Save Font in MailMerge #177
Solution title: Save Font in MailMerge
One sentence summary: Transfer conditional formatting in Sheets to Email
Description (1 - 2 paragraphs): If the code is there and I missed it, my apologies. Would it be possible where conditional formatting is used on the Google Spreadsheet that the applied formatting be passed to the Gmail Email and sent to the recipient?
Design Details:
Please provide a high level design overview with a motivation or problem statement to help us vet your idea.
Use case: Our Email contains color coded Letters, A = green, B = blue, C = red, etc., which correspond to the entry doors for people to easily identify how to enter the church to maintain social distancing. This is greatly needed given the elderly population we are serving. They can quickly see a different color in a black and white Email and understand how to enter the facility.
Once a repo owner has approved this issue, you may use our template directory to make a pull
request for you solution. You may either submit the full implementation to this repo or if you
already have the implementation in another repo, simply link it in the README.