Dear DeepVariant team,
Thanks for your great work. I am running DeepVariant on Pacbio Mas-seq scRNA-seq (on pseudo bulk level).
This is my command:
singularity exec --bind /usr/lib/locale/ deepvariant-1.8.0.simg /opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant\
--model_type MASSEQ \
--ref {input.ref} \
--reads {input.bam} \
--output_vcf {output} \
--num_shards {params.threads} \
--intermediate_results_dir /home/jiayiwang/tmp/{wildcards.sample} \
> {log} 2>&1
For example, for one sample, after some filters (coverage, dbSNP etc.) I got 214241 variants and then I set a filter with QUAL >= 10, I only got 28 variants. When I set the filter to be PASS, I also only get 355 variants. Other samples have similar passing rates. I used the same filters on the results from Clair3-RNA, there are still 150830 variants left. Therefore, I assume the very small number of high quality (or PASS) variants from DeepVariant is somehow problematic.
(Is it possible because that I didn't run splitNC and flagCorrection on my bams? I tried to run these but it seems to take ages, that's why I decided to try without these.)
Do you have any idea about this?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,