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Welcome to the Wonderful World of FusionShell.

What are FusionShell & FusionPro

FusionProducts(FusionShell/FusionPro) are a set of tools which provide a dynamic portal system and backoffice which integrates several opensource content management systems together into a working business platform which makes your SMB or Large Enterprise, look and feel like the largest coporations in the world with lots of depth in product delivery, sales, and sales support.

We "Fuse" a Sales and Marketing Base with Existing or New Accounting Systems and BackOffice Tools including mobile, and Intranet platforms at any scale, on any server type, and with any size userbase..

Product Targets

  • G/A hasDeveloper Products which are intended for software architects who want a starting point and a working web framework which they can tinker with at their leisure which works.
  • G/A has Administrator products: which allow you to install DBMS tools in very specific ways, and we have
  • G/A has End User Enterprise Tools which use our expert guidance and pre-build executable installers and repositories.

Product Options By DBMS Choice & Greenfield or Existing Plans

  • G/A supports three primary DBMS toolsets in Fusionshell (Mysql, Postgres, and MS-SQL)
  • G/A has Professional Tools which integrate with an existing Backoffice ERP Toolset(Oracle/SAP/MS Dynamics)
  • Opensource tools which go all on their own
  • Pick your Flavor....Got Linux? Got Unix? Got Windows? We dont care.
  • Pick your Cloud, Your ILEC, Your Colo, Your Premise, we dont care!

Product Options By Existing or New Accounting/ERP System

  • G/a has a product to integrate MS-Dynamics.
  • G/A has a toolset to integrate Oracle Financials
  • G/a has Opensource tools which integrate with Installatron Delivered Front Accounting
  • G/a has a product to integrate with all service Businesses who use Aloha/Micros/Custom Hotel Systems coming soon
  • G/a Cutting Edge Infrastructure & Artificial Intelligence Systems from Capitol Technology Solutions & Verizon Wireless for HA Systems Delivery
  • G/a Mainframe Automation Across a Global Architecture

Why FusionPro?

FusionPro is different from FusionShell in that its a professional sales and marketing tool for companies which already own an ERP system such as Oracle Financials, Oracle NetSuite, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, MicrosBackoffice, or NCR/Aloha Backoffice. FusionPro helps your company build a sales presence which is significantly more sophisticated than you could do on your own in 10 years of effort, or perhaps even 20 years with any platform in the world by using common SSO, and Cookie Delivery over a unified content manager from Joomla.Fusion Pro provides a customized Version of Fusionshell and is intended to be a "MODULE" for your existing platform, while FusionShell is a unified or standalone marketing system.

What is FusionShell?

FusionShell is a responsive web template which detects your browser size, and paints a screen similar to Visual Basic Forms but it has pre-installed Wordpress, Joomla, and Drupal Content Management systems pre-integrated for your consumption.FusionShell then integrates these sales and marketing tools into a full service platform including Backoffice Accounting and Management systems. If you already own an Acounting system from a major vendor, or use opensource tools, Fusionshell can integrate seamlessly in just minutes to your business goals.

FusionShell is an Enterprise IT Solution in a box. It includes Sales, Marketing, Social Media Integration, SSO, Sales Support and Business Fulfillment in the base products and will integrate with Novell eDirectory or Microsoft Active Directory frameworks AND any commercial accounting package in just minutes.

We're the Fastest Pathway

We took a challenge with Verizon and we rebuilt their entire web platform on Fusionshell in less than an hour! And what if you have a million customers on the Internet who want your apps, how are you going to get them to them?

We are CTS Grid Ready

We can support Capitol Technology Solutions(CTS) Grid Technology allowing our products to be distributed across smart Network Hybrid Infrastructure today.

We are CTS Proximity Ready

We can support Capitol Technology Solutions(CTS) Proximity Technology allowing our products to enhance sales and marketing options with Proximity Location Services

The World is Moving to HTML5/PHP/JAVA... even Microsoft is hedging to both .ASPX and HTML

We believe that HTML5 with PHP and/or Coldfusion will eventually replace VisualStudio systems moving development back into America's Universities but we dont mind if you disagree and want to stick with the largest development base in the world(MS-VisualStudio), or even (Oracle-Java) which has billions of end devices.

We Support ANY LANGUAGE you want to speak:)

G/a has has hedged our bets and support all development languages DotNet, Java, PHP, Coldfusion, HTML, Even WIX, and third party websystems work equally well along with our cown code extensions and opensource PHP platforms. We believe we are the going to be the only choice for Serious Enterprises working on DEVOPS, and we pret-test everything with worldclass labs even our Enterprise Friends are jealous of.

Seriously where are you gonna start on your own?

Let me give you a hint... you cant beat Adobe, Microsoft, Google, Apple, or Yahoo on your own. They have 100K developers or more each....UNLESS you use our guidance...

Any commercial software program you may wish to build requires a starting point. If you are building for an Intranet you may desire to use VisualStudio Tools and Forms which have been around for 30 years or more. But these tools take a lot of time to get to work as you have to build every layer of an application. You have to build a GUI, you have to create a signon mechanism, and then you have to make client-server database technology work. If you do this hundreds or thousands of times like in most large corporations you end up with islands of unusable code which doesnt work together. Most companies as they mature go through code consolidations where they choose parts of programs to build as their base code and over time they come up with 25-50p reusable code. They however are only using their own resources. In most business they will develop code for up to 10 years before they either buy commercial tools, or start over with the coolest app dejure.

G/A is doing a different job, we are building only what we need to leverage the combined talents of the opensource community.We have developed Fusion shell to merge the worlds best opensource tools into a usuable bundle including Wordpress, Joomla, MediaWiki, WooCommerce and Drupal.

FusionShell Opensource Options

You cant afford Microsoft. You hate Oracle... You are a community developer and love a challenge.... No Matter what your story we have an answer. For OpenSource(FREE) We have several options for you to consider as long as you give us feedback......

  • Fusionshell Base includes just the portal system and is free with the caveat that all of our assembled tools have their own license aggreements which you must accept.
  • FusionMobile makes your site a bit more sophisticated with a JQUERY mobile browser which you can make quite fancy after you have configured your base system.
  • FusionPlus adds tools you need for supporting your business including an Accounting System, an HR system, polls for your corporate website, and Support Wiki's. We will add more tools to FusionPlus over time. FusionPlus will compete with tightly integrated Microsoft, and Oracle products overtime, but are free, and thus are appealing as you are just getting started. With FusionPro your entire corporate backoffice can be built in just minutes, rather than weeks, years, and perhaps not ever for most companies.

  • FusionIntranet is an internal portal for your private corporate data using the same technology