What is the problem you are trying to solve?
Grafana's Federal Cloud offering needs to utilize enterprise provisioner via configuration to ensure tenants are created properly in a security constrained environment. This change provides consistent tenant management across Grafana products (aligning with Loki and Tempo).
Which solution do you envision (roughly)?
A job that runs via helm post-install hook that calls the Grafana Enterprise Provisioner app to create tenants, access policies and tokens via the admin api based on configuration in the helm values.
Have you considered any alternatives?
- cannot hit the admin api from outside of the cluster due to security posture.
- cannot allow uncontrolled tenant creation outside of GCOM and BP
Any additional context to share?
This work is spawned out of a discussion and agreement in #databases. This feature is required for Grafana Federal Cloud to onboard customers.
How long do you think this would take to be developed?
Small (<= 1 month dev)
What are the documentation dependencies?
helm docs
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