All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #42 Correction of dead link
- update some libraries versions / TU corrections / correction (compatibility)
- update sonarqube version to 25.3.0
- upgrade actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact from v3 to v4
- #43 Strong renaming plugin from
(and maven groupid fromio.ecocode
- refactoring docker system
- #29 Add test to ensure all Rules are registered
- #24 Set correct required language because the plugin wasn't loaded anymore - retro-compatibility modifications (9.9.0 to 10.7 and not compatible before 9.9.0) AND add support for > 10.5 Sonarqube version (up to 10.7.0)
- update some maven plugin versions and library versions to be up-to-date
- correction of SonarCloud issues
- deletion of EC69 rule because of already deprecated (see file)
- #26 [EC89] Avoid unlimited cache
- #22 Depreciation of EC69 rule for python because not relevant (after analysis)
- #22 Delete deprecated EC66 rule for Python
- #18 Add support for SonarQube 10.4 " DownloadOnlyWhenRequired" feature
- Add Support for SonarQube 10.4.1
- #17 EC7 - correction setter problem on constructor method
- check Sonarqube 10.4.1 compatibility + update docker files and / NOT OK with 10.5.x (issue created)
- #14 Correction of error with deprecated EC34 rule
- Update ecocode-rules-specifications to 1.4.7
- Add 10.3 SonarQube compatibility
- #5 Upgrade licence system and licence headers of Java files
- #6 Adding EC35 rule : EC35 rule replaces EC34 with a specific use case ("file not found" specific)
- #7 Add build number to manifest
- #123 Improve unit tests for EC7 rule
- Update ecocode-rules-specifications to 1.4.6
- upgrade : docker test environment
- #10 Correction of NullPointException in EC2 rule
- #4 Deprecate rule EC66 for Python because not applicable (see details inside issue)