Closed as duplicate of#34767
Terraform Version
Terraform v1.10.5
on darwin_arm64
Terraform Configuration Files
"module": {
"init": [
"environment": "${local.config.environment}",
"name": "${}",
"source": "s3::"
Debug Output
│ Error: Failed to download module
│ on line 8, in module:
│ 8: "init": [
│ Could not download module "init" ( source code from "s3::": NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain
│ caused by: EnvAccessKeyNotFound: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_ACCESS_KEY not found in environment
│ SharedCredsLoad: failed to load shared credentials file
│ caused by: FailedRead: unable to open file
│ caused by: open /Users/kevin/.aws/credentials: no such file or directory
│ EC2RoleRequestError: no EC2 instance role found
│ caused by: RequestError: send request failed
│ caused by: Get "": dial tcp connect: host is down
Expected Behavior
Installs the module from AWS using available keys
Actual Behavior
See above.
Steps to Reproduce
- Source a module from S3
- Login to AWS using IAM Identity Center / AWS SSO
- Try to init
Additional Context
If using local file ref for module instead deployment is fine as Terraform using AWS SSO creds without any issue.
aws s3 ls works and can download the file with aws s3 cp.
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