Current Terraform Version
Terraform v0.13.0-beta1
It would be nice to be able to create dynamic providers. The main reason for my usage would be for aws assume_role. I have Terraform to create a number of AWS Subaccounts, and then I want to configure those subaccounts in one apply, instead of breaking them up across multiple apply steps.
Currently this is done via modules, but with 0.12, I had to manually define copies of the modules for each subaccount.
As said by the 0.13 modules doc:
Modules using count or for_each cannot include configured provider blocks within the module. Only proxy configuration blocks are allowed.
Attempted Solutions
# Organisational Group for Crimson App.
module "org_crimson_app" {
source = "./modules/organisation-group"
organisation_id = local.root_organisation_id
group_name = "crimson-app"
billing_alert_emails = ["<billing account>"]
accounts = {
production = {}
staging = {}
test = {}
zones = {
public = {
create = true
zone_id = ""
domain = ""
internal = {
create = true
zone_id = ""
domain = ""
master_role_name = local.organisation_root_role
account_owner_username = var.account_owner_username
account_owner_domain = var.account_owner_domain
// Workaround for
account_configuration = {
production = module.org_crimson_app_production_config.config
staging = module.org_crimson_app_staging_config.config
test = module.org_crimson_app_test_config.config
// Workaround for
module "org_crimson_app_production_config" {
source = "./modules/organisation-account-config"
account_info = module.org_crimson_app.account_information.production
// Workaround for
module "org_crimson_app_staging_config" {
source = "./modules/organisation-account-config"
account_info = module.org_crimson_app.account_information.staging
// Workaround for
module "org_crimson_app_test_config" {
source = "./modules/organisation-account-config"
account_info = module.org_crimson_app.account_information.test
Source for ./modules/organisation-group
# The Organisational Unit for this group.
resource "aws_organizations_organizational_unit" "unit" {
name = var.group_name
parent_id = var.organisation_id
lifecycle {
prevent_destroy = true
# The environment accounts.
resource "aws_organizations_account" "environments" {
for_each = var.accounts
parent_id =
# Use account_name if provided, otherwise [group]-[account].
name = local.account_full_name[each.key]
email = "${var.account_owner_username}+aws-org-${local.account_full_name[each.key]}@${var.account_owner_domain}"
role_name = var.master_role_name
lifecycle {
# There is no AWS Organizations API for reading role_name
ignore_changes = [role_name]
prevent_destroy = true
# Collect all Account Names
locals {
account_full_name = {
for account_name, account in var.accounts :
account_name =>
lookup(account, "account_name", "${var.group_name}-${account_name}")
Source for ./modules/organisation-account-config
// Workaround for
variable "account_info" {
type = object({
group_name = string
account_name = string
account_full_name = string
alias = string
master_role_arn = string
zones = map(object({
zone_name = string
fqdn = string
add_terraform_bucket = bool
billing_alert_amount = number
billing_alert_currency = string
billing_alert_emails = list(string)
# Create Provisioner Assuming Child Account Role.
provider "aws" {
region = "ap-southeast-2"
assume_role {
role_arn = var.account_info.master_role_arn
resource "aws_iam_account_alias" "alias" {
account_alias = var.account_info.alias
# Bucket for Terraform State.
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "terraform_state" {
count = var.account_info.add_terraform_bucket ? 1 : 0
bucket = "${var.account_info.account_full_name}-terraform"
versioning {
enabled = true
# Fix for Issue:
resource "aws_iam_service_linked_role" "elasticloadbalancing" {
aws_service_name = ""
Module for_each
# Organisational Group for Crimson App.
module "org_crimson_app" {
source = "./modules/organisation-group"
organisation_id = local.root_organisation_id
group_name = "crimson-app"
billing_alert_emails = ["<billing account>"]
accounts = {
production = {}
staging = {}
test = {}
zones = {
public = {
create = true
zone_id = ""
domain = ""
internal = {
create = true
zone_id = ""
domain = ""
master_role_name = local.organisation_root_role
account_owner_username = var.account_owner_username
account_owner_domain = var.account_owner_domain
account_configuration = module.org_crimson_app_config
module "org_crimson_app_config" {
for_each = module.org_crimson_app.account_information
source = "./modules/organisation-account-config"
account_info = each.value
Provider for_each
This doesn't look as clean, but appeases the docs saying:
In all cases it is recommended to keep explicit provider configurations only in the root module and pass them (whether implicitly or explicitly) down to descendent modules. This avoids the provider configurations from being "lost" when descendent modules are removed from the configuration. It also allows the user of a configuration to determine which providers require credentials by inspecting only the root module.
# Organisational Group for Crimson App.
module "org_crimson_app" {
source = "./modules/organisation-group"
organisation_id = local.root_organisation_id
group_name = "crimson-app"
billing_alert_emails = ["<billing account>"]
accounts = {
production = {}
staging = {}
test = {}
zones = {
public = {
create = true
zone_id = ""
domain = ""
internal = {
create = true
zone_id = ""
domain = ""
master_role_name = local.organisation_root_role
account_owner_username = var.account_owner_username
account_owner_domain = var.account_owner_domain
account_configuration = module.org_crimson_app_config
provider "aws" {
for_each = module.org_crimson_app.account_information
alias = each.key
assume_role {
role_arn = each.value.master_role_arn
module "org_crimson_app_config" {
for_each = module.org_crimson_app.account_information
source = "./modules/organisation-account-config"
providers = {
aws = aws[each.key]
account_info = each.value
- Another user references a use case:
- Dynamically create providers with for each. #25320