I am facing an Issue while updating the helm release version of grafana from "6.50.8" to "8.8.5". I took below steps but I am still facing errors.
- simply updating the version to latest 8.8.5
- there is a pod anti affinity rule applied in grafana helm values in my terraform script which does not allow any new pod with label "grafana" to get deployed in grafana namespace. So I changed the labels but I get the below error.
anti-affinity block in my terraform script:
affinity = {
podAntiAffinity = {
requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution = [
labelSelector = {
matchExpressions = [
key = ""
operator = "In"
values = ["grafana"]
topologyKey = ""
│ Error: "grafana" has no deployed releases
│ with module.grafana.helm_release.this,
│ on ../modules/grafana/ line 158, in resource "helm_release" "this":
│ 158: resource "helm_release" "this" {
- tried deploying the pod by changing namespace name from "grafana" to "monitoring" and also the label in pod anti affinity rule value from "grafana" to "monitoring"
tried commenting the whole anti affinity block
Got Error as:
module.external_dns.kubernetes_service_account.this["grafana"]: Destroying... [id=grafana/external-dns]
module.external_dns.kubernetes_service_account.this["grafana"]: Destruction complete after 0s
module.external_dns_irsa.aws_iam_role.this[0]: Modifying... [id=cdhnonprod-core-cluster-external-dns]
module.external_dns_irsa.aws_iam_role.this[0]: Modifications complete after 1s [id=cdhnonprod-core-cluster-external-dns]
│ Error: failed to delete release: grafana
ERRO[0196] terraform invocation failed in /home/admin/Desktop/cdh-terraform-aws/env/nonprod/core-tier/.terragrunt-cache/cCvWM9IlukH82lxs-SuW4gu1YPE/BTnLPO3tjN_PBpTjstjhR45kKIM/core-tier prefix=[/home/admin/Desktop/cdh-terraform-aws/env/nonprod/core-tier]
ERRO[0196] 1 error occurred: