What is the bug?
Hey Grafana team,
We have an alert that fires when we see latency above 1 second from the distributor using the below query:
histogram_quantile(0.99, avg by (le) (rate(cortex_request_duration_seconds_bucket{job=~"(cortex)/((distributor|cortex|mimir|mimir-write))",route=~"/distributor.Distributor/Push|/httpgrpc.*|api_(v1|prom)_push|otlp_v1_metrics"}[5m]))) > 1
Since upgrading to 2.15 this alert has been consistently firing. We have noticed a large bump in overall performance in Mimir, but we're wondering if increased latency is to be expected as a possible side effect ?
Side Note: Thanks for all the great work, our team was delighted with the performance improvements we've seen overall in 2.15 aside from this latency jump.
How to reproduce it?
Mimir 2.15
What did you think would happen?
What was your environment?
Any additional context to share?
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