command fails when ADO GitHub Connection setup as GitHub App auth type #1258
gh ado2gh integrate-boards --ado-org "{ado_org}" --ado-team-project "{ado-team-project}" --github-org "{github-org}" --github-repo "{github-repo}"
The integrate-boards commands fails when the Github Connection for Azure Boards is set up as GitHub App authentication type (aka InstallationToken authorizationScheme). The endpoint used to assist with adding a new github repo to the list of repositories the ADO github connection has access to receives the following error in response. I don't want to use a PAT.
"""dataProviders"": {
""ms.vss-web.component-data"": {},
""ms.vss-web.shared-data"": null,
""ms.vss-work-web.github-user-repository-data-provider"": {
""errorMessage"": ""Service connection authorization scheme is invalid.""
- Github Connection page link within your ADO org -{ado_org}/gh-migration/_settings/boards-external-integration
Reproduction Steps
Execute the following command when you have the github connection set up using GitHub App authentication type
gh ado2gh integrate-boards --ado-org "{ado_org}" --ado-team-project "{ado-team-project}" --github-org "{github-org}" --github-repo "{github-repo}"