Problem description
The values for the nested variables in the usual schemas and VC-shemas aren't displayed in the related fields in the View Formula dialogs for VP.
Step to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Import this policy with the formula 1739367978.374805000
- Open Edit Formula tab in the imported formula
- Set Link (Input) field for variable, and Link (Output) field for Text. You should select field from the default schemas (i.e. Contact Details, Lead User Details or Applicant Details).
- Save the changes in the formula, publish the policy
- Run policy full flow, mint tokens
- Open the VP document in the TrustChain tab. Find Total kWh Produced in this period field, click f(x) on the right
- Check different components (on the first level and nested)
Expected behavior
Value for any component is displayed
Actual behavior
Only values for first level values in the VC-schemas are displayed.
Other values (2nd level, nested) for components in the both VC and default-schemas aren't displayed.