skrifa currently only rounds the Y coordinate if ROUND_XY_TO_GRID is set:
Lines 854 to 861 in 40329a2
However, freetype allows users to also enable X rounding:
if ( subglyph->flags & ROUND_XY_TO_GRID )
if ( IS_HINTED( loader->load_flags ) )
if ( driver->interpreter_version == TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_35 )
x = FT_PIX_ROUND( x );
y = FT_PIX_ROUND( y );
This is controlled by the interpreter-version setting. This setting has no other effects in current freetype versions. Correction: this setting has an effect in some other places, it disables subpixel hinting.
Users can set this setting with environment variables:
export FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=truetype:interpreter-version=35
This is the only way to modify this setting for users.
Would it be possible to have skrifa also interpret the FREETYPE_PROPERTIES environment variable and enable X rounding as freetype does? I'd be willing to implement this.
Some other way to enable X rounding would also be fine, as long as it is under the control of users running programs using skrifa and does require modifying source code.