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142 lines (102 loc) · 3.56 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (102 loc) · 3.56 KB


Collection of small libraries for Xtend


Simple active annotation for Xtend, which automaticly generate helper methods for logging for various frameworks. Currently it is possible to switch between using

  • java.util.logging
  • slf4j (logback)
  • plain log4j


class Slf4jTest {
	def method() {
		info [|"hello world!"]
		debug [|"logging "]		


class JULTest {
    def method() {
        info [|"hello world!"]
        debug [|"logging "]		


class Log4jTest {
    def method() {
        info [|"hello world!"]
        debug [|"logging "]		

where the info and debug methods take a lambda method, which only called, if the actual logging level is enabled. Unfortunately, due for a bug, the 'type' in the annotation must be a string, and can't be an enumeration.


Improved version of the built-in @Property annotation :

  • generate setters which returns the current object, for chaining the calls
  • apply transformations on getters and setters, so only a copy is setted/getted.


class UserBean {
    // Readonly
    @Property(write=false, readFunction = "$ == null ? \"unknown\" : $.toUpperCase()" ) String name 

    // The returned list is an unmodifiable list
    @Property(readFunction="java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList($)") List<Role> roles

    // The date is copied, instead of referred 
    @Property(writeFunction="new java.util.Date($.getTime())") Date birth

    @Property(builder=true) String city
    @Property(builder=true) String zip

will create:

public String getName() {
  return _name == null ? "unknown" : _name.toUpperCase();

public List<String> getRoles() {
    return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(_roles);

public void setBirth(final Date value) {
    this. _birth = new java.util.Date(value.getTime());

public String getCity() {
    return _city;

public UserBean setCity(final String value) {
    this. _city = value;
    return this;

public String getZip() {
    return _zip;

public UserBean setZip(final String value) {
    this. _zip = value;
    return this;


This module provides ElasticSearch related annotations (, just add @ElasticStorable annotation to the class, for example:

import com.github.ixlibs.macro.elastix.ElasticStorable
import com.github.ixlibs.macro.elastix.Id
import java.util.Date

class Product {
    @Id @Property String id

    @Property String name
    @Property Long price

	@Property Date created
    @Property Date lastModified

    @Property String[] tags

this will add the interface ElasticSearchObjectModel, and provides the necessary methods for the implementations. To index an objet with ElasticSearch :

org.elasticsearch.client.Client client = ...;
val indexRequestBuilder = client.prepareIndex
val IndexResponse response = indexRequestBuilder.get

To load back :

val searchBuilder = client.prepareSearch("mydatabase").setTypes(Product::ElasticType)
searchBuilder.setQuery(matchQuery("name", "someProductName"));
val response = searchBuilder.get

val Iterable<Product> producs =