On servant-server
, I must serve some data that I query from a store. The persistance interface returns me some Stream
of resources, so actual queries to the store are done only when the stream is consumed.
Unsatisfactory solution
Fold the stream into a list and respond with that list in a normal Servant
endpoint. This is unsatisfactory because by folding the stream, all resources are read from the persistance layer and accumulated in memory before being sent, which leads me to huge memory usage.
Pipe the resources directly from the Prelude.Streaming.Stream
into a Servant.Types.SourceT
, so that the persistance layer is queried only when the resource must be sent in the response stream, and thus avoid to accumulate many resources in memory.
To achieve this, I can generate a SourceIO
with a fromAction
or fromActionStep
, that reads the next element of the stream.
Since all the actions run by fromAction
are actually the same, I cannot consume the stream by accessing the next values.
Tweak fromActionStep
to make it pass a value from an action to the next one:
fromActionStep' :: Functor m => (c -> m (Maybe (a,c))) -> c -> StepT m a
fromActionStep' action = loop where
loop c = Effect $ step <$> action c
step Nothing = Stop
step (Just (x,t)) = Yield x $ loop t
And then call it on Prelude.Streaming.uncons
Of course, Maybe (a,c)
can be generalized to any type v
, provided that we pass additionally some stop :: v -> Bool
, value :: v -> a
and rest :: v -> v
Was there an easier out-of-the-box solution I did not see?
Otherwise, is it worth adding such fromActionStepWithConsumable
method to the library?