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Releases: gitmachtl/scripts

SPO Scripts 06-05-2023

06 May 13:58
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Update for the SPO Poll

Two new scripts have been added to the testnet folder on the repo.

  • Script
    Simply run this script with a given txHash for the question transaction in your SPO Scripts env. This pulls the metadata via koios, presents the question, collects your answer and generates a cbor-file for transmission. The script does NOT REQUIRE to update to a newer cardano-cli version, your current 1.35.7 is ok. Because all the cbor generation, question handling is done within the script itself, no cardano-cli call.


  • Script
    This is an updated version of the normal script, it simply allows you to specify your poolFile as the 4th parameter. So you can sign the transaction with the cbor-file attached also with your mypool.node.skey file. You can also do the payment with a HW-Wallet if you want.


Please do some testing, so tool providers have some data to work with. For the current test simply setup your env for PreProd chain and run script 13a like:

./ d8c1b1d871a27d74fbddfa16d28ce38288411a75c5d3561bb74066bcd54689e2

A test-poll dashboard for the PreProd-Chain is available here:

SPO Scripts 29-04-2023

29 Apr 17:19
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Thats a nice updateround, some highlights:

  • minimum Node & CLI Version is now 1.35.5

  • minimum HW-CLI Version is now 1.13.0

  • minimum Ledger-Cardano-App is now 6.0.3 for CIP36 Catalyst-Registration, 5.0.0 for other operations

  • minimum Trezor-Firmware is now 2.6.0

  • added support for CIP68 $adahandles (root-handles), original CIP25 $adahandels are still supported too

  • can now also encrypt added transaction messages (CIP83)

  • can now also encrypt added transaction messages (CIP83)

  • can now also encrypt added transaction messages (CIP83)

  • can now also encrypt added transaction messages (CIP83)

  • can now also encrypt added transaction messages (CIP83)

  • is not writing an .skey file anymore to disc before doing the encryption

  • is now using cardano-signer and not jcli anymore for ITN-Pool-Witness-generation

  • using cardano-signer instead of cardano-address, jcli, etc...

  • removed cardano-address and jcli binary dependencies

  • set preview explorer to use

  • added a function to set the minVersion for HW-Wallet operations on a "per-call-base"

  • is now using the new CIP36 method with support for delegating the voting power to more than one vote-public-key (own, dReps, etc.)

  • can now generate mnemonics for wallets to be used as the vote-key-wallet later on with the CatalystVotingCenter

  • added information on how to get newer Ledger CardanoApp version via the experimental features

  • minor tweaks here and there