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Terraform Version
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Terraform Configuration Files
resource "azurerm_function_app_flex_consumption" "fcfuncapp-c" {
name = "myapp"
resource_group_name = azurerm_service_plan.flexconsumptionasp-c.resource_group_name
location = azurerm_service_plan.flexconsumptionasp-c.location
storage_container_type = "blobContainer"
storage_container_endpoint =
storage_authentication_type = "systemassignedidentity"
runtime_name = "python"
runtime_version = var.python_version
maximum_instance_count = var.maximum_instance_count
instance_memory_in_mb = 2048
service_plan_id =
site_config {}
identity {
type = "SystemAssigned"
Debug Output/Panic Output
│ Error: expected storage_authentication_type to be one of ["SystemAssignedIdentity" "StorageAccountConnectionString" "UserAssignedIdentity"], got systemassignedidentity
│ with azurerm_function_app_flex_consumption.fcfuncapp-c,
│ on ..\..\patterns\components\function_app\ line 87, in resource "azurerm_function_app_flex_consumption" "fcfuncapp-c":
│ 87: storage_authentication_type = "systemassignedidentity"
Description for storage_authentication_type says possible values are storageaccountconnectionstring, systemassignedidentity, and userassignedidentity. However, running the Terraform, error says storage_authentication_type to be one of ["SystemAssignedIdentity" "StorageAccountConnectionString" "UserAssignedIdentity"]