I've followed the instructions on the above link. The local Android project builds fine once I made the instructed changes. Everything links and it seems to pick up the downloaded Google Home library.
I've followed the instructions twice and I keep getting "User cancelled OAuth consent UI" from the app. I assumed the problem was in the Google Cloud OAuth project creation so I started over and created a completely new OAuth project but I get the same results. I also wondered if I had the wrong Android Studio signing key but I've followed the directions exactly as prescribed.
The flow that I see on my end is:
- launch app
- app says "permissions state: NOT GRANTED"
- click "Google Home API Sample App" Button
- Choose my google account (which has google home set up and is associated w/ the OAuth project)
- I never see my Homes listed. I just get a flash on the screen and then the prompt saying ""Permissions Result: CANCELLED | User cancelled OAuth consent UI".
What else can I investigate from my end?
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