I´m using the latest version (0.6) from
I have cloned and tagged locally the image (consul/server:1.0) from your repository docker-consul agent and server
All the cluster and membership core functionalities work like a charm, however I´m struggling to see the UI in action
OEL0043:consul-server mfarache$ docker run --name nodeUI-server -p 8400:8400 -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:53/udp consul/server:1.0 -bind= -client= -dc=dc1
Whenever I access to localhost:8500/ui I get a 500 error. Reason seems to be related with this JS stack trace
eferenceError: consulHost is not defined
at Class.model (application.min.js:367)
at apply (application.min.js:124)
at Class.superWrapper as model
at Class.deserialize (application.min.js:126)
at Object.runSharedModelHook (application.min.js:133)
at Object.getModel (application.min.js:133)
at application.min.js:134
at tryCatch (application.min.js:134)
at invokeCallback (application.min.js:134)
at publish (application.min.js:134)
In old distributions there were a /UI directory in the image and browsing old code I noticed that consulHost was defined in the static html file.
Now with the consul-server image, the static code is packed as part of the consul binary. I wonder which value or how can I configure so the UI is available, hopefully adding some parameter on startup? Or is it possible that the old consulHost variable within the html file is still not initialized?