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go.alternateTools does not automatically add .exe (or similar) on Windows, missing "which" call? #3731




What version of Go, VS Code & VS Code Go extension are you using?

Version Information
  • Run go version to get version of Go from the VS Code integrated terminal.
    • go version go1.24.1 linux/amd64
  • Run gopls -v version to get version of Gopls from the VS Code integrated terminal.
    • v0.31.1-0.20250324134734-bf12eb7e7db4+dirty
  • Run code -v or code-insiders -v to get version of VS Code or VS Code Insiders.
    • 1.99.0-insider dc289883be5d37d5d2b2f7d30926aa42a3123437
  • Check your installed extensions to get the version of the VS Code Go extension
    • 0.47.1
  • Run Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac OS) > Go: Locate Configured Go Tools command.
    • gopls: /home/jabaile/go/bin/gopls (version: v0.31.1-0.20250324134734-bf12eb7e7db4+dirty built with go: go1.25-2d2bcdd2a)
      gotests: not installed
      gomodifytags: not installed
      impl: not installed
      goplay: not installed
      dlv: /home/jabaile/go/bin/dlv (version: v1.24.1 built with go: go1.24.1)
      golangci-lint: /home/jabaile/work/TypeScript-go/_tools/custom-gcl (version: v1.64.6+dirty built with go: go1.24.1)

Share the Go related settings you have added/edited

Run Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command to open your settings.json file.
Share all the settings with the go. or ["go"] or gopls prefixes.

    "go.lintTool": "golangci-lint",
    "go.alternateTools": {
        "golangci-lint": "${workspaceFolder}/_tools/custom-gcl${env:GOEXE}"

Describe the bug

In order to support users of a repo that are using all OSs, I've had to use ${env:GOEXE} to conditionally add .exe on Windows via the Go extension's environment variable provider when configuring our golangci-lint custom built binary.

It seems to me like this shouldn't be required; using a library like on the config would automatically net the correct path with extension for the tool.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Configure go.alternateTools without an extension on Windows.
  2. Run the tool (save to lint, or similar)
  3. Linter is not run.




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    NeedsInvestigationSomeone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one.


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