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JavaScript SDK for Optimizely X Full Stack

npm npm Travis CI Coveralls license

Optimizely X Full Stack is A/B testing and feature management for product development teams. Experiment in any application. Make every feature on your roadmap an opportunity to learn. Learn more at the landing page, or see the documentation.

This directory contains the source code for the JavaScript SDK, which is usable in Node.js, browsers, and beyond.

Getting Started


Ensure the SDK supports all of the platforms you're targeting. In particular, the SDK targets any ES5-compliant JavaScript environment. We officially support:

  • Node.js >= 4.0.0. By extension, environments like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Auth0 Webtasks are supported as well. Older Node.js releases likely work too (try npm test to validate for yourself), but are not formally supported.
  • Web browsers

Other environments likely are compatible, too, but note that we don't officially support them:

  • Progressive Web Apps, WebViews, and hybrid mobile apps like those built with React Native and Apache Cordova.
  • Cloudflare Workers and Fly, both of which are powered by recent releases of V8.
  • Anywhere else you can think of that might embed a JavaScript engine. The sky is the limit; experiment everywhere! 🚀

Once you've validated that the SDK supports the platforms you're targeting, fetch the package from NPM. Using npm:

npm install --save @optimizely/optimizely-sdk


See the Optimizely X Full Stack developer documentation to learn how to set up your first JavaScript project and use the SDK.

The package's entry point is a CommonJS module, which can be used directly in environments which support it (e.g., Node.js, or loaded in a browser via Browserify or RequireJS). Additionally, you can include a standalone bundle of the SDK in your web page by fetching it from unpkg:

<script src=""></script>

<!-- You can also use the unminified version if necessary -->
<script src=""></script>

When evaluated, that bundle assigns the SDK's exports to window.optimizelySdk. If you wish to use the asset locally (for example, if unpkg is down), you can find it in your local copy of the package at dist/optimizely.browser.umd.min.js.

Regarding EventDispatchers: In Node.js and browser environments, the default EventDispatcher is powered by the http/s modules and by XMLHttpRequest, respectively. In all other environments, you must supply your own EventDispatcher.

Migrating from 1.x.x

This version represents a major version change and, as such, introduces some breaking changes:

  • The Node.js SDK is now combined with the JavaScript SDK. We now have just one package, @optimizely/optimizely-sdk, that works in many JavaScript environments.

  • We no longer support Node.js < 4.0.0, which collectively reached end-of-life on 2016-12-31.

  • You will no longer be able to pass in revenue value as a stand-alone argument to the track call. Instead you will need to pass it as an entry in the eventTags.

Feature Management access

To access Feature Management in the Optimizely web application, please contact your Optimizely account executive.


This information is relevant only if you plan on contributing to the SDK itself.

# Prerequisite: Install dependencies.
npm install

# Run unit tests with mocha.
npm test

# Run unit tests in many browsers, currently via BrowserStack.
# For this to work, the following environment variables must be set:
npm run test-xbrowser

.travis.yml contains the definitions for BROWSER_STACK_USERNAME and BROWSER_STACK_ACCESS_KEY used in CI. These values are Optimizely's BrowserStack credentials, encrypted with our Travis CI public key. These creds can be rotated by following these docs.


First-party code (under lib/) is copyright Optimizely, Inc. and contributors, licensed under Apache 2.0.

Additional Code

Prod dependencies are as follows:

  "[email protected]": {
    "licenses": [
    "publisher": "Kris Zyp",
    "repository": ""
  "[email protected]": {
    "licenses": "MIT",
    "publisher": "John-David Dalton",
    "repository": ""
  "[email protected]": {
    "licenses": "MIT*",
    "repository": ""
  "[email protected]": {
    "licenses": "BSD-3-Clause",
    "publisher": "Moritz Peters",
    "repository": ""
  "[email protected]": {
    "licenses": "MIT",
    "repository": ""

To regenerate this, run the following command:

npx license-checker --production --json | jq 'map_values({ licenses, publisher, repository }) | del(.[][] | nulls)'

and remove the self (@optimizely/optimizely-sdk) entry.