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Determine whether modreduce require linearized input in optimize-relinearization #1398



For the following example, the --optimize-relinearization will produce a modreduce + relinearize sequence

func.func @foo(%a: i64, %b: i64) -> (i64) {
    %0 = arith.muli %a, %a : i64
    %1 = arith.muli %b, %b : i64
    %2 = arith.subi %0, %1 : i64
    %3 = arith.muli %2, %2 : i64
    func.return %3 : i64
      %1 = arith.muli %input0, %input0 {addCount = 1 : i64, mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 2, dimension = 3>} : i64
      %2 = arith.muli %input1, %input1 {addCount = 1 : i64, mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 2, dimension = 3>} : i64
      %3 = arith.subi %1, %2 {addCount = 2 : i64, keySwitchCount = 2 : i64, mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 2, dimension = 3>} : i64
      %4 = mgmt.modreduce %3 {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 1, dimension = 3>} : i64
      %5 = mgmt.relinearize %4 {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 1>} : i64
      %6 = arith.muli %5, %5 {addCount = 1 : i64, mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 1, dimension = 3>} : i64
      %7 = mgmt.modreduce %6 {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 0, dimension = 3>} : i64
      %8 = mgmt.relinearize %7 {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 0>} : i64
      secret.yield %8 : i64

However, the current noise model explicitly disallow such behavior by an assertion, see

assert(inputParam.getDimension() == 2);

The reason inside noise model is that, for higher degree modreduce the formula need some correction because s^n is dependent then the bound becomes correctionFactor * expansionFactor^(n - 1) * ||s||^n. For n = 2 the correction factor is 2, but for higher degree this grows rapidly. See for more details.

Another intuitive reason from the noise perspective is that, based on the noise model AND our current secret-insert-mgmt strategy where modreduce is just before next arith.mul or secret.yield, modreduce + relinearize (+ mul / secret.yield) would produce worse noise growth than relinearize + modreduce (+ mul / secret.yield).

From the parameter generation optimization perspective: For relinearize + modreduce, we can make the noise of relinearize much bigger (as the same level as multiplication) by making the special moduli chain (i.e. P) samller, so the logPQ can be smaller, which in turn could make logN smaller, gaining performance.

There are also reasons not supporting relinearize + modreduce, like from the performance perspective, indeed modreduce + relinearize will be less computationally inexpensive than relinearize + modreduce.

Currently for the ease of #1379 I just relinearize the input before mod reduce. When we introduce the cost model we can come back to decide which is better. (Openfhe have a script outputing the cost model, see



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