I notice sqlalchemy_utils enum type is being converted to graphene enum type.
This section of code is triggered multiple times:
def from_enum( cls, enum, description=None, deprecation_reason=None ): # noqa: N805 description = description or enum.__doc__ meta_dict = { "enum": enum, "description": description, "deprecation_reason": deprecation_reason, } meta_class = type("Meta", (object,), meta_dict) return type(meta_class.enum.__name__, (Enum,), {"Meta": meta_class})
-2 Here.. Not sure if this is triggered automatically:
@convert_sqlalchemy_type.register(types.Enum) def convert_enum_to_enum(type, column, registry=None): return lambda: enum_for_sa_enum(type, registry or get_global_registry())
N.B: My models include this section: business_domain = Column(Enum(BusinessDomain), nullable=False)
-3 And here... I trigger the same code here because I need to list the values of the enum. Commenting out this section resolves the issue but I need this list of values!
Noticed the LRU cache fix mentioned here (#211) won't help if you have different enums.
Can someone help me figure out the issue