Releases: grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware
Releases · grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware
First release of providers/prometheus/v1.0.0-rc.0
Migrated and enhanced from
What's Changed
- Do not stop retrying based on earlier good message from the stream by @kartlee in #313
- Deprecate the server interceptor chain helpers by @CAFxX in #423
- Simplify chain interceptors by @aarongable in #421
- v1: Switch from to interfaces by @liggitt in #426
- logging/zap/ctxzap: add caller skip to shorthand functions by @jkawamoto in #429
- grpc_zap: fix caller annotation by @jkawamoto in #431
- Revert verbosity level check for zap by @central182 in #452
- Fix memory leakage in kit.PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor by @r3code in #501
- Use strconv.FormatUint instead of fmt.Sprintf by @andrey-berenda in #503
- Fix typo in nicemd by @andrey-berenda in #509
- Fix OSX build error in outdated dependency by @devnev in #514
New Contributors
- @aarongable made their first contribution in #421
- @central182 made their first contribution in #452
- @chrisdoherty4 made their first contribution in #456
- @AmirQadir made their first contribution in #464
- @AlmogBaku made their first contribution in #491
- @cuishuang made their first contribution in #493
- @r3code made their first contribution in #501
- @andrey-berenda made their first contribution in #503
- @steveruckdashel made their first contribution in #539
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
What's Changed
- inline localhost certificate into go file by @bmon in #318
- Update streaming interceptor example by @G07cha in #322
- Do not stop retrying based on earlier good message from the stream by @kartlee in #323
- test certs - cherry-pick PR325 on v2 by @dmitris in #331
- add all make target, reword instructions by @dmitris in #335
- remove 1.12.x from build config for consistency with master by @dmitris in #337
- [v2] Fix the special case for jaeger format traceid extraction by @nvx in #340
- [v2] Fix ctxtags TagBasedRequestFieldExtractor extracting from fields in a oneof by @nvx in #339
- Request Logging by @yashrsharma44 in #311
- Bug fix for data race by @yashrsharma44 in #354
- make ratelimit interface context aware by @xinxiao in #367
- Add error param to the decider method of logging middleware by @yashrsharma44 in #372
- [v2] Add skip interceptor by @XSAM in #364
- Chain middleware by @drewwells in #385
- Update travis ci badget to Github actions badge. by @drewwells in #384
- Upgraded proto related deps: grpc and protobuf; removed gogo from core. by @bwplotka in #321
- improve v2 rate-limiter by @MalloZup in #380
- Moved to buf; Added buf lint; Fixed ping service to match standards; … by @bwplotka in #383
- Add timer interface for OpenMetrics(Prometheus) Provider by @yashrsharma44 in #387
- [Rate-limit provider]: Add token bucket implementation of rate-limiter by @MalloZup in #386
- Add OpenMetrics(Prometheus) in the provider module by @yashrsharma44 in #379
- v2: Client unary interceptor timeout on v2 branch by @instabledesign in #330
- add onRetryCallback callback function by @shamil in #405
- v2: validator support for protoc-gen-validate 0.6.0 by @danielhochman in #418
- v2: Refactor metrics interceptor and fix tests by @ash2k in #413
- Support customization of timestamp format (v2 branch) by @stanhu in #399
- Fixed misleading comments in the interceptor file by @iamrajiv in #424
- v2: Switch from to interfaces by @liggitt in #427
- v2: Add support for the phuslog logging provider by @ogimenezb in #425
- v2:providers/zap: fix caller annotation by @jkawamoto in #432
- Added Dependabot by @iamrajiv in #376
- Added a Copyright check in the Makefile by @yashrsharma44 in #420
- Cleanup v2 with some updates by @yashrsharma44 in #419
- openmetrics: forward server context by @amenzhinsky in #434
- recovery: change the default behavior by @amenzhinsky in #439
- Add all-validator support by @leventeliu in #443
- Remove backoffutils and added the files to retry package by @yashrsharma44 in #390
- v2:interceptors/logging: allow to separate request response payload logging by @michaljemala in #442
- Removed tags; Simplified interceptor code; Added logging fields editability. by @bwplotka in #394
- InterceptorTestSuite client connection optimize by @HUSTtoKTH in #455
- Remove opentracing from go.mod by @jpkrohling in #477
- Replace two old Go versions with two new ones by @jpkrohling in #478
- Move util/metautils to root-level package metadata, fixes #392 by @rahulkhairwar in #474
- Remove data race from zerolog provider by @ecordell in #487
