- Freehand raster georeferencer to align the tiffs to make them geotiffs
- 1:290 for L1
- 1:193 for L2
- Shape tools to make circles/pie wedges
- mmqgis for hexagon layer
- create grid layer hexagon, Y spacing 0.1
- Sort to ensure elements in the right order
- Open attribute table and added a, b, project_no with field calculator
- Cause hexagon layer 67 by 75
- project_no
- just -1
- a
- ceil(@row_number/67)-1
- b
- ((@row_number-1)%67)
- use export button to 4326
- cause changing the CRS in any other way will rellocate the coordinates
– Add postgis extension for even more spatially queries psql -d postgres -c “CREATE EXTENSION postgis;”
– Add Schema for better organisation of tables psql -d postgres -c “CREATE SCHEMA gis;”
– Use shp2pgsql to upload shapefiles to postgres shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I ‘CCL1.shp’ gis.CCL1 | psql -d postgres -U postgres
shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I ‘CCL1_pits.shp’ gis.CCL1_pits | psql -d postgres -U postgres
shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I ‘squares_l1_05m_new1.shp’ gis.squares_l1_05m | psql -d postgres -U postgres
shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I ‘CCL2.shp’ gis.CCL2 | psql -d postgres -U postgres
shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I ‘CCL2_pits.shp’ gis.CCL2_pits | psql -d postgres -U postgres
psql -d postgres -c ” CREATE TABLE gis.squares1 as SELECT squares_l1_05m.gid, squares_l1_05m.project_no, squares_l1_05m.a, squares_l1_05m.b, squares_l1_05m.geom FROM gis.ccl1 LEFT JOIN gis.squares_l1_05m ON st_contains(ccl1.geom, squares_l1_05m.geom) LEFT JOIN gis.ccl1_pits ON st_intersects(ccl1_pits.geom, squares_l1_05m.geom) WHERE ccl1_pits.gid IS NULL;”
psql -d postgres -c ” CREATE TABLE gis.squares2 as SELECT squares_l1_05m.gid, squares_l1_05m.project_no, squares_l1_05m.a, squares_l1_05m.b, squares_l1_05m.geom FROM gis.ccl2 LEFT JOIN gis.squares_l1_05m ON st_contains(ccl2.geom, squares_l1_05m.geom) LEFT JOIN gis.ccl2_pits ON st_intersects(ccl2_pits.geom, squares_l1_05m.geom) WHERE ccl2_pits.gid IS NULL;”
ALTER TABLE gis.squares1 ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid); ALTER TABLE gis.squares2 ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);