Current version
All GNOT holders are members of the GNOTDAO.
The GovDAO must include GNOTDAO on any proposal that involves a change to GNOT inflation. A proposal for a change to inflation that has GovDAO supermajority approval may only pass if it also has a supermajority approval from GNOT holders.
The GovDAO, at its discretion, may also use binding proposals engaging the GNOTDAO when internal governance structures reach an impasse. Such proposals to engage the GNOTDAO must be approved by the GovDAO with a supermajority approval.
The idea of GNOTDAO was not to repeat the same mistake that Cosmos made. However, it seems hyper focused on the inflation. How about expanding it to include "gas fee distribution"?
A proposal for a change to inflation and gas fee distribution that has GovDAO supermajority approval may only pass if it also has a supermajority approval from GNOT holders.