Full-day events overcount in different time zones. #199
Solution title: Full-day events overcount in different time zones.
One sentence summary: If someone on the east coast is "OOO" for a day, then a west coast calendar user will see 9pm-9pm as the event time, and therefore the event will appear to span 2 days in both week and month view in Google Calendar.
Description (1 - 2 paragraphs):
If someone on the east coast is "OOO" for a day, then this script copies the 12am-12am event, and a west coast calendar user will see 9pm-9pm as the event time, and therefore the event will appear to span 2 days in both week and month view in Google Calendar. I propose adding a conditional that if an event is a "full day" event, it should be copied to a "full day" event, so that other time zones will see the proper OOO timeframe for the OOO individual.