Good day all former Hackseq organisers. It's time to look forward to Hackseq 18 (or whatever happens this year). So we should start recruiting organising members for the committee this year and decide whether you want to be part of it this year.
So if you will, please write here if you'd be willing to be an organiser for hackseq 18. I will not be as I should probably finish my PhD.
So shall we meet in mid-February and try to bring along someone that is interested in being an organiser? Especially someone that was previously a participant. I've arbitrarily picked a week in February and made a Doodle poll for anyone that wants to attend (in case people have regular commitments). The Doodle: . The meeting would likely be at 6:30pm at the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (570 W 7th ave) unless there are suggestions.
@dfornika @csiu @jasgrewal @lchong @abaghela
@adrisua @sjackman @Brittdrog @GalenWright @santina @ababaian @minisciencegirl @ttimbers @BrunoGrande @cloucks
Please add anyone that I've forgotten.