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What happened?
Traditionally, homebrew uses a prefix of /usr/local/bin
. This means that netclient
would be installed under /usr/local/bin/netclient
. This path is also hardcoded in the launch daemon created on installation from homebrew.
On M1 (arm64) Macs, due to the architectural changes, homebrew changed its prefix to /opt/homebrew
. This means that netclient
is now installed under /opt/homebrew/bin/netclient
. This means that the launch daemon is invalid and essentially renders netclient unusable. Additionally, the PATH environment variable in the launch daemon needs to have /opt/homebrew/bin
, as this is where wg
would be. But what is more, even after fixing these two issues, netclient
still does not run due to the raised security level on the new Macs:
This is trivial to fix though, remove the quarantine flag of the binary in your installation script:
xattr -c /opt/homebrew/bin/netclient
After applying all these changes, I can finally use netclient. I hope you can incorporate what is necessary to fix it for everyone :)
TL;DR of fixes (run as sudo):
sed -i '' 's|/usr/local/bin/netclient|/opt/homebrew/bin/netclient|g' /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.gravitl.netclient.plist
sed -i '' 's|/usr/local/sbin|/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/sbin|g' /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.gravitl.netclient.plist
xattr -c /opt/homebrew/bin/netclient
# if applying changes post-mortem, need to reload launch daemon
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.gravitl.netclient.plist
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.gravitl.netclient.plist
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