- Update provider/kit by @metalmatze in #490
- Refactor tracing interceptor by @XSAM in #450
- Add opentracing provider by @XSAM in #492
- update phuslog to fix typo by @ogimenezb in #499
- Added logr as logging Library provider by @mcdoker18 in #510
- ✨ new feat: selector middleware by @aimuz in #511
- Add 1.18.x and 1.19.x unit tests by @aimuz in #513
- change the doc.go to the latest format by @aimuz in #512
New Contributors
- @xinxiao made their first contribution in #367
- @XSAM made their first contribution in #364
- @MalloZup made their first contribution in #380
- @instabledesign made their first contribution in #330
- @shamil made their first contribution in #405
- @ash2k made their first contribution in #413
- @ogimenezb made their first contribution in #425
- @amenzhinsky made their first contribution in #434
- @leventeliu made their first contribution in #443
- @michaljemala made their first contribution in #442
- @HUSTtoKTH made their first contribution in #455
- @jpkrohling made their first contribution in #477
- @rahulkhairwar made their first contribution in #474
- @ecordell made their first contribution in #487
- @metalmatze made their first contribution in #490
- @mcdoker18 made their first contribution in #510
Full Changelog: providers/zerolog/v2.0.0-rc.2...v2.0.0-rc.3
Release candidate 2 of v2
Moved to GH actions; Added lint; Added issue/PR templates. (#296) * Moved to GH actions; Added lint; Added issue/PR templates; Fixed vet Signed-off-by: Bartlomiej Plotka <[email protected]> * Fixed linter detected issues. Signed-off-by: Bartlomiej Plotka <[email protected]> * Modify the require_clean_work_tree function (#307) * Fixed linter detected issues. Signed-off-by: Bartlomiej Plotka <[email protected]> * Add format-only flag Signed-off-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]> * Modify the require_clean_work_tree function. Taken from - Signed-off-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]> Added a git script Signed-off-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]> chmod change Signed-off-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]> changes to Signed-off-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]> Modified makefile Signed-off-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]> clean up changes Signed-off-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]> * Bump timeout deadline to 100ms Signed-off-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Bartlomiej Plotka <[email protected]> * Skipped retry call timeout tests, will fix in later PR. Signed-off-by: Bartlomiej Plotka <[email protected]> * Fixed race. Signed-off-by: Bartlomiej Plotka <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Yash Sharma <[email protected]>
Release candidate 1 of v2
v2.0.0-rc.1 Add support for the zerolog logging provider (#299)
Release candidate 0 of v2/providers/zerolog
providers/zerolog/v2.0.0-rc.0 Add support for the zerolog logging provider (#299)
v1.2.0 (2020-01-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Logrus payload logging: Allow gogo marshaller #235
Fixed bugs:
- Duplicate peer.address in zap logger output #120
Closed issues:
- go-grpc-middleware/auth #253
- Module declares its path as ... #252
- Hide recovered panic message from client #251
- How can i use custom error in my project ? #246
- Privileges to allow more people to become maintainers. #231
- Is there any way I can ignore some function use authentication middleware? #213
- Any planned release soon? #210
- raise error when install by dep #198
- tracedClientStream.CloseSend() doesn't finish the ClientSpan #196
- make rpc_ctxtags.SetInContext public access #182
- Duplicate peer.address in zap logger output ,bug #146
Merged pull requests:
- Renew deprecated code #257 (khasanovbi)
- Fix typo #256 (khasanovbi)
- Fix typo #255 (jeffwidman)
- Update slack link #254 (johanbrandhorst)
- fix BackoffExponential's godoc. #250 (syokomiz)
- Fix panic in TagBasedRequestFieldExtractor when gogoproto.stdtime is used #249 (nvx)
- recovery: add custom func on recovery example #247 (Shikugawa)
- Using strings.EualFold() for efficient string comparison #243 (vivekv96)
- Make SetInContext and NewTags to be public #242 (mkorolyov)
- Added JsonPbMarshalling interface #236 (petervandenbroek)
- adding v2 grpc logger #234 (domgreen)
- Changeloglinks #233 (domgreen)
- CHANGELOG #232 (domgreen)
- Fix span finish on client stream close (fix #196) #204 (inn0kenty)
- Fix function comments based on best practices from Effective Go #200 (CodeLingoTeam)
- fixed duplicate custom&peer.address field #187 (zxfishhack)
- Fix typo in chain_test.go #153 (RJPercival)