Hello, I want to thank you in advance for this gridsome, and I want to use it a lot because I think it is very good to manage graphQl.
but I have had a lot of problems to get it to work at the time of run dev:
this is my mistake:
`ridsome v0.7.23
Initializing plugins...
Load sources - 0.06s
Create GraphQL schema - 0.07s
Create pages and templates - 0.06s
Generate temporary code - 0.11s
Bootstrap finish - 1.55s
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 9:49:08 a. m.
error in ./src/pages/Index.vue?vue&type=custom&index=0&blockType=page-query
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/gridsome/lib/plugins/vue-components/lib/loaders/page-query.js):
Error: Cannot query field "allWordPressPost" on type "Query".
GraphQL request:3:3
2 | query Post{
3 | posts: allWordPressPost {
| ^
4 | edges {
at Object.module.exports (C:\laragon\www\demog-rid\wp-content\themes\grid-theme\node_modules\gridsome\lib\plugins\vue-components\lib\loaders\page-query.js:33:23)
@ ./src/pages/Index.vue?vue&type=custom&index=0&blockType=page-query 1:0-331 1:347-350 1:352-680 1:352-680
@ ./src/pages/Index.vue
@ ./src/.temp/routes.js
@ ./node_modules/gridsome/app/router.js
@ ./node_modules/gridsome/app/entry.sockjs.js
@ multi webpack/hot/dev-server webpack-hot-middleware/client?name=app&reload=true&noInfo=true ./node_modules/gridsome/app/entry.client.js ./node_modules/gridsome/app/entry.sockjs.js`
this is my configuration in gridsome.config.js
module.exports = {
siteName: 'demo-gridsome',
plugins: [
use: '@gridsome/source-graphql',
options: {
url: 'http://demo-gridsome-theme.test/graphql',
splitPostsIntoFragments: true,
downloadRemoteImagesFromPosts: true,
downloadRemoteFeaturedImages: true,
downloadACFImages: true,
can you help me what configuration I am missing
<div class="demo">
<h1> posts inicial xxx</h1>
<li v-for="{node} in $static.posts.edges" :key="">