This folder contains a simple set up for TestCafe.
You can install all dependencies by running the following command
npm install
This will install all needed dependencies that are listed in the package.json
NOTE: Make sure you are in the folder
when you execute this command
You can run the tests on your local machine, the only thing you need to have is Chrome. If you have it you can run this command
npm run test.local
It will run all tests in your local Chrome browser in headless mode. The logs will look like this
➜ testcafe git:(master) ✗ npm run test.local
> [email protected] test.local /testcafe
> node tests/configs/
Running tests in:
- Chrome 81.0.4044.113 / macOS 10.15.4
Test cart items overview page
✓ should validate that we can continue shopping
✓ should validate that we can go from the cart to the checkout page
✓ should validate that a product can be removed from the cart
Test cart items overview page
✓ should validate that we can continue shopping
Test checkout overview page
✓ should validate that we can continue shopping
✓ should validate that we can cancel the first checkout
✓ should be able to continue the checkout
Test checkout summary page
✓ should validate that we can continue shopping
✓ should validate that we can cancel checkout and go to the inventory page
✓ should validate that we have 1 product in our checkout overview
Test Login
✓ should be able to test loading of login page
✓ should be able to login with a standard user
✓ should not be able to login with a locked user
✓ should not be able to login with an invalid username
✓ should not be able to login with an invalid password
✓ should not be able to login with non existing data
Test swag items details page
✓ should validate that we can go back from the details to the inventory page
✓ should validate that a product can be added to a cart
✓ should validate that a product can be removed from the cart
Test swag items overview page
✓ should validate that all products are present
✓ should validate that the details of a product can be opened
✓ should validate that a product can be added to a cart
22 passed (9s)
Tests failed: 0
To run the tests on Sauce Labs we advise you to read this document and follow the step to set up your local and or CI-pipeline.
To get all the browsers / emulators run the following command
npm run test.saucelabs.get.browsers
Just pick the browsers you need and add them to the TestCafe-configuration file which can be found here.
You can run your tests on Sauce Labs US DC with this command
npm run
You can run your tests on Sauce Labs EU DC with this command
npm run
It will spin up multiple browsers.