I have below route my project with name now i wanna call them inside templates
func ProductRoutes(a *fiber.App) {
pc := controllers.ProductController{}
// admin route
route := a.Group("/admin/product")
// add auth middleware to dashboard group
route.Get("/", pc.Index).Name("product_index") // get all products
route.Get("/add", pc.Add).Name("product_add") // add new product form
route.Post("/", pc.Insert).Name("product_insert") // add new product to database
route.Get("/:id", pc.Show).Name("product_show") // get a product with an ID
route.Put("/:id", pc.Update).Name("product_update") // update a product with an ID
route.Delete("/:id", pc.Destroy).Name("product_delete") // delete a product
Below my controller
func (pc *ProductController) Index(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
session.Get(c, "user_id")
user := fiber.Map{
"name": session.Get(c, "name"),
"email": session.Get(c, "email"),
search := c.Query("search")
return c.Render("product/index", fiber.Map{
"title": "Selectify Admin",
"admin": user,
"active": "products",
"url": c.OriginalURL(),
"search": search,
I wanna call product_index
inside template
<a href='{{ routePath "product_index" }}'>Products</a>
I tried few ways and search over google didn't found any answer, is there any way to do that?