I couldn't figure out why the files
settings I was trying to use with Uglify were seemingly ignored. Then, I read the following from this Gist:
... generally defining files at the task-level is bad practice, and often won't work ...
What the heck?
The Configuring Tasks page suggests that you can (not that you must) have multiple targets for multi-tasks.
Multi-tasks can have multiple configurations, defined using arbitrarily named "targets."
And Sample Gruntfile even shows usage of files
directly beneath a task:
jshint: {
files: ['Gruntfile.js', 'src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js']
I can't find anywhere in the Grunt or Uglify documentation that files
should be declared within a target. Targets are, as far as I can tell from the documentation, totally optional. Therefore, I would have no expectation that my gruntfile was working unexpectedly because I didn't wrap files
within a target.
I think it would be really helpful to clarify this fact (prominently) in the documentation; or maybe even add a Best Practices page.