Support plan
- is this issue currently blocking your project? yes
- is this issue affecting a production system? no
- node version: v12.4.0
- module version: joi 17.2.1
- environment (e.g. node, browser, native): node
- used with (e.g. hapi application, another framework, standalone, ...): standalone
- any other relevant information: n/a
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I can't find any way to write the schema for the following Typescript types. This is what I've tried:
import Joi from "@hapi/joi"
type Bar1 = {}
type Bar2 = {}
type Bar = Bar1 | Bar2
type Contents = {}
type Foo = Bar & Contents
const Bar1 = Joi.object()
const Bar2 = Joi.object()
const Bar = Joi.alternatives().try(Bar1, Bar2)
const Contents = Joi.object()
const Foo = Bar.concat(Contents) // compile error
It says
Argument of type 'ObjectSchema' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AlternativesSchema'.
Note I need to have 5 separate schemas, I cannot write one big schema mixing up all 5 types
Do you have any advice on how to approach the problem?