I've discovered that my 6-year-old will speed-game the answers that he does not know. For example, he knows that 13 - 6
has an answer somewhere between 5 and 10 so he'll quickly type in 5, 6, 7... in under 2 seconds which enables him to answer the question in under 2 seconds which improves his chances of getting a gold badge for that round.
It should be pretty easy to penalize that type of system-gaming, ideas:
- Add a penalty time (e.g. 1 or 1.5 or 2 seconds) when too many answers are stringed together in a short time period.
- Easier: If time for a question qualifies for a high value badge and lots wrong then add penalty time to that question.
From a UI perspective need to make it clear that the system-gaming is being penalized. I think that a red skull-and-crossbones at the end of the question would be a good indicator. Knowing my kid though I think that he'd have fun collecting those so that also might backfire and a different negative badge would be needed.
Think out aloud:
Time # wrong Penalty Seconds
<2 1 0.25
<2 2 0.75
<2 3 1.5
<2 4>= 2.25
<3 2 0.25
<3 3 0.75
<3 4>= 1.5
<4 3 0.25
<4 4>= 0.75