroom**. Note that the name may be different if your LMS admin named it something else when registering your LMS.
+1. Clicking the **GitHub Classroom** button will launch you into {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}, where you can select a classroom to link with your LMS course.
+Once your course is linked, you can import your roster from your LMS course to your classroom. For more information, see [Importing a roster from your LMS](#importing-a-roster-from-your-lms).
## Linking a Canvas course with a classroom
You can link your Canvas course with a classroom in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}. For more information about Canvas, see the [Canvas website](https://www.instructure.com/canvas/).
diff --git a/content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/register-a-learning-management-system-with-github-classroom.md b/content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/register-a-learning-management-system-with-github-classroom.md
index 6043154c9622..c6fe517f1228 100644
--- a/content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/register-a-learning-management-system-with-github-classroom.md
+++ b/content/education/manage-coursework-with-github-classroom/teach-with-github-classroom/register-a-learning-management-system-with-github-classroom.md
@@ -17,6 +17,76 @@ Before you can connect your LMS to a classroom, an administrator for your LMS in
{% data reusables.classroom.supported-lmses %}
+## Configuring Blackboard for {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}
+You can register your Blackboard installation with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} to enable teachers to import roster data into their classrooms. For more information about Blackboard, see the [Blackboard website](https://www.anthology.com/products/teaching-and-learning/learning-effectiveness/blackboard).
+### 1. Register {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} Developer Keys in the Anthology Developer Portal
+1. Sign into the [Anthology Developer Portal](https://developer.anthology.com/).
+1. Click on the **plus sign** in the [My Application](https://developer.anthology.com/portal/applications) page.
+1. Click **Manual Registration** in the dropdown menu.
+1. On the "Register a new application" configuration screen, set the fields to the following values.
+ | Field in the new app configuration | Value or setting |
+ | :- | :- |
+ | **Application Name** | `GitHub Classroom`
**Note**: You can use any name, it will be showed only to administrators. |
+ | **Description** | `Sync Blackboard course roster to GitHub Classroom` (or something similar) |
+ | **Domain(s)** | `classroom.github.com` |
+ | **Group** | Leave the default value or change it according to your institution needs. |
+ | **My Integration supports LTI 1.3** | Enable the flag.|
+ | **Login Initiation URL** | `https://classroom.github.com/lti1p3/openid-connect/auth` |
+ | **Tool Redirect URL(s)** | `https://classroom.github.com/lti1p3/openid-connect/redirect,https://classroom.github.com/context-link` |
+ | **Tool JWKS URL** | `https://classroom.github.com/.well-known/jwks.json` |
+ | **Signing Algorithm** dropdown | `RS256` |
+ | **Custom parameters** | Leave empty. |
+1. Click **Register Application**.
+1. The Developer Portal will show a screen contains important information you'll need to input in the next steps of registering your instance in your Blackboard instance and in {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} below. Please note them in a safe place and click **Done**.
+1. In the table on the "My Applications" page, in the row for the GitHub Classroom application, click on the three dots and then **Manage Placements** in the dropdown menu.
+1. Click on the **plus sign**.
+1. On the "Register a new placement" configuration screen, set the fields to the following values.
+ | Field in the new placement configuration | Value or setting |
+ | :- | :- |
+ | **Placement Name** | `GitHub Classroom`
**Note**: You can use any name, but if you set this to something else, be sure this is communicated to teachers. |
+ | **Description** | `Sync Blackboard course roster to GitHub Classroom` (or something similar) |
+ | **Type** dropdown | Course Tool |
+ | **Allow students access** | Don't enable the flag. |
+ | **Launch in new window** | Don't enable the flag, unless you want to offer that user experience. |
+ | **Target link URI** | `https://classroom.github.com/context-link` |
+ | **Icon URL** | Leave it empty or provide a static URL for the icon. If needed, later in Blackboard can be manually uploaded. |
+ | **Custom parameters** | Leave empty. |
+1. Click **Register Placement**.
+### 2. Register {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} Developer Keys in Blackboard
+1. Sign into your **Blackboard** instance.
+1. In the left sidebar on the home page, click **Admin**, then click **LTI Tool Providers**.
+1. On the "LTI Tool Providers" page, click **Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool**.
+1. Insert the **Client ID** obtained from the Developer Portal and click **Submit**.
+1. Blackboard will show all application data. In this page:
+ 1. Verify that **Tool Status** is "Approved".
+ 1. Verify that **User Fields to be Sent** flags are enabled for "Role in Course", "Name", "Email Address".
+ 1. Verify that **Allow mark service access** radio button is set to "No".
+ 1. Verify that **Allow Membership Service Access** radio button is set to "Yes".
+1. Click **Submit**.
+### 3. Register your developer keys with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}
+1. Go to https://classroom.github.com/register-lms.
+1. Fill in the following information:
+ * Under "LMS Type", choose "Other" from the dropdown menu.
+ * "Issuer Identifier": `https://blackboard.com`
+ * "Domain": The base URL to your Blackboard instance
+ * "Client ID": The "Client ID" obtained from the registration of the app in the Anthology Developer Portal.
+ * "OIDC Initiation URL": The "OIDC auth request endpoint" obtained from the registration of the app in the Anthology Developer Portal.
+ * "OAuth 2.0 Token Retrieval URL": The "Auth token endpoint" obtained from the registration of the app in the Anthology Developer Portal.
+ * "Key Set URL": The "Public keyset URL" obtained from the registration of the app in the Anthology Developer Portal.
+1. Click **Register**.
+1. You should see the "Successfully registered LMS" banner at the top of the screen, which means that you've registered your LMS instance and teachers can now link their classrooms.
## Configuring Canvas for {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}
You can register your Canvas installation with {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} to enable teachers to import roster data into their classrooms. For more information about Canvas, see the [Canvas website](https://www.instructure.com/canvas/).
diff --git a/data/reusables/classroom/supported-lmses.md b/data/reusables/classroom/supported-lmses.md
index b47bd761052e..9dfb2596a6a7 100644
--- a/data/reusables/classroom/supported-lmses.md
+++ b/data/reusables/classroom/supported-lmses.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Using LTI helps keep your information safe and secure. LTI is an industry-standa
{% data variables.product.company_short %} has tested and verified registration, connection and the import of roster data from the following LMSes into {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %}.
+* Blackboard
* Canvas
* Moodle
* Sakai